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AstroCreep last won the day on January 9 2018

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    123 Fake St.
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    Mets, NY Rangers, NY Jets, Knicks, NYCFC, Chelsea

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  1. Just to understand, they're keeping the Adidas template correct?
  2. They are hockey jerseys alright.
  3. Reminds me of this Thursday Night Game between the Jets and Jaguars where they decided to not use any exciting colors at all.
  4. It's just another uniform that further cements my problem with this "minimalistic" era of NFL (and sports in general) uniforms. It's boring. It doesn't stand out. I'm gonna put the game on and it'll take me a long time before I realize "oh it's the Vikings". It's a white uniform that hides almost everything that makes the Vikings brand stand out. Why would I wanna wear this? Why would anyone wanna wear this? No one will know "oh it's the Vikings". I may as well wear a regular white t-shirt.
  5. There's no reason for this to exist other than, it looks cool as hell.
  6. I was expecting more purple out of the jersey since it was heavily featured in the teaser. I don't really care for them as is. Like a lot of CC's, these are just another swing and a miss.
  7. I'm super late with my reaction because stuff but it's great to have the Jets look good again. I don't care for the black uniform but it's not offensive enough to bother me. As long as they don't overdo it like last time. The uniform just fits the modern template better than it did in the past. I actually love "Gotham Green" more than Kelly Green and that's the only compliment I'll give the previous set. We may never again speak of that debacle that was the 2018 redesign. Super bias because it's what I grew up with but this to be is still the my favorite Jets uniform. They'll probably use this as their throwback alternative next season and if that's the case, we may have the best of both worlds. As long as they inverse the loop, which is all they had to do to begin with. I still think it can work in today's almost sleeve-less template, it just needs slightly more effort. That being said, I'm very happy with this change. If they play bad on the field, at least they'll look good doing so. Is that now 3 teams that have gone back to their previous throwbacks after the "Nike-ified" changes? Says a lot about their creative department. I wonder what's next for the Lions? I didn't think they had a bad set. It just needed a white outline.
  8. Just one day, I want them to say exactly that.
  9. I figured they'd use the 7 Train as inspiration. I have low expectations since most of the CC jerseys don't do anything for me.
  10. I can only imagine how this will look once July hits.
  11. Why was this even a thing?
  12. Looks like those knockoff jerseys they used to sell back in the day.
  13. It bothers me to no end how nothing aligns properly.
  14. I just noticed, is the bottom of the ship suppose to be a basketball? The NBA still has that (honestly silly) rule about having a basketball somewhere on the logo, right?
  15. Might be the best Clippers logo since the San Diego days. My only gripe is the logo looks like a cruise ship. I get what they were going for but maybe they should've done it from a different angle. This is def one of the best rebrands in this era.
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