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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. When closing the ad on my laptop, it just re-appears whenever I load a new page. That's logical, but not helpful. I get the need for ad revenue, so it's not like I'm leaving.
  2. Is the redirect something that purports to be an Amazon thing with a spinning wheel?
  3. Is there a change in ad policy? I'm getting a constant bottom of screen ad whether in phone or PC? I'm also seeing an ad within the posts, always following the first post of a page.
  4. I've been getting background, audio ads my last few visits onsite. I didn't think those were "allowed" here?
  5. Jeb Lund - that's a name I haven't seen in a gazillion years since he vanished from The-W. IIRC he changed his screen name prior to exiting.
  6. I follow your logic, but if they can't see that it's there... Do they KNOW it's been moved? It's a no win situation, I get it.
  7. From the FAQ Thread: 13. I can't start a new topic, wtf?As a method of reducing the amount of robo-spammers from popping up on the boards (as well as those who sign up just to make a request then vanish) we implemented a rule that prevented new members from starting a new topic; after you've made three (3) posts around the boards you are automatically allowed to start up a new topic. Yet we get first time posters now who are able to start a topic. Naturally it's a request, so it gets moved to a place they can't see (Requests). 1 - Did the software glitch allowing a first time poster to start a topic? 2 - Why don't those just get deleted? Moving them defeats the purpose of not allowing them to make requests...
  8. Damn - I haven't listened to the Score in quite awhile. I wish I had to hear some of this trainwreck before and after.
  9. Is there a way to search in a specific thread for a specific user's posts? For example, could I search in the Gear Grinder thread for anything I've posted before? I could just be redundant and post, but I'd rather not.
  10. Except due to antitrust issues, the NFL can't start Saturday games until their minor league system (NCAA FBS) is done with its regular season. I don't think Week 13 is doable, as its too early in the year.
  11. If I hit "Report Reply" on a private message, I assume it goes to the Moderators, correct?
  12. Is there an individual PM address that gets sent to all mods? It might make this round of questions easier. I'm interested in asking about it, but don't want to single out any particular mod. That said, have you considered posting the 'reason' for a given members punishment in the announcement of said punishment (which is normally locked against future comment)? That was what the ban hammer thread had morphed into once upon a time before it became a piling on thread.
  13. Yes - me too today. This was also another autoplay volume ad. Ugh. I miss "You Might Like" over this :-)
  14. But ... you should never apologize 'if you were offended'. Someone was offended. Just drop that part from the apology. I chuckled when I learned that "route running" is slang for guys chasing chicks. If that is where he was really going, trying to make a sly joke, it's kinda funny. I get that it was offensive, but that makes it kinda funny in my mind.
  15. Me too ETA - Thanks for the update. Not intuitive at all.
  16. I'm surprised that the "Hoop Dreams" fiasco hasn't made an appearance here @Conrad. @CC97 I jumped into the Twitter bashing of the guy - why not?
  17. Was there ever one? I've made this request in the past to seemingly no avail.
  18. Nitroseed's Cardinal makes an appearance:
  19. So - are you okay with having taken the Navy logo in the first place to make a logo that you could sell mini helmets on which it is used? Edit - I'm not really trying to be an ass with this. I find the juxtaposition of IP theft an interesting mental game here. I'll shut up about it.
  20. That's an awfully expensive high horse. Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. You have an opportunity to make money off of a design you made. Make money. You never know where it could lead. Side note - Is it really yours since you admittedly started with the intellectual property of Navy? I thought what was theirs is always theirs.
  21. I'm signed in on a couple of different laptops, my phone, at least one desktop, and a generic tablet. Every now and then it goes through a stretch of wanting a sign in on each item, and seems to repeat for a few days. That hasn't happened for awhile, though.
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