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DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

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Posts posted by DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

  1. As a WVU fan, honestly I kind of prefer being in the Big East over the SEC. The Big East has an automatic BCS bid, and for the most part we are either the favorite or the 2nd favorite to win the conference. In the SEC we'd just be middle of the pack... in the Big East, an undefeated season is much more realistic for a team like WVU than it would be in the SEC.

    But I would imagine SEC = better recruits. But still, I'm a wuss. Keep me in the cupcake Big East.

    Plus our basketball conference is second to none! I like having a tough schedule in basketball, because regular season losses don't affect your ability to win it all (if you are a tourny worthy team), unlike in college football.

  2. dunnfridayx-inset-community.jpg


    I think a dude who can levitate a bat just by looking at it can wear whatever the hell uniform he wants.

    It's a shame he can't use his mystical psychic powers to actually make the bat hit a baseball.


    ...Here's Ricky "Love that Sticky" Williams on the Ravens... not sure what his right team is though. My vote is Texas. Definitely odd seeing him as a Raven though. And not rockin the 34


  3. this conversation is going absolutely nowhere, and you all look ridiculous.

    people who don't have a moral objection to counterfeits will buy counterfeits. people who do, won't. people who think all counterfeits are of substandard quality are simply incorrect, and people who think that the mistakes on most counterfeits aren't noticeable are equally incorrect.

    no one is going to change anyone's mind, and it's baffling to me that so many of you are still trying.

    Ding, ding, ding!

  4. For hockey and baseball, since the jerseys are so expensive rather than buy bush league looking knockoffs I just buy player-tee's. Not only are they dirt cheap compared to jerseys they still show your support for the club and whatever player. And specifically for baseball, they are much more comfortable especially when its hot as hell in the summer. I wouldn't be caught dead in a knock-off jersey though. Just not my thing.

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