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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. One year and a half...not that any of us care to remember that. (Or his entire tenure there.) Speaking of, dude done somehow popped up on the Baltimore Ravens coaching staff for this season...
  2. So two OT games so far this week—and lookie who came out on top in the other one...all hail the Snatit! Of course it's too early to tell whether they played up or down...or more accurately, whether LAC would be considered "up" or "down competition, need a few more games to determine that...but Tennessee managed to pull that off, so there you go. Meanwhile, in Duval, the Chefs still have the Jags' number, in a game where rushing was optional. Eh well, so much for locking down the Bank. On to the next game...
  3. That's pretty much how it goes for any serif/slab-serif typeface...this one is no different. Grainy image, I know, but this is (what I believe) what the Eagles team font started from, Dharma Slab. Notice the similarities in series between the two character sets: Now of course none of that explains the ultra-extended ear (terminal?) of the 1 in the Eagles' set, but it does give a reference point for the rest of the glyphs.
  4. As a matter of technicality, you are right and I agree—this particular m&m combo should be beneath Florida State. That white helmet really should not even exist—unless they switch the white parts of the spear to gold, then maybe we can talk. HOWEVER...considering they're playing a team with pretty much the exact same colorway and regular combo (gold helmet/pants), I think I can see why they chose to go this route today. (None of that explains why apparently BC is going WAH today...or is something else going on today I'm missing???)
  5. Eh, may as well keep it going... ...+1. As in Buffs by 71.
  6. Well hey, a rider is a rider so, again... +1. As in Buffs by 41.
  7. As much as I'm highly awaiting the appearance of those helmets—and alt uniforms—on the field, I'd much rather the Browns not wear them against the Steelers...but alas, here we are. Plus it's a prime time game so of course they're gonna show them off there....
  8. Dude seems to have his own PJ Fleck-ish approach to fashion... And that's aside from looking like the Louisiana Mike Myers' long-lost brother... (I'm also glad he ain't no kin to Mike Norvell...)
  9. Lambeau Field has those, and if it works way up there, Lord knows it can work elsewhere around the country.
  10. Unrelated, but what is up with that housebroom mustache??
  11. For absolutely no reason at all other than you saying that...
  12. Have I remarked how that particular Charger uniform might be my favorite in the league? No? Okay, well let me remark it now: that particular Charger uniform might be my favorite in the league. (In fact I'm quite certain it is.) 100% concurred. Also agreed with this, especially since I'd LOVE to see the road equivalent of this Vikings throwback...
  13. How long has it been a thing for NHL teams to add their own little decorative alt logos to the centrelines on the rink? I'm liking this new trend...
  14. Along with this, FSU never really completely quit the abbreviated first name thing, but now it's back in full force, as modeled by Jarrian Jones here:
  15. Unrelated, but how in the world is Illinois still legally allowed to have that 6 and 9 in their number set?? Like seriously...why, though?
  16. If they haven't done it yet—and at this point I don't know how they haven't—Ole Miss needs to quit jacking around and just swap out the navy for that eggshell blue (or whatever they call it) like stat.
  17. Nike's gonna do to the Texans what they did to the Snatit circa 2019....go from football uniforms to full-on cosplay. Watch...
  18. FSU's basketball team has been doing this for several seasons...here's how those look on the court: (Which is from a good couple years back.)
  19. NOTE: They're not wearing the actual turquoise uniforms on the field...but (according to the press release) the coaching/sideline staff will, or should, be decked out in the turquoise. Part of me would actually kinda like to see what the turquoise uniforms would look like on the field. Here's a rough mockup:
  20. Iowa's also had those uniforms since 1999 (save for the change in number font three or four seasons back[?]), so unless the Swoosh sells them on a new idea, I don't think they're going anywhere....
  21. Some insight into Coach Norvell.
  22. Completely off to the side, but a/ that is one of the absolute best colorways in sports, college or otherwise; and along with that b/ there was (may still be?) a time when I dreamed of the Snatit adopting that scheme... Do you mean the font itself? If so, then yes...of course Colorado has had them since the late '90s, and part of me wants to see them reinstate the inlines they used to have back then, but yes, ITC Machine italic.
  23. Speaking of Oregon...81-7 over Portland State yesterday. Yeesh...
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