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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Someone's been listening to 10. If they were, most likely we would have known about it by now, or if would have been on their uni tracker thingamabob. Or somebody would've told on them. That said, they have been teasing/selling some throwback-themed merchandise on their online shop, so maybe that's a start...?
  2. And speaking of upsets...Clemson just upset Notre Dame and somehow 2-6 Arkansas just took down Florida in the swamp!
  3. I certainly hope that with whatever they do/have done with their brand refresh that they unify the forms of the glyphs themselves. Either match the numbers to the letters (that's what I'd prefer—and I actually took a stab at that once) or the letters to the numbers.
  4. Perhaps maybe Woody J should not have listened to the temptations to add an all-black uniform...then perhaps neither NYJ, their fans, or the rest of we viewers wouldn't even be discussing this. (For the record, I actually kinda like NYJ's look, as obviously templated as it is...minus the mix-and-match of the black pants.)
  5. That old Puget Slate* color was also dang-near impossible to replicate, since (I believe) it was a custom swatch. The thing I never understood about that era is why they felt the need to employ two blues thatclose in hue. Didn't care about it then, but who up there made THAT call? Anyway, if we're ranking Seahawks sets now, give me the last royal/kelly/silver sets, then the Nikehawks, then the Puget Slate sets.
  6. It ain't gonna happen—because exactly who would they give up?—but I wouldn't mind seeing him in Memphis. Lord knows the Grizz needs SOME kind of size in the low post, and right now they ain't got it... Granted, I'm no expert, but from what I saw of Tyrese Maxey in the games I did watch last season, dude is a breakout star in the making. I hope he does well up there.
  7. They absolutely BETTER do something with all those stars on their squad this season or that entire organization is gonna come under some serious fire. Granted, Chase Young is in his contract year, which means he gon' be looking for that bread, and perhaps WTF knew they weren't gonna be able/didn't want to resign him, so why not get what they could get out of the deal? Makes good business sense. (Rumors were that Jacksonville wanted him to pair with Josh Allen, but I don't know who or what they'd have been willing to give up in return, so I'll give Turtleneck Trent Baalke credit for not blowing the wad on that one.) In other trade news, the Detroit Lions just got another pair of hands, courtesy of Cleveland. I haven't paid much mind to the Browns lately but from what I can remember DPJ was a pretty good receiver for them. At any rate that's one more weapon for Jared Goff to play with now...
  8. Oh yes they can. Once you understand how IP legalese works, it'll make sense. In short: Trademarks indicate the origin or the source i.e. the Houston Oilers derrick logo was created by them (or someone they hired to create it by them). Copyrights protect original creative expressions. Both protections are forms of intellectual property (along with patents, for what that's worth). The key word in that is "original". Let's talk colors first. IF it is a unique enough tint or shade of a color, a company can apply for copyright protection. This is where we find UPS' specific hue of brown (called "Pullman Brown" or more commonly "UPS Brown") and T-Mobile's magenta color. (Sidebar, but a couple years back T-Mobile actually tried claiming trademarks on adjoining hues of magenta; I don't remember if that case ever went anywhere.) This is actually much of the reason some companies (and I've noticed this more with sports teams lately) will try to brand themselves with some unique color that they can, quite literally, own. If, say, the Seattle Seahawks wanted to trademark their Action Green (which for all I know they probably already have), they could apply and probably be approved. The key is identifying the specific hue, including the RGB, CMYK and hexcode formula. As for color combinations, uniform designs, wordmarks, fonts (if it applies), striping patterns/designs...that all falls under the "original creative expression" provision. First, it protects the research and development that goes/went into it; second, it protects the expression itself. Here's where we find the Houston Oilers colors and uniforms. Now they may not own the striping pattern itself, but that combination of colors, and the stripe itself applied to that uniform design, is a different story. All this really becomes a problem if another entity attempts to make money off a design that's not originally theirs. (I don't know if UH intended to sell those jerseys or not, though.) But to prevent things from even going that far, the NFL can (and did in this case) send a C&D over. Why? Let's say UH attempted to profit in some way off the "image and likeness" of the Oilers brand (which, let's be real, that's exactly what they tried to do, even if the exact shades of blue and proportions of stripes weren't the same between UH's alts and the Oiler's throwbacks—it's clear what they were trying to emulate). That's where the trouble comes in. And speaking if possible differences in fabric color, there is some variance to this, too (hence why T-Mobile tried claiming adjacent tints/shades/hues of magenta in protecting their trademark and thus their brand). Just a funny related memory to all of this: those of us old enough to have seen it happen may remember when Al Davis went on a binge trying to sue the Buccaneers (and anyone else within earshot, lol) over their use of pewter and black after the '97 rebrand, claiming those colors were too identical to the Raiders' "iconic" silver and black. Had Tampa stuck to simply pewter and black (and let's all be glad they didn't), Davis might have had a case. But since no one on planet Earth is gonna mistake the Buccaneers for the Raiders, dude had no shot at winning any damages. (Tangentially related, but this may also partly factor into Shahid Khan's decision to ultimately keep the teal in thr Jaguars' color scheme...at one point early on in his ownership tenure he flirted with 86ing teal and making the team strictly black and gold, in which case the Saints may have had a decent case on their hands.)
  9. Ha, this is comical. Like, this is one of the LAST teams that should be complaining about "refball", when this same team has been one of the greatest beneficiaries of "refball" over the years. Maybe it's time to face reality: maybe y'all just ain't that good?? Maybe it's time Tomlin and his team took a long look in the mirror (and in Tomlin's case, right at his OC alongside the mirror). Maybe its time Rooney et. al to break tradition and consider cleaning house after the season (like what probably should have happened a season or two ago)? But yeah, tears coming out of Pittsburgh is about the last thing anyone is gonna pay attention to. They got the Snatit rolling up in there in two days, with plenty of lead time to study Will Levis' game film. If Levis and Co. has anywhere near the same type of game in Pittsburgh as they just did against the Falcons—and bear in mind the Snatit haven't won against the Steelers since 2013—then that'll even more telling.
  10. You know what...I wouldn't mind seeing that myself, even if only to increase the amount of [action] green in a uniform that barely uses it as is. (That goes for the logo, too.) The throwbacks may be better than the currents...but they are NOT better than the 80s-early '90s set. (More to follow...) Well, in the relative scheme of things, they are an expansion team. Or was, back in 1966, along with the Falcons. (the Saints came on board the following year.) Fun fact: they were the first AFL/AFC team to utilize orange. (Before anyone tries it, and it may be hard to remember now, but the Browns were an NFL team until the merger.) At any rate they were one of if not the first pro sports team to use teal/aqua. (I gotta double check their historical overlap with the California Seals.) That period in time is about the sweet spot for what I guess at that time would have been considered "contemporary modern", given their non-traditional colorway applied into a traditional design. All of which is to say yes, there is a way to blend traditional, contemporary, and modern...and I think they got close in the late '90s. (The addition of navy might have been a step too far, though.) I've said it before about the Dolphins' current number set and I'll say it again: those Peyton Manning forehead numbers ain't it. They're also just about one of the worst examples of hacksaw-custom block to have come out of the last decade or so. (Seriously, go look at them, specially the upper-left-hand corners, and you'll see why they collectively look like Peyton Manning's forehead.) Simple: they ARE. Really the only difference is the offset outlines on the top sets...but that one little detail fits nicely with the stripe pattern. I'll take either of those (preferably the top set with numbers more akin to what the Browns wear now) over their currents.
  11. That is also the price teams pay for hiring all these offensive wunderkidz who don't know how to.get out of their geniusly inventive ways and let convention be what it is (as you said, run it, punt it, get the ball back). But what a way to turn momentum at such a pivotal moment in a game, though.
  12. That's a big-time hurtpiece for them right there. If that's confirmed, then that's about the suckiest way to end a career with a team. I always did like Kirk Cousins, even going back to his days with Washington. I'll be around to collect my royalties. Two things are gonna come out of this—both of which probably should happen—and another that may happen by season's end. 1) fans are gonna beat down the virtual door to keep Levis in there. Rookie or not, this team is in tear-down mode, so they may as well use the rest of the season to see what the kid's got. I wouldn't disagree with it, either. 2) As soon as Tannehill gets better, Vrabel et. al will stubbornly stick him back under center. Why? Because of course they will. As for the thing that should happen after the season (and at this rate I'm 90% convinced it will): well Tannehill's done after this season regardless since his contract is expiring. Vrabel et. al might should be shown the door right along with him...and it wouldn't shock me if Ran Carthon is already in talks to assess what trade value he can get from Malik Willis. If not now, that time is definitely coming. Oh and...when Pittsburgh loses, America wins. Kenny Pickett did not look good out there today; same can be said for the team as a whole despite the three takeaways. I found it funny when live feeds picked up the "Fire Canada" chants. It ain't gonna happen, BUT...speaking of regimes that should be shown the door, um, what about Tomlin? But Pittsburgh doesn't fire HCs so...eh well. Anyway, over to the good guys: Jacksonville played a heckuva game and looked solid out there, but then again they always play Pittsburgh tough. That road win in ugly weather will do them a lot of good going into their bye.
  13. Simply put: both the owner and [seemingly] the players love it. There's some good ideas in there; they're just cloaked underneath the not-good ones. You mean 36th time today. It'll be 37 tomorrow....just watch. -------------------------- Also, regarding the Patriots... I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I...I think...I'd actually prefer the white socks with this look???!??? I don't know, this is just one of those unexplainable situations where the whole just seems better than the sum of its (non-matching) parts. Of course, I'm still cool with the navy socks, but the white socks just kinda add...something to this. Maybe it's the Randall Cunningham/Cris Carter/Jerome Brown/Reggie White Philadelphia Eagles effect going on, but I actually really like that look.
  14. Three things: 1.) 8-0! Still not entirely cool w/ some of the slippage, but doggone it, FSU remains unbeaten. I'll take it. 2.) ROCK CHALK! If you haven't seen it yet, Oklahoma Chokelahoma'd today in Lawrence. I saw somewhere that Kansas hadn't beaten the Sooners since President Clinton's second term in office??? Yeesh. Obtw, that win also made KU bowl-eligible, so...there you go. 3) My hometown West Florida Argonauts lost by 4 points to Valdosta State earlier today, 24-28. Doesn't really look like much until I tell you that UWF put up over 400 yards of offense while holding Valdosta State to 275 passing yards...and -3 rushing yards.
  15. One of my favorite colorways ever. (Well that and UCLA's regular one, as well.)
  16. I'm catching some serious throwback HBO vibes from this one...
  17. But they did make it to Champaign...once.
  18. Looks like my Seminoles are doing the ️ thing again.... I used to really relish in the fact that Florida State never really got into all this kind of stuff (save for the Unconquered alts, which even Bobby Bowden conceded was just because Nike wanted Florida State to have an all-black uniform) but I get it, alt combos have been a thing for a hot minute now so whateva. That said, I'd probably tolerate the white helmets more if they swapped put the white for gold on that spear decal...
  19. #BleedBlue *Wears all orange...
  20. And you can look at the fact that Derrick Henry is still going (and would be doing more if Tim Kelly wasn't behaving like the second coming of Todd Downing who didn't have half a clue how to coordinate an NFL offense), get some more pieces around him (i still believe they should have kept D'onta Foreman) amd a better O-line in front of him. Now Ryan Tannehill was serviceable...but not $104M serviceable. That was just harebrained. Add that to a team with some of the most predictable offense this side of Tony Dungy's Buccaneers and well...yeah. But the major problem down there—actually, one of their major problems—is that their offense just ain't been all that good since Matt LaFleur left. Arthur Smith figured it out for half a season and then he left. (Yeah, let that sit in your head: somehow that organization has gotten TWO offensive coordinators promoted into head coach positions.) The other major problem, and one that absolutely no talking head anywhere brings up but is glaringly obvious to anyone who's paid attention pretty much since Marcus Mariota was first drafted: their scouting department BLOWS. Even the Klingons on Q'onos could have seen Henry being a star stud...once he learned to get out of his own way. (Recall his first Teo or three seasons behind Demarco Murray he was still learning to assert himself, and it took an Eddie George "pep talk" to snap him into shape.) With all that said, I will say their defensive line had some studs, and they did hit on the now-traded Byard. Beyond that, though? Not a single piece of nann. Now history is repeating itself with Malik Willis and Will Levi's, and I predict both of them will be gone inside four years. So then what? Wash, rinse, repeat...all while beating the drum of a new $2B playhouse and event venue. At some point that franchise needs to really instrospect and figure out who they really are and what it really wants to be. Until then, it's just wash-rinse-repeat down there.
  21. Meanwhile, while all that trolling is going on here, concurrent trolling is going on in Nashville, where the Snatit are just Snatiting in about the Snatitest way possible....while morphing into a Philadelphia Pheeder team in the process. What am I talking about? They done traded their star safety Kevin Byard to the Eagles. Now true, dude's coming up on a contract year. But what that organization continues to show is misplaced priorities (paying Tannehill $104M while dragging arse on Derrick Henry's deal), cheapness to pay top skill/talent to stay (ask AJ Brown and now Byard how they feel about that), and right now a completely rudderless direction. I think they blow it all up after this season, if not during it. (And all this while they're in the midst of a private/publicly-funded 2 BILLION dollar stadium project.) If Vrabel & Co. ain't gone after this season, I don't know what else to tell anybody....
  22. I was gonna ask where this came from... ...And that probably answered it. Not the best idea to broadstroke entire regions based off a marginalized segment of it. Is that PotD belt still hanging around here somewhere? If it is, somebody give it to this guy. *
  23. Yes, that CITY. As I said, I was on board since before they even unveiled their identity and was fortunate enough to get ten toes down on the ground while they were building up all that, the stadium, the former pro shop and the current one across the street. So yeah, they're mine now.
  24. This thread needs 100% more pictures...come on, folks! I mean, they ain't horrible...they're just not necessary. (It also wasn't nighttime...but then do the Colts have any primetime home games—or any primetime games at all—this season?) KEEP THE DANG GRAY SILVER PANTS, NEW ENGLAND. I'll go further and suggest mothballing the navy pants altogether and just sticking with these home and away. I need to see the rest, but this is an early contender for uniform/environmental matchup of the week. Just a beautiful blend of colors and sun—and some kind of proper color blocking. (In that guise I don't mind the Lions' white socks.)
  25. Time out...so MLS has 29 sides, with San Diego onboarding soon to make 30...and 18 of those squads make the playoffs??? Thats 2/3 of the league! Shouldn't that be the other way around...if anything the top 1/3 make it in? Then again I've never really paid much mind to the structure or format of MLS; I just watch the games and support a side (CITY, in case anyone cares, since I was there from the start of that whole thing). Has MLS always had that big of a playoff field?
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