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Posts posted by ManillaToad

  1. 1 hour ago, ramsjetsthunder said:

    Why does everyone (not on this site) keep calling the Seahawks throwbacks 90's throwbacks?--as if they didn't wear them from '83-'00? Not to mention their basic style since their inception in '76? Is there some weird 90's nostalgia trend going around?



    • Like 6
  2. 4 hours ago, jlog3000 said:

    Imagine if the NHL would somehow become a 36-team league.




    Assuming that Arizona remains in the NHL without relocation, but 4 new expansion teams are available. 3 of them are obvious. And the 4th one is a wild card, because oddly enough it was also a WHA original that didn't make the cut to join with the other WHA teams in the merged NHL at that time.


    For total games, it should be 80 in total; with home-and-away against all non-division opponents [5 div. x 6 teams per div. x 2 = 60], then double home-and-away against division opponents [5 teams in own div. x 4 = 20]


    Hope you don't mind but just for the sake of discussion I re-did the Campbell divisions a bit




    Not having Hartford and Boston together is rough but there's not really anything you can do about it

  3. 1 hour ago, whitedawg22 said:

    To be pedantic, the Tennessee Oilers never wore THAT jersey while playing IN the state of Tennessee. The two years they were the Tennessee Oilers, they only wore white at home. They wore the blue jerseys once during the 1997 preseason at Dallas, twice during the 1997 regular season at Miami and at Dallas, and didn't wear them at all in 1998.




    Wait so if they had still been the Oilers in '99 they might have chosen to wear white in the Super Bowl and put Rams in blue?? Now I'm even more mad they rebranded that year

  4. 2 hours ago, Old School Fool said:

    All this talk of bad matchups, how about a good one? Dolphins and Bills wore throwbacks against each other in 2017 and 2018. They should just make it an annual thing.




    Also that one time the Dolphins wore the white throwback on the road.




    If you have a white throwback you should wear it on the road at least once per season.


    The Dolphins should make it a weekly thing

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  5. 4 hours ago, LMU said:

    What I find hilarious is that the only real competition he's ever had in Kobayashi pulled out due to a contract dispute with Major League Eating, an organization that really has no excuse to even be a thing.


    Surely, after decades of this, and ESPN continuing to highlight it, that someone would have figured out how to challenge him.  How hasn't some YouTube/TikTok person not dedicated themselves to taking down the mighty Chestnut? 


    This is getting to 80s Hulk Hogan level of predictability.


    Matt Stonie beat him in 2015

  6. 8 hours ago, gothedistance said:


    Yet the league let the Rams wear their white jersey against CIN, when the white was an alternate. And allowed the Ravens to exceed the limit of 3 for alternates or throwbacks many times. The league breaks its own rules.


    Maybe they have a secret disaster clause in case of a team with uniforms as ugly as LA's making the Super Bowl

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  7. 1 hour ago, HOOVER said:

    Noticed the Chiefs have updated sleeve stripe construction with the new template, with 3 separate fabric panels making up that striping now; used to be either screen printed or knit.   I don’t recall them ever having their sleeve stripes constructed this way.





    How long do nike templates usually last? Because this is the first time I've really noticed one and I already want it to go away

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  8. 13 minutes ago, IceCap said:

    Look. This is a tricky one because we have a no politics rule but also this decision by the NHL has a political impact. Our options are to go "you can't talk about this period" or let it go and play itself out. Given that this is a discussion board well... you can guess how we decided. 


    If you don't want to talk about it you can ignore it until it's old news. Or keep posting those 🥱 reactions. Really getting the impotent rage across. 


    It played itself out and the conversation had moved on, and then you replied to a 36-hour old comment to post your epic incel meme. Also lol @ saying other people have impotent rage when you're whining about seeing an emoji below your off topic posts.

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  9. 2 hours ago, VampyrRabbit said:

    I wish there were colour vs colour games in the NHL.  San Jose vs Vegas might work as one.


    I get that teams don't want to pack twice as many uniforms for road trips but you'd think the league would arrange a few games a year where it was easy to have color vs color. They don't even do it for the Winter Classic lol

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  10. 2 hours ago, OnWis97 said:

    Then at some point, I thought they were the Anaheim Mighty Ducks before finally realizing they were the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. I believe the NY Jets were originally the Titans of New York...and while Titans is an OK, albeit unspectacular, name, the whole "of New York" thing is just silly, in my opinion.


    That's one of those quirks I really liked. The Spirits of St. Louis from the ABA did it the best. It's a simple way to differentiate yourself while only slightly altering the naming formula. It would be annoying if it became a trend though. Once in a generation is enough

  11. On 6/21/2023 at 9:48 AM, OnWis97 said:

    Absolutely.  I personally never liked them but appreciated their uniqueness and definitely prefer them to anything they've worn since. (Like the logo; don't like the asymmetrical stripes;  appreciate the eggplant even though I didn't love it.)


    The question is whether this opinion is unpopular (I legitimately don't know).  Anaheim Ducks is a fine name. Mighty Ducks of Anaheim was a silly name not fit for an NHL team.


    I don't see how it's out of place in a league with the Lightning, Wild, and Kraken. Even worse is those latter two are in traditional hockey markets so them having goofy minor league names is a terrible aesthetic imo.

    That said, I like both names the Ducks have had.

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