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Everything posted by Clintau24

  1. Marshall has placed the M logo on the sleeves way too low for years now and I have no idea why. Center it up and they have a wonderful look. Otherwise, it feels half-assed. They're going full throwback, they've already said so. They wore last year's mesh-number uniforms for photo shoots recently, only a matter of time before the other colorways appear.
  2. Florida is releasing Ring of Honor merch for each inductee during the next few years. It's a merch drop, highly doubtful they have any connection to on-field uniforms. They also dropped a Jack Youngblood jersey alongside the Emmitt Smith
  3. The branding release from last week had an image of the new hat rack logo on the collar
  4. Some over seas online store is selling basketball court rugs and used an image I created for my site from this last season. They have a handful of other courts, mostly NBA, but I'm sure they came from other creatives and potentially users from this site.
  5. Those new jerseys were debuted last year. Nothing new for 2020 so far.
  6. I got you, Randy. It's the same as my baseball template but without a cap.
  7. I too saw an odd bronze-y color on my work computer, but now at home, both editions look equally grey.
  8. This isn't quite as in-line with paid vs unpaid work like much of the other items listed here, but it's just as frustrating. Last night I got word that an Auburn-based Twitter account had posted some work of mine. I take a look, and they had (poorly) slapped a different logo on top of my photo. The base image comes from my site and is the first mockup photo to appear on Google under "auburn basketball court." It's actually an old court, from 2009-10, when Auburn played in the old Coliseum (note the Final Season logos). On top of that, I found a user on an Auburn message board site "blanked out" one of my uniform photos to create a (terrible) template for himself. Even left my logo watermark in the background. I politely asked him not to just color over my photos. I'm very generous with my templates and would be happy to share them with him. He wasn't too respectful with his remarks either. I mentioned I work hard on my product and have built a brand with my site. I check now and see that the thread has been deleted.
  9. I love the mini-mes on the bottom showing off the color combinations
  10. The city of Jacksonville has referred to itself as "The Bold New City of the South" for decades. You see a Jaguars fan group called the Bold City Brigade. The Jumbo Shrimp actually sell (I think have worn) Bold City caps. I don't know how much "bold" refers to the new branding rather than the city itself.
  11. What's with the influx of spam accounts creating calendar events? Think we got a dozen or so last night alone.
  12. I browse this site exclusively through the "Unread Content" tab. The last few days or so, the "Load More" button times out, and even opening up all the threads on the page doesn't mark them as read. Seems like this issue comes and goes, though it is rather persistent.
  13. When a member is banned, can they still log in to their account? Confused on how a banned user actually goes about submitting an appeal.
  14. I embedded a tweet earlier and it worked fine for me. (I then changed it since it didn't show the media I wanted it to, but point still stands)
  15. I've seen other forums have custom reaction buttons. Might be able to add some here in the future.
  16. Redownloaded the Madden NFL Mobile game on a new tablet last night. For whatever reason these guys can't get Jacksonville's uniforms right. They have the design down, but the number font is the same from the previous set, and they clash so poorly.
  17. Guessing you don't understand how ads work. You don't get revenue when people don't scroll down to them (as I have been. These ads are more than I feel comfortable having shown on my computer screen, especially in class). Also, most ads - like the majority on this site - are responsive and change determining on your search history and such. These are static. Change it out to a responsive ad like what's on the rest of the site and it's all good.
  18. We've had ads here for a while. There's no need for this specific style of ad. No need for it to be so large.
  19. I liked seeing when threads started when browsing new content. Helped me decide if something was new or old, worth clicking on or not. Currently it only shows how old the newest post is.
  20. On one of the recent Madden NFL mobile games, Jacksonville somehow had a pair of teal pants...beats me.
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