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Everything posted by habsfan1

  1. Facebook was founded in the same year. But it was in the early stages where no one knew about it, when it was originally called TheFacebook.
  2. It's true that if businesses only care about money, they'll do anything for an extra amount of spare change. They have more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. They can already afford fine dining every week. They'll do it for control or whatever other motives. On the other hand, teams with decades of traditonal uniforms deserve to have the integrity of their look preserved. It also goes for new teams who are building their history as well. It goes for anyone, really. I would find it tasteless, if an already profitable franchise like the Montreal Canadiens turned some of the most sacred uniforms in the league into giant McDonalds ads.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if (or should I say when) they fail to fill the building, Gary Bettman will pay for seat fillers. They'll need an instructor to remind them to make noise and cheer on cue lol.
  4. They don't need to ruin the uniforms for corporate greed. Over time, NHL players would turn into moving billboards on skates...
  5. The Pittsburgh Penguins should have done with the Arizona Cardinals did to their logo. Take the classic skating penguin, fix up some of the outlines, re-trace the gloves/skates, and add some better looking tape to the stick, etc. I saw a thread a while back where someone was polishing up old logos, to make them look better. Now we have the technology. Back then, the logo designers software was more limited.
  6. They slapped the 2010s rebrand logo on the new 2022 teal and black only look. I see that the new shoulder logo contains no orange whatsoever and thick black outlines to sorta match the new stripes. They forgot to make one or two small changes to the orange outlines within the crest. The primary logo is more important than the shoulder logo. The orange hockey stick is fine because a hockey stick is made of wood and the SJ shade of orange is okay for that. The eye is fine too. But the crest triangle stripes really need an adjustment, if that's the jerseys they're going with.
  7. If the Sharks want to return to their roots correctly, they need to take a look at the Buffalo Sabres for a great redesign example. When the Sabres brought back the classic logo and uniforms, they remodeled everything. They fixed the logo by retracing all the parts that were rough, removed the useless repeat shoulder logos, and made small changes to the stripes to add some flair but kept the tweeks to a minimum. The Sabres don't need the same logo 3 times on each jersey. The parts that were kept intact were the elements that still possess that classic aesthetic appeal over any period of time. They knocked it out the park and I haven't heard anybody complain about the Sabres new look. This is coming from a fan of the Washington Capitals current home and roads. The Sharks need to simplify the original crest. If they make changes to the 90s striping, they need to come up with something that looks equally nice or better. I would be okay with a customized font, if it fits the overall look. There's a few things they can keep. And some that really need an update. Keeping the sliver stripes may or may not work. The problem with nostalgia trips is that once the honeymoon phase is over, the parts that aren't good about a certain uniform look become very apparent. If SJ can make it work with teal pants, I would be okay with that change.
  8. I just think it's not as horrendous as some other 2000s jerseys that were bad. Has nothing to do with team's success. Side panels, most of the time, are not very nice. I'm not really that bothered by the Caps side panels. At least's not as bad as the Sabres who had piping that ended halfway and a million little outlines around the classic logo.
  9. The Capitals navy 3rd and the Winter Classic are both neat throwback-inspired looks. They don't use the primary logo for the crest. This is just me. For the jersey that uses the primary "capitals" script, I find that the RBK edge template looks best. The whole ensemble just fits well together. If it really was a pre-made cookie-cutter template that they just slapped the Caps logo on, then I consider it a happy accident. A lot of click n fill templates just aren't very good. The Capitals is the exeption, to me. I think this is a very nice looking uniform set. Tbh, I'm a bit surprised that it might be a unpopular opinion, reading through some of the comments about how the retro is far superior...
  10. That old template was so generic, the Penguins and Senators had pretty much the exact same jerseys as well as Tampa Bay at the time. Jerseys that are slapped together in minutes are always awful.
  11. I meant the logo. VGK should have did like Vancouver with their crest and come up with a 90s fauxback to fully match the era. All they did was slap the current shoulder patch on the front.
  12. A missed oppurtunity for Vegas to create a Golden Knights-inspired take on this Thunder logo:
  13. Does the Cleveland Browns management dept even care about football or their fans?
  14. In the regulars, the shade of blue is different. But the Lady Liberties were almost exactly the same.
  15. Maybe they want to seperate themselves from the Rangers comparissons.
  16. It does seem like the eventual plan is for the Blue Jackets to have navy pants for both the home and road. If they're doing an experiment by having a few test games, I think it will look nice because their minor league affiliate looks good like that. So will the CBJ.
  17. It's true that there's a split between navy and royal. The love for royal isn't as strong as it was for Buffalo, when they finally got it spot on. It's still weird that Edmonton had both dynasty home and roads and instead of sticking with various alternates, they ditched the royal blue completely in favor of whatever OEG wanted. If the response is still mixed, feels like it's aesthetics vs nostalgia. It played tricks of me, seeing such an unpopular jersey all over the place during the playoffs.
  18. The 2 teams in bold have never had much major success under their original uniforms. The Sens only Cup appearence I believe was in the red jersey with the 1st 3D Centurion and the large wavy black stripe on the front. I don't remember the Yotes doing anything significant, no matter the uniform. The Lightning have won Cups in both black and blue. I'm not sure which one's the classic because 2 of their 3 primary logos are associated with championship victory. When the Oilers brought back royal blue the 1st time, it didn't last. Seems like another cash grab. Not a permanent return to their roots. Who knows how long the 2nd phase will last. If fans cared more for the royals, the outrage would have been much stronger than 50/50. If the Rangers made the navy Lady Liberties the primary home, it wouldn't go over well like it did for the Oilers for a while. I thought the Orange jersey with navy yokes were perfect for the McDavid era.
  19. I'm reading the comments on the team's social media posts. A lot of fans love the dynasty look. But there's more than a few who also like the orange and the updated darker colors. It's not close to unanimous. When the nostalgia phase runs out, maybe that's why they keep changing to something new. People want to buy new stuff. I guess no more sea of orange, assuming they make the playoffs next year.
  20. Not the greatest goalie in the league. But he might be an upgrade over Smith & Koskinen.
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