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Posts posted by PlayGloria

  1. 1 hour ago, Brave-Bird 08 said:

    I've never thought the Cardinals uniforms are bad, they just belong in the year 2003.


    *ducks behind counter*


    While their pre-2005 uniforms were pretty timeless, they tied back to a very rough time in St. Louis, and even though they're the oldest franchise in the league, I don't think anyone in Phoenix really has a soft spot for the "heritage" of Cardinals football. 


    A modern get up works since their existence in Arizona really felt like it required a facelift -- afterall, their temporary way of making themselves feel re-born was simply slapping the Arizona flag on the sleeves. 


    I have no interest in them reverting to the ultra-simplified look of yesteryear, I would even be more intruiged if they adopted a new color scheme, possibly something similar to the Coyotes/D-Backs deeper red and sand aesthetic.


    100% agree with the "sand" addition. 


    Also as a St Louisan, it really is amazing how much crappy football we have had. Thank god for the few Greatest Show on Turf years. As much as I love the look of the unis the Cardinals wore when they were in STL, that isn't the answer for them either. Totally agree. 

  2. 6 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Honestly if they started wearing those as their full time uniforms I wouldn't even be mad lol


    For sure. Fix the pants and that literally all they have to do. That's what makes the Cardinals so maddening. Literally the easiest fix in the history of sports. 

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  3. Is the Wild's current set even a faux back look? They might not be 2000s WILD but I also don't find them to be retro or faux back whatsoever. 

    I said this earlier and I'll say it again, i think its the wheat/off-white color, not the design, that might give people that impression.


    Honestly, I have never dug the name "Wild" but the less they feed into the 2000s vibe, the more I view it as "wilderness" vs tacky. Taming the other elements of the uniform has let the logo shine a bit more. IDK, their branding has grown on me since losing the 00s vibe. 



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  4. 57 minutes ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    To me, playing O6 dress up means trying to pretend your team is older and more prestigious than it actually is

    Just seems insincere and fake. Just trying to cash in on a trend

    The Wild should still be wearing their OG jerseys with the jagged numbers

    I don't think the Panthers are doing that. Other than the chest stripe, it's not really a faux-retro uniform

    Modern doesn't have to mean gimmicky like the templated RBK monstrosities. Modern is also Winnipeg and Vegas, both contemporary classics imo

    In short;

    Traditional =/= O6 dress up

    Modern =/= gimmicky pseudo tech


    The Jets are literally a horizontally striped jersey with a roundel logo, just like the Columbus cannon jersey which I believe started this convo. Maybe it's just the cream color that makes you think its gimmicky

    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

    The majority of Canucks fans are very happy with the current look and want more than anything for the team to finally settle on an identity and stop screwing around with the uniforms.


    The issue is that the team has had so many looks that there are vocal minority camps of people advocating for the one they want in particular, creating a lot more artificial noise around the subject than there really is. And the look they want in particular is almost always the one the team wore when they got into following the Canucks or feel some sort of nostalgia for, not because they like it for the design merits.


    You also have a lot of non-Canuck fans hyping up the skate because we’re in an era that’s fetishizing 90s nostalgia and it’s “fire bro, lit AF”, so I don’t really care what they have to say on the subject. When the team wore the navy and maroon Orca people did the same thing with the blue and green stick. When they went back to blue and green, people did the same thing with the millionaires. It’s just trendy.





    My issue with the current Orca is it's origin. It was made in reference to Orca Bay Sports & Entertainment who owned them at the time. So not only was it a huge departure from any other previous branding, it also doesn't really represent the team name. It represents the owners of the franchise at that time. Once I learned that, it has always just felt too corporatized to me. 


    All this being said, I'm not sure any of their previous logos are very good either. I love the nostalgia of all of them, but all of them seem flawed in a way. I think one thing that should absolutely stay is the blue/green color scheme and balance they are currently using. It's sharp and clean. The crest is really my only issue but I have no solution to offer to fix it. 



    • Applause 1
  6. The thing that bothered me most about the Oilers orange primary home was the sleeve and hem stripes. They are white blue white and I always thought it should have been blue white blue. The white being more dominate and paired with that shade of orange just threw the entire balance of the jersey off.  It's seems blue top heavy. 

    If they wanted to keep the orange jersey and the white-blue-white order on striping, I much prefer the sleeve and hem striping the second picture which was their alt before the orange primary. Take away the shoulder numbers and funky neck line and that is a far better jersey IMO.

    I don't even care about the navy vs royal vs orange debate. To me, the current orange primary just isn't as good as many of their previous sweaters for various reasons. 



    A Definitive Ranking of EVERY Edmonton Oilers Jersey - The Copper & Blue


    Oilers permanently switching to orange home jerseys: 'We're in a new era' |  theScore.com

    • Like 3
  7. 10 hours ago, Nordiks_19 said:

    This would easily be one of the best look in the league 


    I'm not sure why but I never loved the Duck's black anniversary jersey. The black seems so forced to me. The jersey just feels clunky. 

    It's like the Ducks are hellbent on doing anything but bringing back the originals. Every time they do, there has to be a tweak for no reason. This time, the tweak is using the current color palette which, again, to me feels forced. 

    • Like 3
  8. I really like the grey/charcoal color Vegas uses currently. I understand the desire to go with gold considering their name. But in a world where teams go "stealth mode" and overuse of black in all leagues, I thought the charcoal grey was a nice change of pace for a team that wanted be be "dark." Hearing that they will be primarily gold with a new black alt sort of bums me out. I would rather them swap the current home to the alt if they absolutely want to go with a gold primary.

    • Like 5
  9. On 3/5/2022 at 1:21 PM, KittSmith_95 said:


    STL: Trumpet in modern day would look nice, but so would the 92-94 set if they wanted to go the more subtle route. 




    That 92-94 set is my favorite Blues set mostly due to nostalgia. Its very simple and just splashes red into the color scheme before the craziness of what was to come. 


    I've always loved this shot of CuJo:


    curtis-joseph-of-the-st-louis-blues-prepares-for-a-shot-during-nhl-picture-id506087916  (436×612) | St louis blues hockey, Hockey goalie, St louis blues


    And I will forever picture Hull in this jersey:


    St. Louis Blues: 1984 Re-Draft A Nightmare, Worse Than The Original

    • Like 3
  10. I think everyone is right here... but just not listening. None of the points you guys are making are mutually exclusive.


    Yes, this could make for some great helmets. I would love to see some inverted helmets and more of a home/road split. 

    Yes, this will definitely make for some hideous helmets that have nothing to do with the teams identity or branding. 


    I am personally:

    a) pumped for the throwbacks

    b) excited to see what teams throw out there because i love uniforms

    c) nervous as hell because I know that 50% of them will be trash


    • Like 11
  11. Preface to my post:

     - I don't like bone or sol, and honestly the royal is a shade too bright for me too.

     - I also don't like anything about the rams rebrand and they should have gone straight classic/retro.

    - I also tend to not love navy. It usually dulls things, including when the rams used it in STL and early LA.


    All of this said, I kind of think navy may work better with both bone and sol. The colors are just too bright on the rams current unis and paired with the current shade of royal worsens the issue for me. The bone is absolutely stupid, but if it was the only other color against a solid navy, it might actually work better. Same with sol. IDK... wouldn't mind seeing a few mock ups before i decide that I'm completely against navy for the rams. I guess it depends on how married to bone and sol they are. If they are hellbent on keeping those, navy may not be as bad as we think.


    Side note: I would find it hilarious if they added a navy alt. There are two teams playing in the same stadium in the same city and they would both have blue/yellow primaries with navy alts 🤣


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  12. 26 minutes ago, officeglenn said:


    If you mean the whole Ballard-protesting-player-names-on-the-backs-of-jerseys-in-the-70s-thing, none other than Chris himself refuted that on Twitter:




    Dang. Well then I don't like it 😂

    It's only good with the story. It's not good design without it.

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  13. 1 hour ago, spartacat_12 said:

    Not bad, but I'm not sure what the point is of having "ARENAS" in blue. It's barely visible from 10 feet away, let alone outside in a football stadium. It almost looks like they sewed on white letters, then changed their mind & pulled out the stitching.


    Some cream or brown pants/gloves would look good with the jersey.


    There is an explanation of that in the other NHL Thread. There is actually a pretty interesting story behind it. (At least I thought it was interesting)

  14. 7 hours ago, Bruhammydude said:

    My ideal Arizona Cardinals would look similar to this, courtesy of @oldschoolvikings



    Yes this is perfect!

    Not sure how to find the article again, but apparently D-Hop mentioned that maybe the reason Kyler took all of his AZ pictures down is because he wanted to replace them with new pictures with new uniforms. Sounds like there is finally some movement towards a new set.

  15. I like some of the Cardinal concepts that use a secondary red color.  A desert burnt red if you will... If they lean too much on yellow as secondary, they might look to much like the chiefs. I think keeping the cardinal head, and then leaning on a red, burnt red, white, and minimal black color scheme might be a cool route. Keep them traditional but move them in a new direction that says "Arizona" without slapping a flag on the sleeve.

  16. 15 hours ago, spartacat_12 said:


    The black & silver is associated with the franchise's only Stanley Cups, and the greatest player in the history of the sport. It won't be going anywhere.


    I'm sure purple & gold will be part of the alternate rotation, much like the Devils' green & red, or the Canucks skate throwback though. This allows them to have their cake and eat it too.


    I'm a fan of the purple/gold for the kings because a) purple fits the "royalty" theme and b) its unique to the NHL. That being said, I'm fine with the silver and black, but its the rest of the uniform that needs an overhaul. The crest is awful and I hate the phantom yoke stripe. If they want to keep silver and black and go with a purple alt, fine. But at least fix the primaries. This set is extremely dated. 

    • Like 2
  17. If these are it, I like it. I would like to see the pants before judging but this is a great start IMO. It's classic while being new.

    And why do i not hate the gradient on the white alt? I think I don't mind it because it still follows the pattern of the other jerseys. The striping patterns and basic template remain unchanged. They basically added one flashy element and then called it a day. 

    That being said, I think I would have liked them to just stick to the burgandy/yellow scheme and maybe pump out a yellow/inverted helmet of the primaries instead of adding black.


    • Like 1
  18. 23 minutes ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Sure but what makes more sense, a team in southern US Colorado honoring a past franchise by wearing the jersey of a team called the Northerners filled with French fleur de lys OR a team in southern US Colorado honoring a past franchise by wearing the jersey of a local defunct team called the Rockies for the Rocky Mountains and with a logo that resembles the state flag?

    I personally found it a little disrespectful that they even chose burgundy for the fleur de lys on their RR when blue is part of their colour scheme. Well maybe not disrespectful but I think it made no sense at all.


    I hope next year's RR is a steel blue based pre-Edge jersey with burgundy (the original mid 90s lighter shade of burgundy for extra throwback points and more obvious difference between those and the current jerseys maybe?) sleeves and black gear


    Great post. As much as i loved seeing the Nordiques jersey return, it felt weird to me. I feel the same way when the Hurricanes wear a Whalers jersey. It's a feeling that, if we loved these teams so much, why did we relocate them in the first place. 

    Team relocating is just such a gut punch to the city that loses the team. 

    • Like 2
  19. 22 minutes ago, Shumway said:


    I'm a fan of their current look, but I'd love it if the Blues dropped the navy.  These are pretty close to perfect for St. Louis to me.




    I love these. I feel like the blues are perfectly set up though with their current primaries, with this and the 90s jersey as alts. I would love to see a white version of this years winter classic as well. 

  20. 7 hours ago, joekono said:

    Great post. Plus add the fact that most teams just need two primary colors to look fine as teams went back to throwbacks recently because maybe they made mistakes along the way(see 2007 Reebok takeover).






    Red wings-Red







    Oilers-Navy(shoulda kept royal)/orange


    Blue Jackets-blue/red


    Black Hawks-red/black

    other than the Blues(two blues/yellow), the rest of the league has mashed 3 or more colors together, some look

    fine but some are a mess. Of the 17 teams listed above, the Oilers and Blues comment along with the Kings terrible logo, I'd 

    have to say that less color is more when it come to how good a team uniform looks.









    I almost made a similar post recently about numbers of colors and how it correlates to a clean look, but could articulate it right. You are spot on though. The Blues are a strange one because having multiple blues fits the team name while also differentiating them from the league a bit. 


    Also, it was great timing as last night, my Blues were playing the Flames. If you didn't see that game, the uniform matchup was superb. Neither team should change a thing. Gorgeous. 



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