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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Regarding the Guardian caps, is there any advantage / disadvantage to making your head extra huge? Like a DL taking up more space when trying to fill holes? Or a RB grazing a defenders shoulders due to the cap and losing balance or being otherwise affected?
  2. As the CCSLC CTE expert, I wholeheartedly agree. They don't even need to make them super big to fit around the helmets, they could wear the caps and nothing else. If anything, it'd prevent leading with the head and force good technique, which would inherently reduce concussions.
  3. I didn't see it personally, but local radio hosts also said that normally he may have been tossed there, but that maybe he got a little leniency after the league admitted in the L2M that the refs should have granted them a time-out in a spot that directly lead to NY hitting a go-ahead shot towards the end, and missed multiple fouls that would have given them points. Like a "we looked bad and it impacted a result, so let's make sure there's nothing that anyone can point to in this game." Not intentional, like they got screwed or anything, just bad / missed calls in unfortunate spots. Just speculation, I didn't see it.
  4. This morning, when accessing the site, I was redirected to: https://boards.sportslogos.net/admin/install/ with just a blank screen. Closing all Chrome windows, going into 3rd-party settings and deleting stored data from CCSLC appears to have fixed it. Just posting the solution in case anyone else is running into same issue this morning (and finding another way to access the site, like through an incognito window or other browser.)
  5. Not scummy in the same way that Snyder was, just scummy in the way he views teams as nothing but financial assets and means to ends, doesn't give a damn about the communities in which he operates in (despite making statements in all of them that paint himself as a hometown boy), and while he's mostly hands off as far as personnel goes (which is a good thing), he makes very questionable choices on who to give the keys to. He's pretty much hated here, and that was even before the arena thing.
  6. Josh Harris won't win any "best owner" contests any time soon. Just wait.
  7. Can Guardian Caps be painted or have decals applied to match the team's normal helmet? I was reading the FAQs on their site and they're currently only making them in 7 colors, and there was nothing about whether they can be painted or have decals applied (though that would be tough, given the shape.)
  8. That's 100% not every team's goal. I firmly believe that many teams - mostly the ones that don't get much attention - just want to capitalize on trends and change every few years to keep the merch train going.
  9. I saw first hand what happens when a great QB/OC tandem is broken up. Ironically, the Ass Birds' HC is an offensive guy, he just sucks at offense. They tried to promote from within to maintain some continuity, and it blew up in their stupid faces. I think unless you have an all-timer like Brady or Mahomes or Manning, continuity is extremely important, and I'd think twice before hiring some DC that's just going to have a revolving door of OCs (unless I could get a good OC who simply doesn't have HC aspirations.) BUTTTTTTTTT, what I don't get is how a defensive coach seemingly knows nothing about offense (and vice versa.). It's all football. A DC plans against offenses, so it's not like they don't know how to scheme an offense to beat a defense. And vice versa. I think if any HC, whether a former defensive guy or offensive guy, can't manage the other side of the ball, then they suck and maybe need to spend 30 hours a day in the office trying to figure it out.
  10. I'm hearing now that he had an opportunity to transfer to Alabama and make a lot in NIL money, but chose to stay loyal to Toledo and the coaches that gave him his opportunity. On one hand, that's very noble. Gotta respect loyalty. But on the other hand, is there a little element of fear there? Loyalty be damned, if you have the opportunity to make a lot of money - and that opportunity could vanish at any time with a single injury - you take it, unless you're either from a wealthy family or maybe you're a little scared of jumping into the bigger pond. Or I'm over thinking it, and he's just a good kid and there's nothing more to it.
  11. There's been speculation about Joel Embiid's face for a little while here, since he hasn't been blinking from only one of his eyes for a little while, and he's appeared visibly off (and wearing sunglasses all the time.) Turns out, in addition to all his lower-body injuries, he's dealing with Bells Palsy, and half his face is paralyzed (in addition to associated migraines.) He has the worst luck. The other year he catches a friendly-fire elbow that breaks his orbital in the playoffs (in addition to whatever knee injury he was dealing with), and now he comes back from a near season-long knee issue just to get a potentially-debilitating condition.
  12. I know that you don't have to go to a big school and play big-time competition to make it in the NFL. Jerry Rice went to Miss Valley State, TO went to Middle Tenn (I think), and there's countless others. But it's still a risk, since in most cases they've never played against anyone who has NFL ability. Eagles drafted a CB from Toledo. This worries me, because I doubt he's ever covered an NFL-capable receiver that's been thrown to by an NFL-capable QB. It seems like the riskiest position to take a first-round shot on. But the "experts" were all doing a circle jerk over the guy leading into the draft, and most fans here are participating in said jerk. Anyone actually seen this guy and know if he's got NFL "stuff"? I think there's ways you can "tell" with almost any other position, but I'm just not sure about DB. Quinyon Mitchell is the guy. Looks like Toledo played Miss St., but mostly the other MAC teams.
  13. Pro sports font sets should NEVER contain an open-topped 4. Close your 4s, bros.
  14. I've said it before - "lazy" and "cheap" are terms people use to dismiss something without spending the time to elaborate further. Ironically, the word "lazy" is usually the hallmark of a lazy post!
  15. It's BS for Penix because there's the risk that he won't have enough "tape" to warrant getting that life-changing extension if he's not on the field for years. It was BS when it happened with Love too. This is a business, and if I'm picked at 8 and know that I'm not going to play for a few seasons while everyone else is, and they're going to be increasing their value by doing so, I'm looking into ways to get out of it. Or I'm seeing if Shane Stant is willing to take out another knee.
  16. That goes for his brain too.
  17. Now that an unexpected QB is off the board and not a position player, I think Howie is smelling some blood in the water... get ready for a move up to around 12 - 14.
  18. Whoa. At least Atlanta realized that Cousins is a complete loser. It's just a shame they realized that after committing a ton of guaranteed money to him. So is Penix just going to sit the bench a la Jordan Love and Aaron Rodgers? I feel for the guy, having to just sit there and hold a clipboard while his contemporaries get to ball out.
  19. Gonna need a urine sample. I forget which of the XII has the lab kit to test it, but I'm sure that's easy to find out. I see YzerFan has been back lately, so maybe he can do the test.
  20. Like this, but with their full pattern. Maintans the general aesthetic while giving their pattern more space to breath and not being awkwardly cut off. They have somewhat of a historical precedent, kinda.
  21. I hope one of the covered up stars is the Show Me state, because I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah.
  22. For the Packers, the only thing I'd change is to lose the TV number and run the stripes vertically from collar to cuff. Same goes for almost any team that has a notable striping pattern but who's stripes are relegated to just a small portion of the sleeve cap. The Packers font is perfect - especially the 5s, which is what we wore in high school. While I feel that the Steelers look better with the Futura font, I don't think the Packers should change a thing in that regard. Vertical sleeve stripes and striped socks (though that horse died a long time ago) is all I'd consider changing. Adding blue as an accent color to the current unis is one of those suggestions that would make me alert the mods that a user is posting under the influence and should be drug tested immediately. How would blue fit in with their identity as an accent?
  23. Ass Birds just extended AJ Brown for $86M guaranteed (3/$96 total). Right after giving D'Vonta Smith a huge contract, after giving two OLs two of the biggest OL deals ever, in the same offseason they gave Saquon Barkley too much money, gave some jabroni from the Jets a huge unearned deal, and a year after Jalen Hurts' franchise QB deal kicked in. Any team that can't keep its core together due to "cap reasons" is either terrible at cap management or has an owner that can't/won't write checks for huge up-front money. The team may have sucked ass last year, but continue to be a model in cap management (now if only they could hit on actual draft choices. They're great at paying people, but so-so at picking them.)
  24. OK moving on, for some levity, here's Bryce Harper hitting Bryson Stott in the nads.
  25. I’m not sure there’s a person on these boards that takes even the slightest reference to his teams as personally as you do. My gods, anyone even quips about the bengals or shows a picture that was about a rule and not a Red, and the guns come out.
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