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DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

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Posts posted by DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

  1. Go Coyotes go!


    Wow, you must be bored. Either that or you've got NO faith in your Caps to pull it out against the Bruins. Who jumps on a bandwagon when their team is still in it?

    Alright, I know we had our little back and forth in the other thread or whatever, but now I gotta admit ima little spooked by how well you seem to know me! I mean, the fact that you knew what I said HAD to be a result of those two options, one or the other. You should consider creating your own Jump to Conclusions Mat there Freud.

  2. banner-112402-lg.jpg

    Strongly dislike how they put the ACC Regular Champs on their also. NCAA Champions should always be by itself.


    VCU's Final Four banner and a banner showing off their #6 final ranking. For a small school like that with little history I have no problem with a banner showing off a top 10 finish. Obviously it would be lame if school's like Kansas and Duke did it.


  3. $47 million for 10 starts, 3 wins, and 43.1 innings pitched. The Dodgers paid him $361,538.46 for each out recorded while he pitched. Guess who.


    even with the picture i couldn't tell ya.

    Jason Schmidt.

    still doesn't ring a bell. :therock:

    He was a Cy Young winner with the Giants around when Bonds was there doing his thing. I wanna say 2004-2005ish.

    EDIT: n/m he never won the Cy Young, he finished 2nd one year.

  4. I liked the patriots monochrome blue they wore a few times in 2002. Looked better than most monochromes as they still had sliver helmet and white socks with stripes to offset all the blue

    If I remember correctly they played horribly when they wore them and I think that put them back in the closet. I wish they would break them out once in a while.

    I didn't know they wore blue on blue.... Sure enough google and you taught me something. Can't say I'm a big fan of the look tho.


  5. 488fk.jpg

    The above jersey was a true modern classic and the best the Sabres have looked in their 41 year history. the absence of Sabres on the front is irrelevant in my books because there are tons of so called "classic" logos that do not depict the teams namesake.

    The Canadiens do not feature a Canadien, The Islanders classic logo does not depict an Islander, etc..

    Lastly the Sabres so called "classic" crest is the most overrated logo in the history of the NHL. To be frank, it's awful.

    YES. Preach brother, preach!

  6. What's the deal with the victory stripes anyway? They wore them before they won the Cup.

    The idea is that you raise your arms in victory after a win or goal and show off your glorious armpits of triumph. One of the dumbest uniform idiosyncrasies around.


    Maybe they were each playoff appearance to that point. That's all I can guess.

  7. I have a gut feeling the ACC will look past WVU's academic "shortcomings" and will accept WVU along with UConn when realizing how much $$$ WVU could bring in for the conference, not only because we have a strong fan base, but because there would be many instant rivalries in the ACC if we joined. (Maryland, Pitt, VT to name a few)

    But I have no idea really. This whole thing is stressing me out. I really don't want to be in the mutant Big 12/East :cry:

  8. PS, damn the Chargers have had some good players lately. If I were one of their fans it would kiiillll me to have ZERO rings still.




    Thats cute. :P

    I stand corrected, that '63 championship may not be a Super Bowl, but its a championship nonetheless.

    But wow between Rivers, Brees, LT, Turner, Gates, Welker (I know he wasn't quite the same then as he is now), Merriman, Harrison... I have no idea how you all haven't won a championship... Well... maybe Lights Out's new avatar might explain it.

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