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Posts posted by leopard88

  1. 7 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Penn State comes to mind since people call it a giant erector set. 


    That's one of the first ones that comes to mind for me.  They've tried to dress it up a bit since I first went to a game there in 1991, but it still looks pretty daunting when you see 50+ feet of steel beams holding up an upper deck that was added 60 years after the stadium was built.


    1960 --




    1982 (or at least the status then, though the picture is probably a lot older) --




    1991 --




    Present --




    • Like 1
  2. I'm curious to hear a neutral (more or less) opinion on this --

    The Ravens decision to run a play with :03 left to keep their 100 yard rushing streak alive was:

    A.   An egregious affront to the principles of sportsmanship and the unwritten rules of the game; or 

    B.   Simply part of playing until the end of the game (and if you don't like the decision, then stop them from picking up the necessary yardage)

  3. 2 hours ago, BBTV said:


    To me it's a little bit akin to the Whalers logo with the H being made out of the negative space of the W and tail.  A lot would depend on what colors they went to - I'm not sure if it's clear that they were going to dark green / black with each of those.



    That's a fair point.


    That said, part of the brilliance of the Whalers logo is that it still works even if you don't notice the H.  If you don't pick up the U in this one, it's just a H with a weird appendage/tumor on one side.  The color choices would definitely make a difference here.

  4. 11 hours ago, Geoff said:


    The article makes it sound like it is still a possibility if the Pac-12 decides to expand after all.  It would be interesting to see how that would play out.



    On Aug. 26, the Pac-12 issued a statement that it would not expand “at this time.”


    The “at this time” was included for a reason.


    Although the Big 12 has formally extended invitations to Houston, BYU, Central Florida and Cincinnati, the prevailing thought is that both TCU and U of H would/will drop everything to run west to join the Pac-12.


    *     *    *    *


    Whatever the case, TCU’s immediate future is again linked with Houston, this time not in the Southwest Conference but the Big 12.


    Don’t be surprised if their future moves west to the Pac-12.


  5. I'll be the dissenter on the Breakers.  The teal would look great if you were starting from scratch.  However, I am of the opinion that the Breakers look is/was almost iconic.  Therefore, I think it would be a mistake to change the color scheme (though apparently not a New Coke/49ers One Day Helmet type since I'm apparently in the minority).


    All that said, I may also be biased on this.  I was a junior in high school in 1983, so I have actual memories of seeing the USFL on the field.  The Breakers became one of my favorite teams primarily as a result of their uniforms (and secondarily because they were like the feisty underdogs in an undersized college stadium with a former bartender for a kicker*)


    * -- A former bartender with NFL experience, but why ruin the narrative?

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Gothamite said:

    its hard to tell for sure but I think they’re the same.  The way they’re pulling in different directions, and wrapping around his body, distorts them. 

    I can only identify two 4a for sure, serif and sans-serif. 


    To me, it looks like the first 4 doesn't have a top serif while the second one does.  It's definitely not clear.

    • Like 2
  7. On 8/20/2021 at 1:59 PM, MJWalker45 said:

    The problem with the numbers are there are three different 4's and at least two different 5's, 7's, 6's and 1's in  the original uniforms.

    Packers unveil alternate uniform based on 1950s threads | WLUK


    Heck, if my eyes don't deceive me, No. 44 (near the top left) is wearing two different 4s on the front of his jersey.

    • Like 2
  8. 19 hours ago, gosioux76 said:


    It feels like this is an argument that, like the debate over Nike turning the NBA into a weekly fashion show, is becoming another one that breaks down along a generational divide.


    I know I've said it before on here, but I'm a lot like @guest23 and @BBTV in finding comfort in the order and structure of number conventions in the NFL. I'm 44, and I remember when I first put on pads in junior high and how much pride I felt wearing a number that matched my position. I was a fullback and wore No. 44, much like John Riggins did in the NFL.  


    You can argue that it's better this way, and if your favorite player was a linebacker that wore No. 12, then you could just wear that number no matter where you played. But to me, the beauty of that traditional numbering system isn't just about the aesthetics. It's in how the numbers were exclusive to certain groups. Your number helped explain who you were as a player — whether it be a running back or lineman or linebacker, etc.  It meant you were part of that group of players. There was something tribal about it, which is lost when the numbers no longer have meaning. 






    This is a pretty good summary of my feelings on the subject.  Certain numbers/number groups had a feel that went with them.  That is lost when (to use the first example I can think of) Patrick Queen is playing ILB and wearing No. 6.*


    * -- It's still weird enough to me that he used to wear 48, but LBs in the 40s are just common enough now for it to be less jarring.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, chcarlson23 said:

    The name doesn’t stem from an actual lighthouse, or the area having some kind of nautical connection, it’s definitely more spiritual in nature. This is not meant to be evangelism, just an identification of what the reasoning for the mascot is. Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” 

    So this is why a beacon works so well. It’s a literal light source that illuminates the dark, guiding people to safety. This is what Christians believe, and being a private Christian university, it makes sense that they chose this name. My high school has the same name for the same reason. And we’re not on a lake or anything like that, we’re just in the suburbs. 


    With this being the case, maybe a lantern would be a better choice for the logo.


    That said, I did a quick Google Image Search for "church beacon" and pretty much every logo that came up uses a lighthouse.



    • Like 1
  10. The top of the lighthouse is obviously meant to emulate the campus building that appeared throughout the video.  That said, it does look like a quickie MS Paint job, as @GriffinM6 said.


    Also, I would normally think that a lighthouse seems a little incongruous for a college in the middle of Indiana.  However, Valpo isn't too far from Michigan City and this lighthouse.



  11. On 4/5/2021 at 5:58 PM, dannykraft said:

    Yea I'm not sure they copied the yankees, I'm pretty sure its a throwback logo (which may of originally been modeled off the yankees) but yea they're phasing it out.



    That is a great logo for a baseball cap.  I can't imagine why they would want to phase it out (other than if they want consistent use of the primary WV logo).


    And for my contribution to the post . . . 

    Nationals-style Univ. of Maryland --




    Johns Hopkins mixing it up . . . Orioles-style ornithologically correct cap, 80s-early 90s Giants-style script . . . and vests --




  12. 16 hours ago, Gothamite said:


    Those sleeve stripes, though.  Ugh.



    I know it is a product of my mind playing tricks on me, but they don't bother me as much as they should.


    If I saw them on a new uniform, I would automatically say they're a mess.  However, since I know what they're supposed to look like and they still appear in full on the QB cut, my mind completes them (for lack of a better phrase) on the other jerseys.

  13. 3 hours ago, Wentz2Jeffery said:

    Saw this on google images, Bucs alarm clock uniforms with the current block styled numbers, I have no idea how legit this is or if it’s a mistake by NFL Shop or whatever, I highly doubt this was ever a prototype or an idea but who knows spacer.png


    This shows just how much of an effect the alarm clock numbers had on the uniform as a whole.


    The jersey (at least standing alone) isn't bad with block numbers.  The only real problem is the logo/wordmark mismatch on the sleeves.

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