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DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

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Posts posted by DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

  1. emmitt-smith.jpg

    Off topic, but my god, look at those jerseys! I can't believe we're only like what, 6 years removed from those? 7 maybe?

    I mean look at them! Plain is fine, subtle is fine, old school is fine.... But these? Yikes. These are too much. It kinda fascinates me honestly, that something this plain and this terrible could exist in the 2000's.


    True. But their colors alone make theirs much more unique than these.

  2. emmitt-smith.jpg

    Off topic, but my god, look at those jerseys! I can't believe we're only like what, 6 years removed from those? 7 maybe?

    I mean look at them! Plain is fine, subtle is fine, old school is fine.... But these? Yikes. These are too much. It kinda fascinates me honestly, that something this plain and this terrible could exist in the 2000's.

  3. He's playing a top draft pick of the Browns in a new movie.

    Is he actually going to act? Or are they just using him for shooting in game scenes? I assume the latter.

    He most likely will have a few lines in the movie. I read and article a while ago talking about how he wanted to get into acting. I didn't hear that he would be a top draft pick like selby56 has stated. I figured he was traded or something.

    For what's its worth IMDB doesn't have Foster listed on the cast for the movie. So I don't think his role is too big. He might have a few lines tho I guess.

    Looks like the dude who played Jackie Robinson in 42 is the second lead, so in thinking he might be the #1 pick Cleveland is trying to get.


  4. The new Dolphins uniforms are the worst of the 3 new uniforms debuting in the NFL this season. The more I see em the more I don't like em. The logo is decent but the uniform is so bland.

    Where's the heart?? Anyone can slap 2 logos on the helmet and logos on the sleeves. At least the previous set had some unique striping.

    Down with the new Dolphin uniforms.

    (And PS, they totally ripped that font for their wordmark off from the Capitals. Yeah I said it!... Am I crazy? Possibly. Or maybe just sane living in a world of crazies.)

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