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DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

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Posts posted by DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

  1. (Sorry in advance for large photo sizes) I'm having a hard time deciding if the High Desert Mavericks (Single-A Rangers affiliate) need to rebrand, or if they should stick with what they've got and run with it proudly.

    Because at first glance, this...


    ...looks incredibly dated. But when you look at their ballpark atmosphere...



    ...the logo and identity package's desolate datedness actually fits in pretty well with the very remote setting in the Mojave Desert. The stadium is on the very outer reaches of Adelanto, CA, a "suburb" of the larger city of Victorville.

    Man. You're a long way from the Show here.

  2. Might be time to update the AL Champs. I'm not positive, but I assume they ditched the black shadowing on their logos by now



  3. By definition, none of those redneck cars belongs in a "uniform" thread.

    From m-w.com

    Uniform (noun)

    -a special kind of clothing that is worn by all members of a group or organization.

    -Dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by members of a particular group and serving as a means of identification;

    The car fits this definition.

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