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DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

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Posts posted by DC in Da House w/o a Doubt

  1. Those black stripes on the new Tampa helmets don't bother me too much. Mainly because I would probably never had noticed them if they weren't pointed out to me. It looks like natural shading to me. Sure it's pointless, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it is hurting anything.




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  2. Florida Marlins vs. Montreal Expos, 2004


    Considering where that pic was taken, that IS a rare matchup. That pic was taken at US Cellular Field in Chicago. Marks one of only two times the Marlins have played a home game outside of Miami.


    A hurricane was hitting South Florida. I think they chose Chicago because it was open, a neutral AL park, and IIRC, the Marlins had just played a series in Milwaukee, so they could get there easily.

    I thought it was something to do with a concert? Possibly Billy Joel? Or am I flat out wrong

    EDIT: I'm partially flat out wrong. U2 forced them to play the Mariners in Seattle as the home team. 2011 I believe.


  3. Counterfeit jersey bust. Here's the gist from the article:

    Federal agents seized 6,121 bogus National Hockey League and other sportswear items estimated to be worth $723,377 as part of a three-month national anti-counterfeiting investigation dubbed “Operation Team Player.”

    In metro Detroit, agents seized unlicensed items worth $32,550, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations unit said in a statement this afternoon.

    The operation, billed by the feds as a “crackdown on intellectual property rights,” ended with the NHL’s 2014 Winter Classic at Michigan Stadium on Wednesday. The operation was targeted at unlicensed NHL merchandise.


    That story would make a pretty sweet buddy cop movie.

  4. Okay:


    I Hate This Logo. I just personally think that a bee and a fleur-de-lis shouldn't be merged together.

    The reasoning here is kinda funny.

    To me it reads like:

    Call me old-fashioned but that's just how I was brought up. To never merge bees or hornets with fleur-de-lis. My family has lived by one code. One mantra. And that is to NEVER, under any circumstance, merge a bee with a fleur-de-lis.

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  5. I get the Minnesota thing, but going from North Stars to just Stars is kinda lame. It's like the New Orleans Jazz becoming the Utah Notes. You just went from a name that reflected the location, to being as generic as possible.

    "Hey, our team used to be a reference to Polaris, and our team's location in a northern state, but what should we call ourselves now?"

    "How about Stars?"

    "A reference to...every star?"



    Yeaaa but stars have some significance in Texas. Especially Dallas it seems. I guess cause the state flag... And maybe that dopey song.

    I've never been to TX but that's what it seems like to me

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