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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Well, yeah...the Pacers for one.* *And no, that little half-a-creek called the White River don't count...
  2. One of my all-time favorite looks in...ever. That said: congratulations, Mississippi State, you got the number font wrong. State wore bevel-block numbers during that time...although the dropshadow is correct. The sleeve stripes aren't *exactly* right, either, but eh...hey, overall, 90% is better than not, so we'll take it.
  3. Just something I happened to roll across earlier: REPORT: Milwaukee Brewers Could Start Looking at Relocation Options This Fall
  4. And now for all the corporate/marketing speak (because I know you were all just as curious as I was): It then goes on... So essentially this is their "Lake Life" alternate. There's DEFINITELY a joke to be made in there somewhere, but I'll let someone else make it...
  5. I need to see the 2 and 7 of this number font. That said, two things: a/ I've wondered how long it'd take Purdue to do this, so I'm glad they finally did, and b/ this confirms what I've been suspecting: the pendulum has indeed swung back the other way toward traditional (okay, throwback, but traditional still the same.) Who'da thunk traditional would be the new trend???
  6. Yyyyeaaahh I see a C&D incoming pretty soon...
  7. I'm sure there'll be some orange in there somewhere. That said, if you really wanna see all navy everything, well...wait til the Snatit and Cowpokes tilt again...
  8. Aside from this being the first bona fide Sunjack in the history of the Creamery—and possibly all of humankind—this back- and- forth is starting to approach gray-facemask/__F__S territory now...
  9. No you're not, because I think so, too. The image below only further confirms such.
  10. First, thanks for clarifying this, because that twitte—err, X video post had me all throwed off. Second, speaking of that video post, these dangone "hype" videos have officially jumped the shark—maybe not all of them like IronChefShark, Greg "The Shark" Norman, Sharky the Shark Dog, the San Jose Sharks or Nanahue aka King Shark just yet, but dang close. Now if all that was unnecessary to spell out, then so too was all that mess in the Bengals' video just for one simple switch. Third, does the NFL allowing Cincy to pair its alt helmet with their otherwise regular road unis open the door for other teams to pursue doing the same (I know Carolina already does this with their black helmets) which would then effectively lead to regular helmet swaps Ala college football? (I give it three years max before that becomes more commonplace than most of us care to think about.) With that said... ...Fourth, I personally LOVE Cincinnati's Jungle Kat alternate look (as mocked up above). Having said that, the one thing I wish they'd do with it is thicken up the orange strokes around the numbers. Even if that (and the swooshes, because of course) is all the orange on that uniform, at least it'd be a little more noticeable and effective. That said, they better stick to the black socks with that uniform...
  11. Not for nothing, but I really do wish Cincinnati would reinstate the italicized jersey numbers...I know some don't care for that on sports jerseys (I never have been that guy, though), but given how otherwise simple Cincinnati's look is and has been, I feel the italics add a certain sense of speed and dynamism that the regular Roman numbers just don't, despite being a distinctive font on their own. (Of course this is just one man's opinion...his two rusted Lincolns.*)
  12. Congratulations, Orioles...y'all just blew a 3-run one-out lead in the 9th off a grand slam given up by your gargantuan reliever...
  13. And while we're discussing the Vikings, you know that nice sharp new throwback alt they just added? Well it looks like they're adding a memorial patch to that as well... ...in honor of Bud Grant.
  14. You mean Bobby Moore's old number...the original Vikings WR to wear #28... (Of course he later became known as Ahmad Rashad.)
  15. These video game graphics are getting too real. That is amazing. Somewhere in or near Beaverton OR there's a think-tank group conferencing around a campfire right now drawing up the next Spurs Statement edition...inspired by this right here. BOOK IT.
  16. Curious: what specifically about the Eagles' and Ravens' respective number fonts is/looks "dated" to you? (Anyone else can respond to this, too.)
  17. Speaking of thus, I see a lot of people put out a lot of lists...but the one thing I never hear anyone specify is their metrics...what is their criteria for ranking so-and-so above whoever else? All of which is to say: what's the litmus test here? (I don't think there are any wrong criteria; i just wanna hear more people substantiate their subjection with something solid is all.)
  18. Granted, I'm sure this is a coincidence, but...given this and the new Michigan State sets, might we about to see a new mini-trend of pattern-stripes in place of traditional sleeve stripes?
  19. Tim Anderson has now been checked into Memeland: How's that Don Henley line go again? "You can check out anytime you like...but you can never leave". #WelcomeToTheHotelKTFO
  20. This probably won't make a lick of sense to anyone who hadn't been in the industry prior to all the corporate raiding, but I watched this same thing happen to the airline industry going back as far as '06, and even before then...the big boys make power plays to snatch up the smaller boys whom they feel can somehow add value to their outfit—in the case of the airlines, in terms of desirable routes. The most recent example deals with the power play made for Spirit Airlines, which Frontier wanted but JetBlue ultimately won out for...a / to acquire Spirit's western presence, which helps JetBlue expand their footprint (same reason America West acquired USAir way back in the day) and by virtue b/ to create what I believe will be the fifth biggest airline in the country (there was a time when US Airways—the birth child of the aforementioned merger—occupied that spot). The same thing is going on in the trucking industry right now, too...bigger companies are looking to acquire smaller outfits they think, be it freight lanes or assets or both, will add to their value somehow. I'm only saying all that because I understand the business aspects of what these conferences are doing. Doesn't mean I necessarily like nor agree what they're doing—not that anyone would care whether simple ol' me did or didn't, I aint the one holding the bags —I just get it. It's really all a reflection of what's going on in this country elsewhere from a business perspective. Having said all that, two things: one, I'm really curious, especially since I understand the, um, *unique* financial pickle Florida State is in and has been in for a while now (edit: explained one post above), and two, all this makes me real glad I'm also a pretty big fan of Marshall University. Now if any of these big boys start picking on MACtion, THEN Imma have a problem.
  21. So who's this Dorian Thompson-Robinson guy? Dude looked pretty good out there! Other than being a rookie I don't know how he got kicked to 3rd string behind Kellen Mond...Monday looked horrid out there. I'd be shocked if he makes it past preseason as #2, unless Kevin Stefanski is just stubborn to keep the rook at #3. That said, yes it's just one preseason game, but imma be real: I saw a lot of the same moxie out of Thompson-Robinson that I saw out of young Aaron Rodgers when he was still backing up the Favreness. This could get interesting for the Browns...except this is the Browns here, and I don't think even Griffin sees any reality in which Cleveland doesn't screw this up. I know one thing, though: if this kid ever makes it as a starter, he's already got the record for longest NOB of any active QB in NFL History locked down.
  22. Random gray is random. Number font cam use some slimming down. Pretty cool application of the checkers to the collar. Solid otherwise. Are they also gonna have white lids? (Probably so, because of course so.)
  23. And all that on top of still being on the hook for the remainder of Bobby Bonilla's salary... At the rate the Mets are going, they gon' need about three or four more ad patches just to break even...(!)
  24. As long as we're scrutinizing this with a fine-toothed comb, the bigger issue is that tail...why does it come out of one of the legs? To be real, though, this may be one instance where the tail may not even be necessary; if it wasn't there, would anyone notice considering the forward-leaping perspective?
  25. I didn't even realize until you just wrote this that the new Suns jerseys/uniforms don't have any black in it...how'd that happen???
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