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Lights Out

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Posts posted by Lights Out

  1. I think you're making up :censored: to piss off Lights Out.

    Pretty much. What I said has zero to do with any team loyalty and everything to do with the fact that the "Big 5" already have a system that favors them, the vast majority of the money, and now they're basically throwing a temper tantrum by threatening to split from the NCAA because they're not getting their way 100% of the time.

    The NCAA is a joke, but the Big 5 stomping off and leaving the rest of college athletics holding the bag is not the solution. I'm sure Hedley will have some snippy reply now because he's obsessed, but facts are facts.

  2. These jerseys were actually sweet. Best uniforms the Milwaukee Bucks ever had IMO.



    Makes me want to go to a thrift store or Ebay to get one of their jerseys. That is probably the only places that still have them. :)

    I also liked the purple and green color scheme. It feels like those colors should never work together but somehow, the Bucks made it work.

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