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Posts posted by ManillaToad

  1. 1 hour ago, pepis21 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Chiefs are also the first team who won Super Bowl after leading in Passing Yards since....Rams 1999 (which to this day was the only team who accomplished that).


    Mahomes was the first passing yards leader to win the Super Bowl ever, and the first to win MVP and the SB in the same season since Warner in '99

    • Like 2
  2. I could definitely see LV and Nashville changing color schemes. Being recently relocated and keeping the names from their former cities, they'd see a color swap as a way to appeal to the new fanbases. Black and gold for Vegas maybe. Nashville going in a different direction would also free up the purple St. Louis loves so much. Just in general I'd love to see

    Brown, Orange, & Gold

    Orange & Green

    Royal & Orange

    Black & Orange

  3. 1 hour ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    People get wrapped up in narrative and miss what's right in front of them.


    Yeah they get wrapped up in narratives like "had a higher winning percentage as QB this year for an unexpected 1 seed." and how the Chiefs are gross and make us feel icky, causing them to miss what's right in front of them like Mahomes having 10 more total TDs, 1200 more total yards, and setting the record for most total yards ever while not missing any games.

    • Yawn 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Brian in Boston said:

    Spirits of St. Louis - Inspired by Charles Lindbergh's aircraft and featuring a modernized take on the ABA franchise's logo as the team's primary mark. The helmets could feature aviator goggles on them in the style of the Arena Football League's Iowa Barnstormers.


    Always loved this name

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  5. He turned a 2-14 Oilers team into a fringe playoff hopeful  despite changing cities twice and not having a stadium, proper facilities, or any fans. They finally get an actual home and waddya know, they go 13-3, 13-3, 7-9, 11-5, 12-4 the following five seasons. Game passes him by, he manages two more playoff appearances, then it's off to St. Louis to once again turn a 2-win mess into a middle of the pack team. All his players loved him and he retired with the 11th most wins of all time. Great no, good yes

    • Huh? 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    I assumed everyone was in on the joke that Jeff Fischer was pretty much a 7-9 record over the last few years of his career, yet he kept getting jobs.

    I guess not.


    He took a basement dwelling Rams team and turned them into a functioning organization that would be primed for a guy like McVay. He was kept on for an extra couple years because of his experience with running a team that's relocating. I get the joke but it's so overdone at this point, and it's pretty lame '7-9' became his legacy. He was a good coach for his era

    • Meh 1
    • Huh? 1
    • Yawn 1
  7. 8 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    Haven't first-and-third base line ads become somewhat regular under Manfred's tenure? 


    Selig wasn't perfect by any means, but at least he rejected a huge amount of ad creep on the field and his legacy will be better because of it. Manfred's job is to increase league revenues and protect the integrity of the game but there has to be a better way than this :censored:.


    The scary thing to ponder is what will happen after the Sinclair/streaming issues are resolved. 




    Don't worry, the ads on the baselines and the mound are just temporary so MLB can recoup the losses from the pandemic!



    • LOL 2
  8. 16 hours ago, Sykotyk said:

    Most teams just wear the jersey they're expected to wear. The Cowboys are expected to wear white, so they will wear white if they're home. The rarity is wearing white such as the Steelers and (I think) Bucs did. Pretty Sure New England did in SB20 as well. But that was because they made deep runs playing only on the road and wanted to keep the same uniforms they wore all playoffs long.


    Dallas in every SB since VI because they're white-at-home

    Washington in XVII because they were white-at-home

    Pittsburgh in XL because they played every game on the road

    Denver in 50 because they were 0-4 in orange in the SB

    New England in LII because...?

    Tampa in LV because.. they won 2/3 playoff games in white? They wanted to be white at home??

  9. 7 hours ago, Sport said:


    Rolen is a fringe guy that I could've gone either way on and I always tend to lean towards just putting the fringe guys in because who cares. Matt Williams is a no, though. He was also probably on the juice, which I don't personally care about, but if you're not even a fringe guy and you were on the juice then no. 


    Rolen is just the start and I want to caution you guys so you're ready for it - The voting bloc for the hall of fame is changing and along with it is thinking about where actual value in baseball comes from. Also Harold Baines and Jerry Reinsdorf lowered the line forever.  There's going to be a lot more guys in the next two decades who get in who your initial reaction will be "THAT GUY'S NOT A HALL OF FAMER".  Just get ready for that. 


    "Who cares?" is a great mentality to have when putting together a Hall of Fame


    6 hours ago, BBTV said:

    And if you don't think that playing in Philadelphia or New York or Boston is harder than playing in St. Louis or Cincinnati, I just don't know what to tell you.


    Lol Philly fans always try to lump themselves in with Boston and NY. The latter two are the premier sports cities on the east coast, and so their fans demand success. Philly is a second fiddle town that can't decide which current multi-generation title drought hurts the most, but their fans act like they're drowning in championships anyway. Maybe if Philly fans stopped hanging their hat on how "tough" they are to play in front of, their team could attract players and actually be successful like St. Louis, instead of losing 10,000 games and only having 2 rings in the 120 years they've been competing for the World Series

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1
  10. Houston changing their uniforms is gonna be like the Titans where everyone got bored of their long-lasting set and was excited to see something new, then the redesign was a disaster and we all wish they never changed in the first place because the original was perfectly fine

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