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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. But the whole thing is to go "through the uprights". I think balls hitting the posts and seeing how they bounce is really fun. The problem is that the rule only applies up to the top of the posts, and then the ball just has to go over the posts - essentially widening the target. The posts need to be raised. OR.... make the whole thing like a projection, and it makes some kind of cool sound if the ball passes through the forcefield, in which case the edge could count. That would eliminate the actual posts from the field of play which could be aesthetically pleasing too.
  2. When everyone was making fun of "Major Tuddy" saying that they put him in an old R-words jersey, I didn't realize that he's wearing the full R-words uniform - look at the pants! Why in the world would they do this, when some portion of the fan base is already complaining that they should have just kept those uniforms and slapped "Commanders" on them anyway?
  3. Ironic that the Giants were (rightfully) pissed at the Eagles for tanking in 2020 and costing them a playoff spot, and now they're in position where it's beneficial to rest their players, which would help the Eagles. I wonder if they do that, or if they go all-out and try to essentially ruin Phila's season.
  4. Not only did that scum bag do snow angels, if you watch the video, he looked over and saw Foles was dead - so it can't even be excused as him just not knowing how bad the situation was. But then he did the "nighty night" thing on the sidelines as Foles was being carted off. Total scumbag. This was AFTER the show angel thing:
  5. As a non-soccer fan (not a soccer detractor, just it's not my "go to" sport) I think PKs are absurd. It seems like just a guessing game and the goalie has to make a quick read and guess right, left, low, or high, and hope. If PKs cannot be eliminated, then two options to make it better: 1. there should be two goalies - a left and a right one. or 2. the kicker should be blindfolded. Also, one of the balls in the PK session is actually a mine that explodes upon contact. The usual case is that it would detonate upon contact with the kicker's foot, however there's always a chance that it might not detonate until it makes contact with the goalie. Either way, hilarity ensues.
  6. This would be pretty easy to do. The league establishes an "average income tax" percentage, and teams in the no-income states pay a "tax" against the salaries for their players which goes into a pool and can be used by the high-income-tax-state teams to supplement their players' income in a way that doesn't impact their cap. All the cap gymnastics and bonuses may make the math a little tricky but there's enough nerds that can figure it out.
  7. Eagles are getting dominated, but the refs just took their TD off the board on a call that all of the announcers couldn’t believe and Daryl Johnston was actually mad about because it was so bad. There was also a roughing the kicker against the Eagles that was overturned because they said the Saints guy was blocked into the kicker… but that’s what happens on 90% of those calls. NFL really wants next week’s games to matter.
  8. I've been advocating for years that teams with stripes like that - like the Steelers - should adopt the vertical look since 1) sleeve numbers are no longer required, and 2) there's no sleeves anymore. This looks great.
  9. Eagles confirmed white pants, so the TBD can come off of that one. I highly doubt we'll see anything other than white pants for them for the rest of the season.
  10. If I was the Jets, I'd try to sign Minshew for relatively cheap and save that cap space to use elsewhere, and accumulate "assets" to use to move up for a franchise QB whenever one is on the board, whether in '23 or '24 - or be able to make a trade for one if someone becomes disgruntled (but hopefully have a better outcome than the Russel Wilson trade.) Basically the Eagles / Howie Roseman model (they just happened to get lucky that Jalen Hurts might pan out as a 2nd round pick, but I don't think that was their intent at all.) And/or use mid/late round picks to take fliers on QBs and hope to get lucky that one of them is either the next Tom Brady, or at least good enough to guide the team on a rookie deal while they continue their search.
  11. But how important is "stabilization" when the ceiling is division champ? There's certainly some positives to having the same guy every year, but not at the cost of competing for the top prizes. But do you pay a guy >$30M to contend for a division? Maybe if it's a one or two year deal and they have a legit young franchise-type guy to bring along, but any further commitment to him would guarantee the same results as the Raiders have had. Again, I like Derek Carr as a player, but I think he's overrated and is sometimes looked at as a "savior" type, or a "franchise QB" - and he's neither.
  12. Back when I followed college football some, Ron Dayne was a monster. I loved the gimmick where the crowd would yell "Ron Dayne" after every time the PA announcer called his name. Thought for sure he was legit, but just couldn't make it in the league.
  13. Carr is an example of why you spend money on a true franchise QB, or just go with some cheap option until you land one. For as good as he is (and I do think he's very good) he was never a guy that could lead a team to a SB championship, and paying him money just held them back. You can win a Super Bowl with a Derek Carr, but you can't win a Super Bowl because of a Derek Carr. That's a big difference. I'd rather my team go through cheap jabroni after cheap jabroni until landing a guy that's truly worth committing to than getting trapped for a decade with a guy who's too good to get rid of, but not good enough to lead the franchise.
  14. I don't want to hear no more bashing of Ohio State's ability to develop QBs, lest you forget the star career of Bobby Hoying. Put respect on that man's name. Notre Dame was QB University when I was a lad, just like PSU was Linebacker U. I recall BYU having a few too, but guys like Jim McMahon and one of the Detmers, not stars. According to PFHOF, the HOF QBs by school are as follows. I assume many of these were a long time ago. My guess is that the QB position has more variables and risk to it than any other position on the field, so the top programs build their offenses around lines and receivers so that to reduce what's required of the QB and therefore other than the truly special guys, they're not necessarily prepared for the NFL way of doing things. Other than Kerry Collins, who really came out of Penn State that amounted to much - and for a long time, Penn State was one of the "go to" universities for ready-to-go NFL players. How many great linemen and receivers have come out of Alabama and Georgia lately? I only know because people here for years have been yelling at the Eagles to quit trying to outsmart everyone and just draft guys from there, and they've all been good. I think if I was a star HS QB that really thought I was going to start in the NFL, I'd choose a program that relies more on the talents of the QB so that I could stand out and get experience leading the team, rather than a juggernaut like Alabama where the coach is the real leader of the team and the history and system are bigger than any of the players. Notre Dame (13) Southern California (13) Michigan (11) Ohio State (10) Miami - Florida (9) Pittsburgh (9) Alabama (8) Syracuse (8) Minnesota (7) Illinois (6)
  15. Maybe a side-by-side for each matchup rather than each team on its own row would provide an easier-to-consume visual of the matchup as well as reduce the scrolling by half.
  16. Trotter was a pro-bowler then left for a season in Washington in which he was hurt, then came back and was a pro-bowler again. So maybe him? He also retired, then came out of retirement for half a season and was really good again. Probably the last really good Eagles linebacker since they (wrongly, IMO) decided that the position doesn't matter anymore.
  17. I guess I was looking at it as that Flynn and Mitchell each had success for a small part of a single season while backing up a superstar, at a time when it was thought (mostly IMO due to how Brett Favre and Mark Brunell were identified as potential stars that were just stuck as backups on their current teams) that superstar backups that had success could repeat that anywhere, when the reality is that (if my memory serves me... which is no guarantee) they had fewer than a handful of good starts and then got paid. So while it's true that they're similar in that they only had success in one city and nowhere else, I'm simply adding the distinction to Foles that the difference is in the sample size, including three separate seasons of strong playoff play, in said city. But i get your point.
  18. IMO - and I remember it live - this was awful. Way too bottom heavy, though the white socks helped. For better or for worse, the "Colts look" is white pants and white pants only. While I do think that gray could work (just not the way they did it when they tried in the '80s) it's still just change for change's sake. Sorry, but the Colts are blue over white and white over white. The one thing I'll agree on is that they looked like absolute booty last night.
  19. As for worst HC, I'm old enough to remember Ray Handley and Richie Petitbon, who replaced Bill Parcells 1.0 and Joe Gibbs 1.0 respectively, and were widely mocked and eventually fired after a season for baffling decisions and general incompetence. They're at least in the discussion.
  20. This is true. He left the field in that wild card game with the lead, and the special teams blew it otherwise he gets a win. He also has a display in the HOF for tying the record for TDs in a game. I'm not totally sure that I agree with the Scott Mitchell / Matt Flynn comparisons, as Foles had had success in three distinct seasons (people forget that he got the Eagles to the playoffs in 2018 as well, and threw what would have been the winning pass had the receiver not flat-out dropped the ball), but he'll go down as nothing but a mediocre QB that had success in one city and nowhere else - which is odd, because his success came under three different HCs so it can't even be linked to any particular system.
  21. Merry Christmas Cowboys and Vikings fans. Eagles lose potential HOFer Lane Johnson for at least the rest of regular season. Arguably, along with Jason Kelce, as impactful as losing Jalen Hurts.
  22. But the teal flake helmet clashed with both the actual teal and the black. At least in photos, it's too un-subtle (to make up a word) and becomes basically a new color. Maybe in actual game action it was more black - I don't remember. But the flake should be brilliant, if it was something that only showed up when the light hits it juuuuuuuuuuust right.
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