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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Iowa's also had those uniforms since 1999 (save for the change in number font three or four seasons back[?]), so unless the Swoosh sells them on a new idea, I don't think they're going anywhere....
  2. Some insight into Coach Norvell.
  3. Completely off to the side, but a/ that is one of the absolute best colorways in sports, college or otherwise; and along with that b/ there was (may still be?) a time when I dreamed of the Snatit adopting that scheme... Do you mean the font itself? If so, then yes...of course Colorado has had them since the late '90s, and part of me wants to see them reinstate the inlines they used to have back then, but yes, ITC Machine italic.
  4. Speaking of Oregon...81-7 over Portland State yesterday. Yeesh...
  5. We'll skip past the obvious BFBS and get to the part of this I've been hoping for the longest that KU would do: adopt the circus font for their football uniforms. What they have right now is solid; these are just more distinctive. (I know Wyo beat KU to it in football, but KU has had some version of the circus font for the longest time in basketball, so there's that at least.) And... ...What exactly is going on with Northern Arizona's pants there...is that some kind of new "Sedona stripe" or something? Fake edit: turns out that came with the 2021 rebrand that I apparently completely missed...they also got the Lousiville numbers (which I guess now is an adidas stock option now???)...
  6. They did. Aside from the outside corners/terminals being squared off on these new numbers, the numbers themselves are also thinner (and the strokes juatasmidge thicker), making those opposing-corner/angled counters more noticeable. Observe:
  7. My phone might be messing with me but...do those stripes and numbers appear yellow and blue to anyone else? Those still rank among my favorite alt uniforms ever....@ me.
  8. Time out...have I been in a fog or something? When did LAC go to being WAH? (Admittedly I don't keep tabs on what goes on out west—usually because I'm sleep by the time they get going—so I hadn't realized that if they did.) Now, with that said...I'm not on Twitt—um, X, to know what the Snatit's uniform schedule is, but going by the above post they're going WAH against a team whose primary color is pretty much the same as theirs...and why do socmany NFL teams do this again? And while I'm throwing out all these arbitrary questions... ...Someone tell me how the Chargers were/are able to get away away with two alternate non-throwback uniforms again?
  9. Heh...who besides me remembers the time when the Florida Gators were primarily ORANGE and white?? I know, rather short period of a longer overall history, but still...
  10. By this do you mean "no elements of design"...as in no stripes or colored number strokes, things of that nature? I've seen people say this before, so let me address this, from a bit of a technical perspective. Even "no" design is still "design", when you factor in the functional aspect—at the end of the day, design is more about how something works and why it exists more so than what it looks like. Now, with that said, one is free to gussy up the aesthetics as much as one wants—or keep it barebones basic as long as the thing functions the way its supposed to...as those Vandy jerseys do in relaying more of a barebones aesthetic. (I didn't see Vandy's creative brief so I don't know what their stated end-goal was; I can only infer from what we're looking at.) The thing about barebones basic jerseys is that, since there's nothing else on them, it highlights the number font if there's something unique about them—which in Vandy's case is that old-school 5. That alone can help strengthen the overall brand identity if done right...and I believe it does well here. Now, with all that said...I'm also with those who find the white V a good bit jarring...perhaps, if they felt the need to do just a V, they should have made it black stroked with white rather than the other way around. I feel like they also probably could have incorporated the star—after all, a commodore was at one point a one-star flag rank (gold star, at that)—but a single V does read more clearly as a shape, so...
  11. Some shots from Hawai'i/Vanderbilt:
  12. Getting back to this...apparently students and alumni alike are not exactly happy with this new brand. While looking at that, I also ran across this: That might be about the best compromise they could have made, given the current controversy going on there. More about all that here via SBNation...an opinion piece about Davidson (and Saint Joseph's) specifically, but about, in their minds, collegiate branding updates in general. My own two dusty pennies about this: Davidson's new logo, at least the craftsmanship and illustration of it, as I said earlier, is far more dynamic, much cleaner, and bolder than the former. However, the new logo left behind what may as well have been Davidson's signatures element: the red diamond. Mind you, I knew nothing of Davidson (beyond Steph Curry) before all this, but if that one element was the signature emotional connection between students/alumni and their athletic brand identity, that at a minimum should have been kept...which, again, is why the revision in that linked tweet above, while losing some definition in the face due to the lack of gray (which I personally could take or leave), probably would have been the better way to go to preserve the tie between former and new...and maybe not irk so many fans/students/alumni at the same time.
  13. Am I missing something or did Cooper Rush just go bye-bye or something?
  14. I thought about concepting that out once—even setting aside the fact that the league already has two blue-and-orange teams. That particular shade of blue is unique in its own right. Maybe I should finish that our. I'll tell you what else I thought about as far as potential colorways go: It flies a bit too close to Chargers territory, but it'd at least be a bit distinctive. Either that, or the Snatit could replace their current red with that orange. Of course, I doubt the Snatit would add that orange, being that a/ the Snatit are trying to appeal to the entire state; b/ Knoxville is clear on the opposite end of the state from Memphis/West Tennessee aka the Forgotten Grand Division; and c/ good luck finding more than two or three Volunteers fans out that way. (I still think it'd be a pretty decent colorway to try out...but at this point two-tone blue is their thing. Or would be if they didn't feel the need to trot two-tone grey out along with it...)
  15. I like the new illustration direction...looks more dynamic. I can see why some would've wanted the diamond to stay (it ain't like this is unique to North Carolina, but look here), but given everything else that went into it, I think it turned out pretty well. Although the mitre point on that second spike of fur down from the ear is bugging me something crucial right now...
  16. The numbers are still ugly as butt, but black/white/black really works for the Falcons. (Who as I type are currently doing Falcon things...like being down 24-nada on their own home field...)
  17. What about those of us not on Twitter X?
  18. I'm right there with you re: LAC and Wyoming. Two of my favorite football looks right there.
  19. I know I missed it somewhere, but what's the reason NYC's thirds are green? Whatever the reason, these fit, at least in my mind, what a "third" kit should be, at least in soccer/futbol: something that extends beyond the brand—or at least something about either team locale or nickname—but not completely disconnected from it. (I'm guessing the green deals with Central Park??) Also, that little bit of light blue looks great with the two-tone green, IMO.
  20. Not for nothing, but since these examples never get shown nor talked about, probably worth showing the late '60s into '70s Giants road sets: (Homer Jones and Fran Tarkenton, respectively.) Why these never seem to get as much if any love is beyond me...
  21. Ehh, the White River running through the west side of Indianapolis is really more like a glorified stormwater runoff creek bed. If anything, the man-made canal on the west edge of downtown is the water more associated with the city...
  22. All these years and Phoenix is still rolling out Berthold City??
  23. This is what I wish they would've done in the first place!
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