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Kevin W.

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Everything posted by Kevin W.

  1. Long hair with a baseball cap looks dumb. I'm looking at you, deGrom.
  2. Oh yeah, that's sure going to help ensure an indictment and conviction. There's no way that could blow up in his face at all.
  3. OK, I'll grant you that, but the moment the accuser's attorney went out there and suggested tampering, lots of people immediately suggested that there was some massive conspiracy out there to help Kane because they desperately want him to look as guilty as possible because him being guilty fits their agenda. That being said, in most of the cases you're talking about, the evidence is "lost"/falsified/misrepresented in order to further implicate a suspect. The fact that a story about supposed tampering came out right after rumors of Kane's DNA not being found on the alleged victim's genitalia and then the police immediately clarified that there couldn't have been tampering doesn't really fit with that. Point taken.
  4. They didn't. The police released a statement shortly after the initial paper bag press conference stating that the chain of custody of the evidence was, in their words, unassailable. The media and certain social media posters just chose to ignore that because it gets in the way of them condemning Kane no matter the result of the case. If the evidence doesn't fit your narrative, just ignore it!
  5. It's pretty sad that there are actually people out there, including right here, who believe that there's no possibility that he could be innocent. I get that the guy is a massive jackass off the ice who really needs to lay off the booze, but the rush to condemn him and hang him is really inappropriate. Yes, the court of public opinion isn't bound by the Constitution, but for God's sake, the man hasn't even been charged with a crime, much less convicted.
  6. I actually like the pre-Edge Canucks alternate.
  7. The Robopen worked just fine as a shoulder patch on the pre-Edge uniforms precisely because it was just a shoulder patch. In a small enough dose, it can co-exist with the skating penguin perfectly.
  8. Would having the Winterhawks there hurt them, though?
  9. Until the 7-1 Maracanazo II Germany put up against Brazil last year, I'd never seen a home, World Cup crowd so stunned and saddened by a World Cup game outcome as on that day when Italy opened up the floodgates near stoppage time in that 2nd extratime in that 2006 semifinal. The term is actually Mineirazo.
  10. The Wild and Flames both have alternates that include properly capitalized scripts, and Anaheim's last Mighty Ducks alternate had one as well. Tampa Bay's pre-Edge primary logos both used lower case letters as well, as does Washington's current primary.
  11. Platini is worse than Blatter. He opposes the use of goal-line technology.
  12. That's completely incorrect, actually. The team's official name is Club de Hockey Canadien.
  13. Get rid of the pinstripes and that jersey improves tenfold. Basically, it's the ideal option if the Yankees ever adopted an alt.
  14. Getting rid of the side panels and adding a hem stripe would go a long way towards improving that Thrashers jersey.
  15. Somehow, that jersey manages to be more 90s than the Islanders Fisherman jersey.
  16. I don't know, but they should hope not since "I'm lazy and a cheapskate" isn't a valid defense.
  17. I highly doubt Canada will host so soon after hosting the Women's World Cup next year. I honestly think that the US hosting the men's and women's Cups five years apart in the 90s was an abberation.
  18. Dallas' home uniforms have the same striping pattern as the Rangers', not the Hawks'.
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