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Everything posted by MCM0313

  1. I would really appreciate it if they would swap navy and red in their color hierarchy. Looks like they won’t, but the logo will look better on a while helmet at least.
  2. My guess would be 2025. Generally there’s confirmation long before December/January.
  3. I wonder if the silver-blue helmet was the same shade that Dallas was using?
  4. I had forgotten there was blue in those uniforms. Swap green with black and then black with blue and you could have something more interesting, but it would still be too dark.
  5. Wow, that is *really* boring for (a) a Dolphins jersey, and (b) a fashion jersey.
  6. I don’t think they ever had a bad home uniform. I’m not sure they ever had a bad road uniform either. Hard to go wrong with baby blue and red (plus briefly silver-blue).
  7. Here’s hoping. Those were ugly.
  8. I know you don’t like the Lions already because they’re a rival, but I agree with you. They look *so* good when they wear traditional combos…so they refuse to do that. Merton Hanks needs to come back and start issuing fines left and right. That’ll clean up the look on the field in a hurry. With an aqua facemask and maybe a jersey logo, I agree. The aqua color is better, the logo is…maybe not better in a technical sense, but it has way more personality…the uniform design is very cohesive (even more than their regular, which is still one of the more cohesive in the league today). Maybe they’d wear solid-colored socks in an update rather than striped, who knows…they just need a modern update to their classics so bad rather than continuing to roll with Aquafresh.
  9. High-tech Nike yet again struggling to reproduce a color? Wouldn’t surprise me.
  10. Especially with its opponent (whose primary color is nominally blue) wearing a red-heavy set. C’mon, Eagles!
  11. Nothing says red and green quite like the name “Tincaps”.
  12. Is this moron trolling, or just a moron? Makes me glad I’ve never been a Twitter guy.
  13. Right?! Now all they need to do is put the white socks into an incinerator.
  14. Contrasting socks (vs. pants) always help. Always. It’s my understanding that teams are limited to two helmets by the league. The Saints have that silly black alt helmet, so these should be the regular ones with throwback logos.
  15. Looks like the Dolphins will finally be breaking out the aqua today…for the first time all season…in week 14. The Titans are apparently wearing the light blue pants too. Navy blue socks rather than white would be nice, but it’s still a game that will have some color to it, which is nice.
  16. Yeah, the Raiders and Cowboys still wear them, right? No 0-17 seasons to be found between them.
  17. I liked the grey home hats. Naturally, they almost immediately stopped wearing those. The de-emphasis on blue drove me crazy. Had it been grey hats and blue everything else, that could’ve worked. But the pointless use of black made that set suck big time.
  18. If you don’t have bloody, curved urine, then you’re not living.
  19. Not to mention a garbage collector in a Disney Channel movie back in the ‘90s.
  20. It’s nuts how cool that is.
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