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Everything posted by gosioux76

  1. That's a brilliant idea. Leagues like this need a touch of whimsy, especially when fans develop these things organically. It shows people are showing up to their event and genuinely having a good time.
  2. I think the bigger issue is the gradient. Going from white to blue on a blue jersey makes the red outlines necessary in order to see the blue-on-blue bottom half of the numbers. Perhaps the better solution, if you're going to use a gradient, is to make it a white-to-red transition on the numbers.
  3. For the most part, I agree with what Brian's saying here. I much prefer the XFL wings-style helmet, but Brian's right in noting that the package feels incomplete without the sword. If the hawk head logo is preferred, as the most recent poll results suggest, then I'd recommend trying to incorporate the wings onto the shoulders as a design element, maybe reminiscent of the Chargers lightning bolts. Not sure I've ever seen that done before, and it might not work, but I'd love to see what it would look like.
  4. I can 't disagree more. I really liked how the Jaguars tried to come out with something different. What's interesting is, despite that, the uniforms they went with were still better than this. But I applaud them for taking a chance on being unique. On that point, is it possible that, with the leaping jaguar helmet design, they were trying to draw some connection to the USFL Jacksonville Bulls, which also used a wraparound logo on a silver helmet?
  5. That was a really interesting story. As much as we celebrate the success of expansion, and could envision untraditional expansion markets as perhaps mirroring that success, it's good to see that the league realizes that it can't grow without fixing its existing big markets. This paragraph from the story was insightful:
  6. You seem to be discounting the value of having a good fan experience. Sports fandom is nothing more than tribalism, and we tend to assume that if you're part of the tribe then you must support it through any and all circumstances. But if the venue stinks and the experience is terrible, then I can't blame even the most die-hard of fans for not wanting to attend. That doesn't make them any less of fans, but it does suggest that the problem isn't necessarily the team's performance or any lack of interest.
  7. It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? I wonder if it’s the lower price point in an otherwise expensive market that makes it so appealing?
  8. I’m with you on all of this. I spent 5 years in Albuquerque and I love the investment and support they’ve given NM United. It would be a fantastic MLS market that would also be a worthwhile target for the XFL.
  9. The Timbers pushed to have Portland State University football relocated from Providence Park to a suburban stadium because they didn’t want the wear and tear on the turf. The XFL would be a nonstarter there.
  10. It'll be interesting if this turns out to be an unintended consequence of housing all of the teams together in a single location. From listening to last weekend's broadcasts, they described it as if these guys are all fraternizing amongst each other during the week, almost like a college dormitory. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But when things are that cozy, casual conversations with friends can get problematic.
  11. Growing up, I recall referring to the University of Minnesota as "U of M" more often than not, and that's still the most common reference when I go back home. But as I've moved across the country in the past 30 years, I've learned that nearly everybody has a "U of M," it seems. (As an aside, I went to the University of North Dakota, so when I see people with Gophers gear, I don't reference it, but I do use it as an opportunity to ask if they're from in Minnesota. So if someone does that to you in Chicago, it could very well be me. )
  12. I think one of those World Cup venues in Qatar was made out of dildos, but they took it down so fast we may never know.
  13. I'm a big fan of orange and powder blue in general — I'd go so far as to say it's my favorite color combo — and I used to really like it on Dynamo kits when they first rebranded in the mid-2000s. But to be honest, I don't really miss it. I like them better as an orange-and-black club. It's a strong enough colorway on its own that adding a tertiary to it seems unnecessary.
  14. "As your governor, I plan to make sure no taxpayer has to foot the bill for another dildo bridge ever again! I can't be bought by the dildo lobby!"
  15. Good point, especially since the left wants more dildos and the right is pushing for more lava.
  16. This is great, and a huge improvement. Minor suggestions: SLEEVES: The secondary logo gets lost here; the blue-on-blue isn't helping. I'd either use a gray version or just drop it. SHOULDER STRIPES: Forcing all three colors into the sleeve stripes feels a bit forced. You've got enough navy elsewhere that you can afford to lose it on the shoulder stripes. I'd also consider white sleeve caps on the home jersey; that could also solve the secondary logo issue. You can use the blue alternate logo on white sleeve caps, the gray one on blue sleeve caps. COLLARS: The color mix works, but they just seem a bit too thick for some reason.
  17. I wasn't sure what to think when they were first unveiled, but I've really come around to loving this Twins set. But if I had to quibble, I'm also not entirely sure about the single-layer wordmark. I don't get a throwback vibe from it as much as I get a small-town beer league softball vibe. It's really only an issue with the home jersey, with the single-layer red cursive script. The non-cursive navy wordmarks on the road, and the longer navy cursive "Twin Cities" on the alternates look fine to me. But the red "Twins" script makes me think of this for some reason:
  18. That's interesting. I know the Ski-U-Mah thing goes back generations, but has it always been so widely used? I grew up two hours north of the Twin Cities, in central Minnesota, where we were obviously familiar with the Gophers but I don't think I ever heard Ski-U-Mah. I was a big fan of some of the late '80s, early '90s men's basketball teams and would watch their broadasts, and I don't ever recall the slogan being identified with the team in the way that it is today. Could also be a proximity thing, where it was more common in the metro than outstate, I guess. Long story short, if I saw someone wearing U of Minnesota gear and was inclined to say something, it would be "Go Gophers" rather than Ski-U-Mah for the reasons I outline above.
  19. In fairness, it's really about time we begin debating the scourge that is lava-dildo bridges. Let's end this national nightmare.
  20. I was 14 or 15 at the time the league debuted and I agree with what most others here have said about their most notable memories and the uniforms. But I also seem to recall that the broadcast distribution seemed quite limited. I lived in a rural area, without access to cable TV, so all I ever saw was whatever games were on network broadcasts, which seemed to be only one or two per week. I recall seeing a lot of games with New York, London, Barcelona and Orlando, but can't ever recall seeing San Antonio, Ohio and (later) Raleigh-Durham. Most of my memories of those franchises came from the Pro Set football cards.
  21. What's interesting about this debate is that once you remove the posturing, you guys have actually hit at the heart of the debate and the exact issue that makes the Rays situation so difficult to solve. It comes down to a question of whether the problem is the market or the location. You may not like the way he's going about it, but @who do you think's broader points aren't exactly invalid. The way many of you have characterized Tampa Bay — as a haven for retirees more interested in their pools and the Yankees — might be more of a reason why the Rays are struggling than having a terrible stadium in an even worse location. And if so, investing in a new stadium elsewhere in the market would seem speculative at best. Yet I can also see why it might also be worth the gamble. It's a big metro area and there's just as valid of an argument in believing that the market hasn't truly been tested yet. And the only way to test it is to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a nicer stadium in a better location. It's quite a risk. This is a much more difficult question to answer if you're a taxpayer in the Tampa region than if you're a sports fan somewhere else with no skin in the game.
  22. In terms of TV market value, I can't imagine an emerging city like Omaha really be any worse in value than, say, Orlando or San Antonio. The networks bought into these alternative leagues for the programming value. The fact that the USFL is going with Memphis and Birmingham over bigger potential legacy markets like L.A. or Denver tells me TV market size wasn't as big of a factor. And I'd say the same thing in regards to venue. If we're talking about MLS or MLB expansion, absolutely venue matters. But these alternative football league franchises are all owned by the leagues, which are in it for the TV money, as opposed to individual owners, who would likely be more interested in every revenue stream (tickets, concessions, sponsorship, etc.) Long story short: If you have a market that can attract 15,000-20,000 people to a mediocre college venue, I'd consider that a success at this level.
  23. Is that any worse than the Las Vegas situation? I’d rather see a filled subpar stadium than an empty one.
  24. It looks like a pretty sparse crowd I’m Orlando. I really wish alternative leagues like this would aim for promising mid- to lower-tier markets that could build more local buzz. I can’t help but think a franchise in Omaha, Albuquerque or OKC would draw better from the local markets than what we’re seeing in some of these current XFL cities.
  25. I’m sorry, but this 2020 Seattle helmet is superior in every way from the current Sea Dragons helmet. From the clip art logo to the over done reptile-patterened stripe down the middle, the current helmet is a mess. Frankly, I’m surprised to see so many people on here like it. Of the last two XFL iterations, the 2020 Seattle helmet comes in second to the 2020 St. Louis helmet. It’s not even close.
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