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Everything posted by Silver_Star

  1. They all look nice, but I would have added a red jersey and helmet for Atlanta so they can have an alt when they get tired of wearing the same thing.
  2. https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/nfl-fans-disgusted-lions-raiders-gray-uniform-combo-monday-night-football?utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1IkUVRQ8eHCTtgnH6vTIy6LBrKVASUS_FhZbcm8lRKx55pWrPA5OeduoE_aem_ARbZiS3aT6nHvqRnnnkoz18g8NElz6hE4iIZUbp1S8bKyxfgWzdLvXXZld7TvDSTt_Q Hahaha!!!
  3. Clint Murchison brought the navy jerseys in 1981 to contrast from the white ones he liked a lot. It was a dumb decision on his end. He wanted the royal blue on the white look much better, but debut the navy nightmare ones.
  4. Next to the 1973-1999 Rams, the 1980-1999 Giants, and the 1960-1987 Cardinals, this 1965-1980 Cowboys look is my favorite.
  5. Actually Jack Pardee designed that uniform in 1979
  6. I know what most are saying, but I always preferred the Giants in all white (white jerseys and white pants) like the Dolphins, Jets (1978-1989 look), and Cardinals. I like the Chargers 1969-1973 yellow pants look with white helmets. I always like the Bears deep navy pants with white jerseys. With the Rams, I wish they wore their 1951 (revived in 1994 during throwback year) white pants with their road look to make it look interesting. The yellow pants for the Rams stay, but I wish they did that on occasions. I was a huge fan of Kansas City Chiefs alternating from red pants and white pants. I never really liked how the Saints went away from their (1996-2007) look and never tried to do their 1976-1985 look. And I wish the Cowboys would chose what blue and silver they want. I rather them be navy and slate grey than mix match.
  7. WOW, they look like an Ivy League. Minimal orange and brown and white surely dominates. Reminds me of the middle school football colors we had. White helmets with brown jerseys and white pants and white helmets with white jerseys and brown pants. I love it. All we need now is a better spokesperson who does not call the helmets snow cap and icy and that garbage
  8. WTH do you mean by Oof? What does that mean anyway?
  9. Accurate, but as we all know, a certain woman owner will be pretty upset.
  10. How about orange helmets they had before?
  11. Rams need a new design like the 1973-1999 uniforms. The Cowboys need to limit to navy blue and metallic slate.
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