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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. There's also an argument that these guys are going to be doing this regardless - whether in back alleys, Kimbo Slice-style backyard fights, or somewhere else where there's no medical attention (not even Dana's "medical professionals"), probably for less $ than the pittance that Dana is paying, and where there's no regulation. I'm disgusted by it, but there's no way to stop it, so at least regulate it. Same with gambling. Same with other harmful activities that are currently regulated on the streets and not in any sanctioned way.
  2. IANAL, but I believe the nature of the trademark is that you can't use those colors in a competing business. So HD may own the trademark of orange being the predominant color of a big-box home-improvement store. Titans might own the trademark of a pro football team in Houston wearing light blue and red. As long as they sell merch that says "Houston Oilers" in light blue and red, they can claim that they're using the TM and keep it. Again, not a lawyer, just what I've picked up based on independent research.
  3. 1. This is nitpicking (but that's kinda our thing) but that cap doesn't match the helmet because the cap has a white stroke around the T and the C, while the helmet logo is just color on color. I think I prefer the helmet version, but either one would be nice. 2. This is pretty damned cool! If they could somehow make them actually shake hands, that would be the proverbial chef's kiss.
  4. They'd look like Bills South - and I wouldn't be mad about it.
  5. "We're only going to score 17 points? lol"
  6. I enjoyed Romo during his first season, but if I'm going to watch a game, the teams involved is the one and only factor. I don't think FOX gains any advantage by having Brady, even if he's really good. "If we don't sign Brady, CBS or Amazon will" isn't a valid view, since again - I'm sure I'm in the majority where I'm not watching a game for the commentators. The networks have a guaranteed audience based 99% on the matchups. Adding all the announcers they want isn't going to get me to watch a game between two loser-ass teams.
  7. And something similar would look perfect with their new minimalistic uniforms. I too am a believer that "rules" can be broken if it works (I prefer the term "norms" to "rules") but I think continuity between a cap and helmet is a little more important than continuity between a home and road uniform since the helmet only exists to be a protective version of the cap. I guess I just don't see why they'd make the investment in helmets but not caps (unless the helmets are just a test before going in balls deep with the look... which they should.)
  8. I don’t think it’s the worst of all time. It might be analogous to the Blue Jays becoming the Black Jays, but that’s subjective. I do think the court looks ridiculous. Between the swooshing basketballs on the sidelines to the painted college lines and the black extending up into the circle, it’s just a disaster. the version used at the end of the Spectrum / start of CC days was much better (I don’t actually remember if this was used at spectrum). This is from a video game so not 100% accurate but close enough.
  9. Did they use those photos of police and police cars, or was that added just to help us with a visual?
  10. The biggest shame of Brady retiring would be Greg Olsen getting demoted. He's so much better than I expected him to be. The PBP guy isn't special (good, just not special) but the pairing makes for a pretty good broadcast.
  11. Do any NBA courts still have multiple 3-point lines? I haven't seen every arena in a while.
  12. The white paneled helmet works very well with these uniforms. Unfortunately, it's ridiculous to have a helmet that doesn't match your hat - especially when you have a helmet that does. The helmet is supposed to be simply a hard hat, so it should match. Hopefully they bring out a matching hat to go along with when they use the helmet.
  13. Regarding the HOF not being a big deal: Baseball is the only sport where I thought that the HOF was a big deal. It's also the only sport where there used to be magic numbers: 300 wins, 500 HRs, 600 HRs, 714/755 HR, 60/61 HR 3,000 hits, 4,192 hits, etc. Then Bonds et al made a mockery of the numbers and made it more like football where the old records get bypassed all the time because of rule changes, park changes (in baseball, not football), PEDs, etc. So I guess that since all the things that made baseball "different" to me are kinda gone now, the HOF shouldn't matter anymore either. It's not on the path of becoming the pro basketball HOF, where I might get in someday despite never having played organized basketball at any level, but the sport itself (like @infrared41 said) is changing, so I guess either I need to change, or just stop caring.
  14. I'd support their expansion bid. Hell - I'd support their Olympic bid. I don't harass players at games.
  15. That's fine if it's your opinion, but is there any other sport where you'd advocate putting lines on the field for games that have nothing to do with the one you're watching? It's not totally analogous, but my example of the football field with soccer lines is similar in concept to what you're advocating for. If college floors weren't ever shared with NBA floors, and the lines didn't overlap, would anyone care? It's one of those things where it's the way it's always been and people were used to it. I think it looks more professional now.
  16. LOL WUT? I've never ever ever heard anyone deny that Phila is among the losingest pro sports towns. Like... ever. You don't know what you're talking about. Comparisons to NY and Boston have nothing to do with championships. That's a valid point that I've made myself more than once. The fans are simultaneously what attracts and what repels talent. Right now, top players seem to want to be here, and some thrive and others shrink. A portion of the fan base are complete idiots and fueled by a particular media blowhard, and fortunately he's retiring, and his listener base is aging. Despite thinking he's a jerk, that's not why I think Scott Rolen isn't a HOFer. I don't even blame him for forcing a trade. In fact, the Phillies are having "Scott Rolen Night" next season (which I think will end badly, but the franchise itself doesn't seem to hold a grudge.) But I don't think he made any impact on the history of the sport, and my bar for HOF is largely stat agnostic. Scott Rolen was an outstanding fielder, a solid hitter, and a very good baseball player. But if he never existed, nothing in baseball history would be any different.
  17. The college lines made the floors look like those high-school fields that have football markings with soccer lines over top of it or lax or something. They serve absolutely no purpose in the NBA so other than to save money there's no reason for them. They just make it look like they couldn't afford their own court.
  18. Right, so it's no longer a "hall of fame", it's a "hall of WAR". Defensively, Rolen was the 2nd or 3rd best that I've seen (behind Schmidt, and maybe Arenado... who could eclipse Schmidt) and I genuinely don't dislike a guy for leaving a hopeless situation and making a career / life choice. I dislike him because he's a jerk. And if you don't think that playing in Philadelphia or New York or Boston is harder than playing in St. Louis or Cincinnati, I just don't know what to tell you. Again, if you think WAR and all those metrics are more important than being one of the game's true all-time greats or being the leader of a team that's won championships or being... well, famous, then that's cool, we just have a different definition of what a HOFer is. But at no time did anyone watch Scott Rolen and say "man, that's a future HOFer". Never.
  19. “Average Eagles fan?” I’m insulted. The “average” fan would have eaten the poop AND the horse. This guy was an amateur bandwagon fan at best.
  20. I don’t think it’s a “hall of stats”. He couldn’t handle bright lights (not that the lights were too bright in those days) and could only thrive in anonymity. His contributions to the one championship team were minimal, and he’s irrelevant to the “story of the game”. he also answered a reporter who asked if he could tell the fans more about himself “if you want to get to know me, I’ve got some bad news”. if you emphasize stats then sure. And if that’s your measurement for what a HOFer is then that’s your opinion and that’s fine. I feel differently. But the toothpaste is long out of the tube.
  21. Scott Rolen: “"You don't think about this," Rolen said on MLB Network. "You think about trying to do the best you can, play for your team and play the game as best you can, and there's such a long road. I never thought that the Hall of Fame was going to be the answer." Also Scott Rolen: “waaah, fans are mean, the team is bad, I’m not playing here so you need to trade me, waaaaah”. GD coddled baby that had to go to the softest place in the world to play because he had such thin skin. Screw him. Scott Rolen is, and always has been, a coward. Cool, he won a WS. Lame selection based strictly on stats and not impact.
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