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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I’m not sure if there’s any way to incentivize the IST, but what baffles me is that I just learned that the play-in games aren’t considered post-season, so those stats truly go nowhere. If you score 101 points in the game, do you now hold the NBA record? They’re basically considered exhibitions from a statistical perspective.
  2. If you do. Google image search on Barry Sanders, I don’t think there’s a single image that shows what most people would call Northwestern stripes. In some cases the sleeves are cut, but their “NW” stripes have outlines on every stripe, similar to the Steelers. I would not call their classic look a NW-striped jersey.
  3. It's not over till the BoG votes. We've waited too long to start celebrating prematurely only to have our hearts ripped out. Ironically, more non fans will have their hearts ripped out if they stay than their actual fans will if they leave.
  4. or find a Delorean and go back to before they decided to design the utter trash they're wearing now. As I see it, the only challenge is in finding the plutonium and evading the Libyans.
  5. I don't watch many (well, any) Falcons games. Do they ever open the roof during games, and even if so, does it really let a meaningful amount of light in? Can't support a dark uniform for domed teams that don't have some kind system for letting real light in.
  6. I don't know if there's a WNBA thread, but WTF is wrong with this guy? He's apparently making the "heart hands" gesture.
  7. within a week, threads have been not only Clevejacked, but also horsedick jacked, ganjacked, and now just plain dickjacked. I love this place.
  8. I know we're never going back to my favorite era of logos (Nordiques, Flyers, Whalers, Devils, North Stars, and others that pass the book-cover test) but something along the line as the Kraken (with a better name) would be more than welcome. Most of these concepts are over done and better suited for the concepts forum or a AHL, USHL, or inndor leagut
  9. Ironically, you made it HOTTER. Thanks for the contribution. This is not a real person's name right? This has to be a porn name.
  10. dammit I was just going to make an Ernest Byner joke.
  11. Stop saying y'all, because t'aint all.
  12. By not putting "it takes all of us" or "end racism", the Jets clearly support police brutality against minorities. There's no other explaination.
  13. Haha I haven't made it through the whole thing yet, but "Urrectum" as a replacemnt for "Uranus" made me laugh. I still feel my suggestion of a new day called DreDay didn't get the consideration it deserved. Then there's this; Today we are all October. EDIT: I also distinctly remember Lamicus giving me warning points for using the phrase "eat a bag of d...", then using it in that thread like a week later. I called him out on it and he was baslically like "eh, it is what it is." Not nearly as bad as BiB's targeting / over moderation and warning for things he said in the same thread you were warned in.
  14. I'm 99% sure that there's a lost thread that predates that one, based on context clues in that one and from search results in the "grinds my gears" topic. There's not too many flame outs anymore, but godsdamned if it's not the best when you can drive someone to an internet-forum meltdown that results in either banishment or voluntary quitting. There gets a point where you can start to smell the blood in the water, and then it's over. Some may call it bullying, but it's always the result of someone taking a benign suggestion and going from 0-60 faster than one of Rashee Rice's rentals. EDIT: it's also fun going back and seeing who's been banned, as there's so many I forgot. There's others that I thought were banned, but must have voluntarily walked away.
  15. Ugliest Bathroom was literally my idea, based on CC's bathroom. I still think it should exist. I don't recall the calendar realignment. I doubt Max wants the CCSLC The Series anymore, but Peacock will put anything on there, or maybe CW or Tubi will start offering original programming.
  16. I actually don't remember that one at all - and now that I've read it, I don't get it. But OMG the things we used to post about back in the day and the phrases we used.
  17. oh I'm 99.9% sure the guy "BigMac12" never said that himself, but it was a reference to all the jesus stuff he brought into the thread. In fact, you may have been the inventor. Surprised I couldn't find it.
  18. What a dumb choice for the NOB font. It clashes with every single other thing on the uniform. Simple block would have been fine.
  19. Oh I HATE HATE HATE that I start reading an article on a blog, expecting it to be something insightful about the team, then I realize the beginning of the article is just setting up for the rest, which is all about gambling. I don't care that people do it, but the way it's infiltrated nearly every medium is nauseating. And there's nothing in the world that interests me less than hearing about someone's fantasy football team. Two guys in the same league want to talk about it to each other? Fine. But jesus, I don't care. And I hate being at a game and overhearing people talk about gambling and fantasy sports. I was just at the Sixers game on Friday and the guy behind me - in a Sixers jersey, mind you - was yelling and screaming for some Magic player, because of something around his bet. "Come on, I need xx points from you to hit!!!" (or something like that.) If I could, I would throw his phone - with his severed hand still gripping it - onto the court and let some player smash it.
  20. "transparent" redesign? Is someone finally giving us our transparent side panels?
  21. Longer time to hit you? Actual weed is cheaper if you get it from "your guy" rather than a dispensary (I assume... don't know, as I only dabble in the edibles and mostly just to help with sleep.)
  22. I'm late for work because I've been going through threads in the Goldmine looking for the original "frozen blood of non-believers" reference, which I thought was in this thread after dude went off about how he's a christian and christians wouldn't treat each other like we were allegedly ganging up on him. It's a good thread, even features CC97 demolishing the guy. Also came across the old "poo" thread, which I re-read and still cracks me up. The Hemingway-titles-as-poo-references is gold.
  23. apropos of nothing, found this while going back to the thread. Someone predicting the future? EDIT: post didn't copy as expected due to http link, but basically about predicting coronavirus is coming in 2013.
  24. Glenn Rivers is not a dr. And Glenn Rivers is a complete jagoff.
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