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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. The car fits this definition. What group is the car a member of? Looks like just a single car to me. "UNI-form". I don't know the literal etymology (sp) of the word, but it sounds like "one form". It would apply when multiple people wear the same "one form" outfit to distinguish themselves from others, or like if you're talking about pinstripes and how they're uniformly spaced (in this case it's an adjective). Either way, it implies more than one object is needed for the word to apply. Otherwise, it's just a guy wearing something. Or a stripe.
  2. By definition, none of those redneck cars belongs in a "uniform" thread. From m-w.com
  3. Cardinals should bring back that red piping on their pants.
  4. and a player in the wrong body. I love Curt Schilling, but man that dude didn't give one thought to keeping himself in shape or doing any exercising.
  5. Interesting. Never heard of imgur. I'll give that a shot. Holy crap that's awesome! Thanks.
  6. Interesting. Never heard of imgur. I'll give that a shot.
  7. What's the best / fastest way to upload a pic from in phone to a site from which you can link to it on the forum? Like a tinypic or something.
  8. My experience in Phoenix is that the "city" of Phoeniz (and I use the term loosely) is vacant after the work day, and the only reason anyone is in "downtown" phoenix after dark is if there's a ball game. Would hockey really work there if the audience lives in scottsdale or Tempe? The Valley sucks to get around in since there's next to no transit and it's all highways, and you can't even have a drink at a game then drive home due to their zero tolerance DUI policy.
  9. As someone who's job is to implement email (and other electronic communications) retention and archival systems for regulated companies, I sincerely hope that the city council, while maybe not technically regulated, would have some kind of retention system in place that would render deleting emails useless.
  10. I don't mean "turn to soccer at a HS level" - I mean don't turn away from soccer at the HS level. If I'm a great soccer player and the only way I have to "make it" in soccer is to forgo college and play overseas or at acadamies or travel teams etc. then why wouldn't I go to college and try to make it in another sport that I'm also really good at? That model works for Canadian hockey because Canada, but it's not going to work here. My uneducated opinion is that the model for success in US soccer should be smilar to the other sports, which of course requires an investment. Maybe US Soccer could lobby the NCAA to allow for more scholarships, or fund the broadacst of games, or do something to make it more of a big deal than it is. I'll admit that I just don't "get it", and if Soriandude things it's because I'm not as smart as him, then LOL, but I can't deny how awesome the atmosphere is and how big it is elsewhere and in a country with a pool 300 million people and state of the art facilities, there's no reason that the US can't dominate (or at least compete at a very high level)... other than the good players don't want to play.
  11. Same thing here. The large plazas had thousands of people watching on big screens on the sides of buildings, bars were packed, sidwwalk gatherings, work was empty, etc. That being said, as long as the NBA and NFL remain as big as they are, pay multi-millions, and can be reached by relatively easy-to-follow paths (HS to D1 college to Pro), the best of those kids playing soccer are going to migrate to other sports once they reach HS (or at least their senior year.) My HS football and baseball teams had some athletes who were amazing soccer players but gave it up to focus on getting scholarships at those other sports. If that doesn't change, I just don't see soccer being a relatively big deal in the US outside of the "USA USA USA" crowd that the World Cup inspires. I have no idea how old the average soccer player is (like do pros regularly start out at age 17? 22?) but maybe if USA Soccer can work with the big college conferences to get their matches on TV and make a spectacle of them like they do for football, and if MLS had a US College draft (I have no idea if they do or not) that would show that there is a direct path to the top* and $$$. *the US top - obviously the real top is overseas... for now.
  12. Why on earth would it be reworked? The paying company doesn't rework a deal just because the receiving company wants more money. The sharks would have to get their lawyers to find even the slightest breach to get out of the deal (the sixers did this and switched radio affiliates mid season a few years ago) or offer comcast equity in exchange for a better deal. They ain't moving, but they ain't getting mo money either unless one of those or another creative move happens.
  13. I can't believe that silly hill and pole are still around in 2014. I figured they'd've seen the light by now.
  14. If your playoff atmosphere involves chants from opposing fan bases, then you shouldn't have a team.
  15. He fit right in then. Just like I fit right in your mom. Like she would associate with some scumbag Eagles fan. The best feeling ever, outside of getting married was watching you pathetic losers walk out of that dump on more time losers. Actually, she took on the entire 700 level, all in one night. There's a very good chance that one of us is your father. Might as well just start calling me "daddy".
  16. Agreed. It was weird when he was an eagle. He's kind of a slob and a dick too.
  17. crystal clear air-conditioned force fields that can be deployed over and around the stadiums would be more likely than the Cubs making the world series by then. Actually, crystal clear force fields that could block rain would be an amazing invention for sports (well, life in general.) Can one of you science nerds start working on that?
  18. Agreed. The Blue Jays have a two-tier system (a "Level of Excellence" for the team's great players; you get your number retired if you go into the HoF as a Jay). The Level of Excellence had the players' numbers on it until it was re-done last year, and rightfully so. There's no need to emphasize the number if you're just "honouring" it. Related, I wish teams who had two-tier systems would have specific requirements like the Jays. There's no reason why Nieuwendyk and MacInnis shouldn't have their numbers retired. The way the Flames do it seems so arbitrary. The Phillies and Flyers have a tiered system too. The team HOF, which honors players but doesnt include retiring their numbers. that is saved for players that enter the League HOF, which is why it took so long for mark howe's #2 to get retired, he only was recently entered into NHL HOF.. I think that's dumb. If there's even a chance that you may want to retire a guy's number, at least hold it out of circulation for a while so 20 other players don't wear it before it's retired. The whole point of retiring a number is that it's become forever associated with that player, or because nobody will ever be able to do honor t that number like the guy for whom it's getting retired, etc. It's stupid that numbers get retired after other players wear them. The HOF thing is stupid as well - if Adam Oates makes the HOF, does 77 get retired? Granted Mark Howe was a pretty big part of some good Flyers teams, but they obviously didn't think he was number-retired worthy when he left.
  19. The thing with the "ring of hono(u)r" and "forever a flame" is that they should leave out the number, and just hono(u)r the player.
  20. yeah, that would've been more appropriate, but at least Iverson did wear the "classic" colors (though like you said, for inky a short time). And seeing as how he's probably the only player from the black and gold era wholl get his number retired, I'm actually ok with them using the red and blue to keep all their banners matching.He also wore the classic colors his rookie season when he had his most famous personal moment (breaking MJ's ankles). I'm fine with his permanent banner being red & blue, but the temporary patch probably could've been in black and gold. This was easily his most memorable personal moment: If you ask anyone in Philadelphia who followed the Sixers back then what (on court, anyway) comes to mind first when they hear the name Allen Iverson, I guarantee it's him stepping over Tyron Lue.
  21. It's where he started Oh what could've been for the 80s and 90s Phillies if they had kept him. Nothing would have been any different for the 80s or 90s. Not sure how old you are but that was an organization that was not run in a way that was conducive to winning, or even competing. Also, not a single negative word has been said about him, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. When the team flops (or players start dying on the field due to old age or osteoperosis or something, because old), it will be on RAJ, not Sandberg.
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