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Everything posted by kolob

  1. Bernard King in a Jazz uniform during the 1979-80 season. He played 19 games for the team until he got into legal trouble and was traded to Golden State in the offseason. I've only been able to find two photos of him, both aren't ideal, but it's fun to come across them.
  2. I'd love to see the ABA teams do that again, especially in the regular season. And, let's be honest, the NBA and Nike would be all over it.
  3. I REALLLLLLLLY want to hate this, but it oddly works? Maybe? I think?
  4. As a temporary solution playing all night home games could work. Or, split the season between a Bay Area ballpark, Reno and/or an International market like Mexico City, Monterrey, Montreal or Vancouver?
  5. Yeah, that's what I am seeing as well in what I can find online. I am sure between when that rule was made in the college ranks to ... probably ... the mid-90s(?) when numbers like #91 (Rodman), #76 (Shawn Bradley), #77 (Gheorge Muresan), etc. started getting used in the NBA that you just didn't see many unusual numbers because players wanted to carry over their college numbers.
  6. Ok, I see that rule for college ball, but I don't see anything for the NBA. There were a number of players that had numbers with digits 6-9 and above 55. Additionally, a little bit of digging I did on my own suggest Maravich changed his number in 1975 to #7 as a fresh start entering his seventh season. Another side note, Maravich wore #44 with the Hawks after his LSU number #23 was worn by Lou Hudson, so he went with his college PPG average. Huh.
  7. Excuse my ignorance, but what uniform number rules?
  8. I found a few new courts on LockerVision I didn't see in this thread.
  9. I wonder how much of it was designed to honor Russell or if they added the diamonds and #6 on the waist after he passed?
  10. Oh Ben. No. No. No. No. I might give you some leeway on the black jerseys, but the white one is horrible. Especially since the #2 is soooooo off center with the Jazz note. Let's hope that was just a Media Day mistake.
  11. Actually ... https://theathletic.com/640588/2018/11/13/the-department-store-box-a-pair-of-tattoos-and-a-tinge-of-regret-the-true-story-of-the-nuggets-iconic-rainbow-skyline-uniforms/
  12. I remember when this deal was made. However, I'd put money on the NBA just giving the Sonics 2.0 the Supersonics history from 1967-2008 and then playing make believe that the Thunder started in 2008 just like they did with the Hornets and Pelicans.
  13. I think there are a number of directions a Las Vegas NBA team can go with a name. Tie-in with the Golden Knights/MGM/Arena 1 - Las Vegas Gladiators 2 - Las Vegas Avengers 3 - Las Vegas Lions Tie-in with Vegas Sports Teams of the Past 1 - Las Vegas Stars 2 - Las Vegas Dustdevils 3 - Las Vegas Wranglers Tie-in with The Strip 1 - Las Vegas Royals 2 - Las Vegas Flamingos 3 - Vegas Gamblers Tie-in with Nevada 1 - Las Vegas Battlers 2 - Las Vegas Bighorns 3 - Las Vegas Quicksilvers Tie-in with the Desert 1 - Las Vegas Vipers 2 - Las Vegas Outlaws 3 - Vegas Desert Eagles Personally I like -- Las Vegas Stars Las Vegas Royals Las Vegas Flamingos Las Vegas Gladiators Vegas Desert Eagles
  14. It feels like somewhat of a shame that Big E's #44 isn't hanging in the rafters in Houston considering he starred at Univ. of Houston as well. Sure he never lead them to much of anything during his playing days, but without Coach Fitch playing a 38-year-old Hayes the Rockets weren't getting Hakeem with that #1 pick.
  15. Are they not considered the city jersey?
  16. The Clippers did have a10th anniversary logo ...
  17. If anything there should be some small tie in with Minneapolis.
  18. Well, except for us Jazz fans. But, at least they'll be associated with losing once Mitchell is shipped off to NY. Then hopefully they'll float off across the great eternal rainbow bridge never to be seen nor remembered ever again ...
  19. And, I'm sure that's why everyone loves it.
  20. Nah. I could see MAYBE a City Edition, but even then nobody knows (or cares) what the SLC flag looks like here in Utah. If you're going to build a sports brand or alternate jersey around a city or state flag it should be somewhat iconic or recognizable outside the state. That's why it works for Colorado, Chicago and Arizona (to name a few).
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