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Everything posted by CS85

  1. I don't really care what Goff does. I don't wish him ill, but admiral summed it up nicely: Accurate to the letter. The new WSCR lineup is unimpressive, but I was also a fan of Spiegel and Parkins. Mac was never somebody I enjoyed, but I was happy that he found a tiny slot on Sundays - that was where he worked best. Full time? Afternoons? Bad idea. We all know how that particular story's going to end. Bernstein & McKnight is incredibly forgettable programming. McKnight is alright, but Bernstein's definitely cooled off. I don't know if that's simply a change in his style or personality, or if Goff's firing was a message that the Deadspin Journalism (another admiral copyright) days of WSCR are dead and gone for good.
  2. Guess which one's Shazam and which one's Authy?
  3. The Berns/Goff combo was never going to function. I'm glad it's ended. I can only take so much national NBA talk. Parkins has done a decent job and he should do well in the afternoons until Mac departs sometime this summer.
  4. I hope Amazon renews their TNF package. That was awesome. That or Yahoo or something. That said, TNF needs to go away.
  5. So I guess this isn't a clearcut situation of the NFL barring Costas. From what Costas is saying, "it's mutual." "The decision was mutually agreeable, and not only do I not have a problem with it, I am actually happy about it. I have long had ambivalent feelings about football, so at this point, it’s better to leave the hosting to those who are more enthusiastic about it...I have been making the same points for several years, often on NBC in halftime commentaries, interviews with Roger Goodell and other prominent NFL figures, appearances on CNN and elsewhere, I have addressed the issue of football and its undeniable connection to brain trauma many times. Why? Because the evidence is overwhelming and the effects are often devastating. It's the elephant in the stadium at every game whether others choose to acknowledge it or not. And it’s not going away. So the idea that I am only now finding my voice on this, or that NBC was taken aback by what I said at Maryland is just wrong. It’s all simple and straightforward." http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/01/24/bob-costas-says-nbcs-decision-to-remove-him-from-super-bowl-lii-coverage-was-mutual.html
  6. Can't risk Costas using the platform to spread truth that further smears the sport. I'm not defending the NFL here, I simply understand why they're doing this.
  7. Credit to Dan LeBatard for grilling Rob Manfred's ass on the shady dealing regarding the Marlins sale.
  8. John Skipper resigns from ESPN citing a "substance addiction."
  9. No tweet better describes modern America, honestly.
  10. It was about Barstool, and I believe it was Portnoy who fought tooth and nail to make sure that the show with Big Cat & PFTC was a Barstool branded program. Ironically enough it was that very thing which likely got the thing so hastily axed. Bad enough ESPN's dealing with the Jemele Hill fallout. Didn't need to fight on multiple fronts, I guess, but it was a very stupid decision to validate such a grody enterprise with a program in the first place.
  11. ESPN cancelled their Barstool show.
  12. For those not in the know, ESPN's Jamele Hill went off on twitter, accurately calling our fatass slimeball blowhard president a Fatass Slimeball Blowhard President. FSBP naturally reacted immediately, demanding she kiss the tip of his gold-plated and likely toenail-growing metaphorical penis. ESPN then rushed to find a POC to fill her gap during the next SportsCenter. They all refused. She was then put out there anyway. There's a lot of weird quasi-apologies and mixed-truths floating around now, but ultimately it appears nothing came of it except for more arguments over the "Stick To Sports" movement that has birthed from mostly Twitter scum wanting to get their local sports beat writers to not make them feel guilty for being bigots/racists/general useless white fartknockers.
  13. "Read" forum buttons need to be faded more. Still too dark to be easily distinguished.
  14. Like the new thread icons, but for the sake of legibility/looking good, I'd remove the text portion of the roundel and just keep the circle/crest.
  15. Ahh yes, ol' Roboto. Meh. It's like the Coors Light of fonts. It's good for economy brand beers, but there's gotta be something better out there. Could do way, way worse, however. --- --- --- Disappointed to see that images don't automatically embed themselves. Tweets, YouTube seem fine. I don't like having to do the Insert other media/Insert image from URL thing.
  16. Is this using an Ubuntu font? I don't know if I like it. It's readable, but something about it feels off.
  17. The multiquote button isn't bad, but the font color needs to be made white.
  18. I still think there should be some red in there somewhere, but the baby blue is nice. Maybe find a button or something to make red, just to give the page a bit more color.
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