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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Warren Moon was a Chief? Yeah that's a weird one. The Vikings had several straight seasons where they had success with QBs better known for being on other teams (Moon, Cunningham, Jeff George) but in none of those cases would I consider their VIkings jersey to be "wrong" - just not their "right" jersey. Moon in KC? Wrong. Cunningham in DAL or BAL? Wrong. George in WAS (even though he was only in MIN for a season)? Wrong.
  2. the forced log-out thing is happening more and more to me. It makes me sign in again every time I log on, and that signs me out everywhere else I've been, so basically I have to enter my username and password everytime I go to the site (unless it's from the same device as the previous time.)
  3. For those of us who witnessed most of Ricky's career, his brief stint in Toronto is far from obscure. Especially to a Phillies fan. What is obscure is catching him in #14. As a young uni-number geek, it was quite a shocking sight to see him in anything other than 24 (I missed his pre-Yankees days.) I was actually disappointed when he acquired (purchased) #24 with the Jays. IMO, anything post '95 is a "wrong uniform" for him. Hell - I barely even remember him on most of those teams, with the exception of the Mets. Four separate stints in Oakland? How does that even happen? He was 34 before he became a vagabond. 34! Then played 10 more seasons!
  4. That jersey has a drop shadow rather than up shadow.
  5. For some reason these just started appearing to me today. Got a a nice surprise at work when scantily clad mail-order Russian women appeared on my screen with messages explaining why Slavic girls make the best lovers or something like that. Granted, they were attractive, but I'll be restricting my daytime use to mobile only (which means when I'm pooping) until this is resolved - which is probably a good thing, because even without the ads I probably shouldn't be on the site at work anyway!
  6. Sweet Bubs avatar. Surprised I never noticed that before.
  7. Those uniforms would be a lot better without the gray. Pink, black, and white is all they need.
  8. "NBA merchandizing types are constantly telling us it's the best in the league." LOL Wut?
  9. They're all decent minor league logos, but not for NHL. The one they went with is the best of the bunch, but it's not a strong logo. TOo much blending of colors, not enough contrast, and nothing iconic at all. Plus, the corniness of having a hockey stick forced in to it.
  10. Me too. THat stripe pattern is one of the most underrated uniform quirks of all time. Kind of a throwback element if you think about it.
  11. Also, ipad safari = no ipad chrome = no i do not have facebook linked to my profile in any way. I wonder if the people that have this option use fb?
  12. Windows 7 x64 Operating System. Chrome = NO Firefox = NO IE = NO So I don't have the option either.
  13. I"ve noticed that usually there's an ad that's fixed to a super wide width. It shrinks the entire screen to fit the whole ad in there. DOesn't happen too often, but it's annoying when it does. Usually refreshing loads a normal ad and everything is normal.
  14. I have the same issue in iPhone with Safari and Chrome. If you start to quote a post but then abort, you're pretty much stuck because that quoted post is forever in the reply box. To make it worse, things like "select all" and other standard text shortcuts simply don't work in the mobile reply boxes. I have not seen it where it saves a quote from a post that I actually submitted. Submitting a post with a quote always clears that box out for me so I can continue posting. It's only when I abort a post... which believe it or not, is around 50% of the time (though probably only half of those contain quotes.)
  15. Spectacor is the company that Ed Snider (Flyers owner) started (the name is similar to his other projects like "Spectrum", "Prism", and one other than I'm forgetting) and then merged with Comcast to form Comcast Spectacor, which technically owns the team (as opposed to Comcast proper, but that's essentially who's bankroling them now. So basically they, and probably several other teams, directly pay (or paid) the Flyers.
  16. Problem: When in a thread, the notification that someone else has replied pops up and makes a chime. This isn't controlled via notification settings, it just happens when you have a thread open. No problems there - it's actually kind of handy. BUT, I use remote desktop through Citrix to do work things. WHen this notification happens, it freezes my session, even though RDC is a totally separate app from my browser (though technically it's launched through the Citrix browser plugin.) It's consistent - as soon as that chime occurs, my session is frozen, and most of the time requires killing a process and going through the whole logon process again, which might not even work due to how Citrix maintains session info on the backend (it doesn't know that the process has been killed on the front end.) It would appear that this is a browser / Citrix issue, rather than a board issue, but since it's not practical to adopt a new browser, is there any way to disable all notifications, including the "new reply" one?
  17. The Flyers Center is 20 and in great shape because it's kept up well and upgraded all the time. I haven't been in any brand-new indoor arenas to compare, but other than not having a giant wall of suites (which I guess is a trend now) I can't imagine there being a huge difference. if designed right and maintained well, 20 years between 96-16 is like an hour compared to the 20 years between 76-96, which is like... well, 20 years.
  18. No, it's much easier now because you can just upload direct from your device. Rather than hotlinking via img tags, you can save the image then upload it. Back to notifications - I'm getting them on mobile now too even though my settings say they're disabled. EDIT: Finally figured out the notifications - I wasn't scrolling all the way down to the bottom and some were still enabled. I thought simply unchecking the options at the top (automatically follow, etc.) was all that was necessary.
  19. That didn't work for me. It's certainly possible I missed a step, but from what I can tell they're disabled but I am still getting beeps and pop-ups whenever I log in from a new browser tab. EDIT: I noticed that I haven't received notifications from a Windows 7 Desktop, but I always get them from a Windows 10. Could be coincidence and maybe nobody likes or quotes me when I'm on Win7, but maybe it's a browser issue not board related.
  20. I turned off notifications yesterday but I"m still receiving them in the bottom right corner of the screen, along with sound. I don't really care who liked or quoted my post. I"m not sure how I can turn them "more" off.
  21. Just curious what you like about seeing that big statistics panel. Maybe there's a benefit that I'm just not taking advantage of.
  22. 1. Is there any way to get rid of the box on the right of the main page that shows board stats, forum stats, and posters who are spamming? I have no need for any of this and could use that space to expand the center section (kind of like before.) 2. Any chance of eliminating the forum descriptions from mobile? It's better now that the upgrade has made more progress, but there's still an annoyingly small amount of content visible on the screen in the mobile view (especially compared to before, which was pretty mobile friendly.) I definitely like some of the new mobile features (uploading photos is amazing, and some posting options are much easier) but the amount of content that's displayed is frustrating.
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