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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I totally understand why this may not be popular with Bills fans based on the team's history and their memories, but in a vacuum I think this looks pretty sharp. Maybe a larger logo and a Giants-ish finish rather than flat.
  2. Who would have thought that people who wear headdresses and warpaint and do the tomahawk would have the n word in their vocabulary. Surprised we don't here more of this coming out of Atlanta.
  3. How clutch is Nick Castellanos? Big hits, and a huge diving catch to save the game for the Phillies after Zach Efflin did his best to blow it. I've been telling people all year not to give up on Castellanos. He's a good guy that's just run into some bad luck, and was bound to turn it around.
  4. They weren't posted as of the time I made my post.
  5. So we still don't know what time Friday's NLDS game is yet. Not only that, but it's looking like a game 5 between Phillies and Braves will be on prime time Sunday night - opposite the Philles vs Cowboys game. MLB truly hates its fans. It's effing ridiculous that they can't say what time Friday's game starts, as if people with tickets don't have to make arrangements. I could sell my crappy ticket for >$300 now, or wait and hope that I'm actually able to go.
  6. Yeah, the pigs there do it, but the pigs in Atlanta are even worse with the Braves. Short of actually stopping the game and penalizing the home team, I'm not sure there's any way to stop people like that.
  7. You could do your own thread and put up the graphics however you see fit, or just don't look into this one. Is this TBD thing seriously the hill people are going to die on? They're usually all resolved by Thursday and Friday as the team tweets disclose the combos.
  8. I think we've established that MLB basically hates its own fans, but we know that there's only two games on Friday, and we know what teams are playing, yet they still haven't announced game times so that anyone can make plans to take off of work or make any other arrangements necessary to attend. I get waiting until the Mets blow it, but now there's no excuse to not know when the games are starting. Also, 1PM postseason games should be outlawed. It's absurd that you wait so long for a team to make the playoffs, and even advance, and they make it so most people can't even watch. I know that they want to avoid head-to-head matchups, and that there's more teams now, but there's still ways to do it so that games aren't starting at one (or even 4:30.)
  9. It looks nice on its own, but clashes with the flat black of the jersey. You could really see the red flakes better than you could the teal ones when the Jags tried it a while back. I'm not sure if using dazzle-fabric on the jerseys would help (or if maybe there's a way to weave some shiny red threads into the black material?) but I found the contrast to be distracting (as a uni nerd - not saying I was focused on it rather than the action on the field.)
  10. One on many things that Jalen Hurts is good at is sliding, or at least positioning himself to absorb minimal contact even when scrambling or executing a planned run. But I worry that he'll take a huge head shot or otherwise overly-aggressive late shot and ref reaction will be "welllll, he's really a running QB so he deserves it", or "well, he's not like Brady or the Mannings or Rivers or...".
  11. I laughed and posted about what an idiot he sounded like when he was talking about biting off kneecaps and how there's no way that anyone who presented himself like that would end up being a successful leader, and I was practically eviscerated. Nice to see that like usual, I'm proven right in the end. He's a clown.
  12. Yeah it must have been someone on the Jets, since upon further review (per GUD), they deviated from white before Buffalo did. But, ALL TIME EAGLES GREAT KEN O'BRIEN - RESPECT THE MAN didn't come around until around 8ish years after the change.
  13. I thought I read at one time that one of the reasons the Bills went from white to red helmets was that all the other AFCE teams had white helmets and one of their QBs thought that there wasn't enough contrast when he was looking down the field. I may also have just made that up.
  14. Kyler Murray might be the dumbest football player in the league. It's no wonder they had to put that clause in his contract. I simply cannot understand what the hell was going through his mind when he spiked the ball on 3rd and less than one. Complete moron.
  15. if ever the Bears should break out their long-rumored orange pants, that would be the time,
  16. You're not wrong, and as a fan of aesthetics, I just want the best looking game possible even if it means mixing and matching to avoid clashes - however, it's not any team's responsibility to think like that and sacrifice their look in order to accommodate whatever their opponent is wearing. A team should have the mentality that it's all about them, and not the bigger picture. I feel like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth because I'm saying that what I personally like is different than how I think a team should act, but if I'm a decision maker for a team, I'm wearing the look that best represents our team's brand regardless of what the opponent is wearing.
  17. I remember being really surprised when I saw that there was a caffeine-free version of Mountain Dew, since when I was in college (pre-energy drink days) people would specifically get MD just for the caffeine boost (same with caffeine pills) to stay up all night studying... or "studying". I had assumed that was the whole point of it.
  18. Can someone explain the difference between 7-up, Sprite, Sierra Mist, and Mountain Dew? Aren't they all just lemon-lime sodas with maybe a slightly different weight towards lemon or lime?
  19. IDK. They have a ton of championships, including one where they snuck in with low 80s wins and just got hot. They're always a threat to make a real run. They just seem to be blessed or something, which is why even though the Phillies won the season series from them, I genuinely expected the Cardinals to steamroll their way to the NLCS.
  20. Seriously? I'd expect the richest team in the biggest market could attract better talent than him, unless he's just been there forever. I also understand it's a little harder to call national games than local ones, but he just seems asleep or doesn't care. And not in the good way, like when announcers know when to shut up and know when to talk. He was easily the most annoying thing of the last two games.
  21. it’s basically a done deal.
  22. The Jays for sure. The Cardinals were only up by 2 when they imploded. The Phillies put 6 on them, but only needed 3. The Mariners needed a hell of a lot more.
  23. It's an eazy / cozy place for players to play that can't take pressure. Nick Castellanos would hit 40HR playing in front of the BFiB. The BFiB that were again leaving early when it was only 2-0! Fortunately there were enough Phillies fans to keep the stadium looking respectable. What a complete marketing fabrication that whole gimmick is.
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