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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It's ridiculous. If I was a Seahawks fan I wouldn't even be watching. Obviously they can't fix the outcome of a game, but they can certainly tilt the field, and anyone against the Packers in this situation is running uphill. It's basically like playing the Steelers. I'm legitimately waiting for the first official that breaks kayfabe and writes a tell-all book about how they were influenced to throw flags in certain situations.
  2. Give me a break. That negates an interception and give them a first down? The fix is absolutely in.
  3. Eagles get the #10 pick in the draft. Nice trade Saints!
  4. Have the referees always had the hats with the ear warmers? I don't recall seeing this before.
  5. If they were banking on the Rams beating Seattle, then the Rams would have beat Seattle.
  6. But if it's the only red on the Titans, or (as proposed) it's the only gold on the Jags, then it becomes a design element rather than an advertisement. So (work with me here) if Reebok or Puma or UA take over the contract and put their logo there, it becomes more of a different uniform than if the logo is simply replaced. I totally understand why people may think that it's innocuous and makes the uniform look better if the swoosh is colored in a way that enhances the overall look, but to me, that integrates an ad too closely with the design of the uniform and it's no longer "manufacturer agnostic" - which is what it should be. If the Jags were to add some gold, then they should find some other way rather than enhancing the ad. If the Titans want more red, they should find some other way besides relying on the ad. The Seahawks? Their uniform was literally designed to showcase the ad. I'm honestly not sure which case is worse. Agreed that the black on the Colts looks stupid.
  7. My point isn't about making the swoosh in team colors, per se. It's about making the swoosh a particular color so that it actually becomes part of the design of the uniform.
  8. Something that just crossed my mind: If Hamlin either can't play or chooses not to play again, his toy-drive charity will have earned exponentially more money than he will have.
  9. Of course there's a chance. I've been wrong before and I'll not mind being wrong again, but regardless of his coaching, I just don't see "it" with him. I think for the most part, "it" is independent of any outside factors. I'm not talking about being just a starting NFL QB, I'm talking about him becoming a true franchise QB that was worth taking #1 overall and (presumably) getting paid in the $30-$40M range. You kill your franchise (see Raiders) by paying QBs like they're franchise QBs when they're really 10-win QBs. Right now I see him as a guy you can win with, but not a guy you you because of. That's a huge difference. EDIT: Also, it's not lost on me that Doug Pederson was brought in to "reset" after the Chip Kelly debacle (though to be fair, Kelly had two 10-win seasons) and then brought in to "reset" after the Urban Meyer debacle. It's like he's the guy you want to fix things after you hire a weird college bully coach.
  10. I've watched a handful of his games, and while I never watched him play in college, I'm not sure what they saw in him (other than his build) that made them think he would be a standout NFL QB worthy of the #1 overall pick. He simply doesn't have the talent necessary to achieve anything in the NFL.
  11. NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!! Again, we're making the swoosh a part of the uniform and a part of the team's branding. Like the red one on the Titans. We're nearing the point where it's hard to tell where the team's brand ends and Nike's starts. An advertiser's logo shouldn't be part of a team's design. It should just be there. Actually, it's better if it doesn't integrate because then it's clearly just an ad and not creeping in on the team's brand.
  12. Doug Pederson certainly isn't a genius mastermind, but he's a good guy and I'm happy for him. Good for him and the Jags. Trevor Lawrence is not a franchise QB and if a true franchise QB is available in the draft, they shouldn't be too proud to grab him and move on. Trevor Lawrence will never be the reason a team makes it to the conference championship game, let alone a super bowl. He's simply not better than above average at the NFL level.
  13. Eagles coach busting some reporters balls about the size of his cell phone:
  14. What the hell did he expect would happen? Vegas only exists as a place for people to visit from out of town.
  15. is this Gregory Soto fellow any good? Phillies gave away a couple of decent young players for him... hope it's worth it.
  16. Of course not. I wouldn't, and I'd like to think that not even the football fanniest of football fans would want it that way. The Chiefs aren't getting a bye because a guy's heart stopped. They're getting it as a result of the league's decision regarding a suspended / cancelled game. I think it's OK to separate the reason that a decision was needed (a "guy's heart stopped") from the result of the decision and be grateful and move on. Doesn't make you or any other chiefs fan a bad person.* *now if someone at Arrowhead (likely dressed in a full headdress and wearing a Tyreke Hill jersey) were to have a sign that read "Thanks Hamlin!!!" then I'd say that person is the absolute worst of the worst of the worst, and maybe even worse than that. But I doubt that even the headdress crowd would stoop that low.
  17. Speaking of Mahomes, I think last week's Eagles game showed us that Jalen Hurts has a claim to the MVP, for which he was the Vegas favorite before getting injured. Maybe if he plays tomorrow (I think he's doubtful?) he can get back into that convo.
  18. That would have been the worst possible thing, because football fans being football fans, some people might have actually held it against Hamlin that the Bills didn't get the #1 seed.
  19. That's a lie. Everyone wants their team to benefit from any situation, whether fair or not. Everyone cares about the wellbeing of the player, but nobody would have complained if the scales tipped in their favor. I don't blame any fan for that, but at the same time, it's reasonable for literally everyone else in the world to be bitter that the Chiefs are getting an unfair advantage that they didn't earn on the field. While this is obviously a more serious situation than when teams were spreading Covid, everyone thought that the teams with Covid should just forfeit rather than moving games - if it benefitted their team. Everyone thought the games should be moved to Wednesday... also, if it benefitted their team.
  20. My point here was that if the Bengals had lost to the Bills and were 11-5, Baltimore would have won the division with a win tomorrow since both would be 11-6 and Baltimore would have won both games. With a draw or tie, Baltimore would have been robbed of an opportunity to win the division over a team they beat twice (in this scenario.)
  21. The world will be a better place if KC loses. Granted, Andy Reid losing is usually the right outcome, but they're really getting such a benefit by being given the bye that I really hope they lose and at least make some of the scenarios moot.
  22. I don't think it's that unfair to the Bengals (noting that it's a little unfair to everybody... including Baltimore.) 1: @Sport Your point about calling the game a tie or draw is valid. I'm not arguing that. That's what should have happened. However, given the total havoc that would have created and that they chose to not do it, we are where we are. The rules allow for on-the-fly rule changes as long as there's a vote, so while they didn't follow their rule, they followed their rule to create a solution to the problem. 2. The NFL is basically saying that you can't assume a win or a loss from the suspended game. But you can design scenarios for what the situation would have been in either case. I think that's how they came up with the neutral-site idea so as to account for unknown home-field situations. Given that's the stance that the league took: If the Bengals had won: -Tomorrow's game is meaningless and they're resting starters. -Guaranteed home field in WC round -outside chance at 1 seed, but extremely unlikely. If the Bengals had lost: -Ravens have a shot to win the division by sweeping the series. -If Cincinnati wins tomorrow, division record and H2H would be even. Not sure what the "common game" situation is, but it's not guaranteed that the Bengals win the division. So, the Ravens were potentially screwed out of a chance to win their division, and Baltimore is collateral damage to the suspension. While admitting that it's unfair to everybody, I don't think it's as unfair to Cincinnati as it's being made out to be. Calling it a draw would probably have been more unfair to more teams, however changing the rule on the fly is also kinda sketchy (although, the rules allow for on-the-fly rule changes with a vote, so even that wasn't that unfair.)
  23. They could not have done that (per their rules... albeit they seem to rewrite those on the fly):
  24. Given that there's a bye week after the game, it would be a perfect opportunity for them to have a real meaningful game in London or somewhere else. It would suck for the fans of the teams, but that would be a spectacle. If people turn out to watch the LOL Jaguars, they'd certainly fill Wembley or wherever for the AFCCG.
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