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Posts posted by ManillaToad

  1. 11 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

    Uh oh. I really don’t like that for the Vols chances. Puts a target the size of Neyland on their backs. That and they still have to get past Georgia AND Bama (again) to have a shot at the playoff. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping like hell they can pull it off, but that’s a lot of pressure for a pretty inexperienced team. I’m just hoping this doesn’t end deflating for them. 


    They could still get in if their only loss is the SEC championship game and the other contenders drop a game or two

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Discrim said:

    A lesson in this: the helmet rule is kinda dumb, but as long as they throw flags over it, keep that bucket on.  Game losing penalty indeed.


    3 hours ago, Germanshepherd said:

    Agreed that it’s a dumb rule that you also have to be dumb to break.


    Keeping your helmet on in football is like keeping your seat belt on in NASCAR. It's dangerous as hell to have an unprotected head when you're on the field. Take away the rule and some moron will pull it off when he thinks the whistle blew and then he gets caught in a scrum.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    These looked better today. I don't know whether it was just the shock effect wearing off or (more likely) the lighting indoors in Texas was much more flattering than the shadows on a cold night in Chicago.




    I'm still not crazy about it but now I'm not demanding it be handled like toxic waste. I'd certainly like to see the socks stick around. Definitely go back to the undershirts matching the jerseys like in 2020.


    Everything is fine except for the Bears' helmet

    • Like 5
  4. 8 minutes ago, Discrim said:

    Kinda thought about the Colt 45s and Mets, both coming in in 62 with a shade of blue + orange.

    Not quite the same, but the '69 expansion saw the AL add a blue/white team and a Seattle-based blue/gold team; the '77 expansion saw the AL add a blue/white team and a Seattle-based blue/gold team.


    It's even closer than that. Seattle's teams had blue, white, powder blue, & gold and both of their expansion brothers were blue, white, & powder blue

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, GDAWG said:

    Does Dusty Baker need a World Series title to get into Cooperstown?  Or is he in regardless?


    Ninth-most wins in history, twelfth guy with 2000 wins, 3 pennants, and won division titles with all five teams he's managed,. He's getting in.

  6. 3 hours ago, Discrim said:

    Milwaukee's lost baseball twice (original Brewers & Braves) and basketball (Hawks...though they did nothing but suck in their brief stay, so it's really easy to forget they were even there), yet have both today (Brewers, Bucks)


    DC lost the Senators twice then got the Nationals, and lost the Capitols in 1950 then eventually got the relocated Bullets

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