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Huntsville Havoc Concept

Ez Street

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Huntsville Havoc of the newly formed SPHL:

Ok, i wanted to do a concept for them, but it was hard comming up with ideas. Personally i liked my design for the Quebec Nordiks, so i decided to use it on this. I have heard the "Nordiks" style is a bit confusing. But hopefully this is a better use of it. Please i'd love to hear your comments good or slightly ungood :D


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The slashes convey a certain sense of "havoc" to me, but I'm not really digging the horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the jersey.

Overall, I think it is a nice concept that with a few tweaks can be made even better.

"If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself, and you've got a wet towel wrapped around your head."

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Well i'll say this, putting that logo on a traditional jersey looks rediculous. But HEY, what the hell do i know....

Scary thing is, i was tooling around with a "Retro" styled Alternate jersey. Let's just say it was better off being left alone. I was working on something similar to the Wilds' Thrid jersey. I was planning on using that circular Alt logo the Havoc have. You know, the one with the severed head in it. :D

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Very nouveau-WHA.

You know what else would convey a sense of Havoc? Jerseys that induced epileptic seizures in specatators, a la Pokemon. That's something I'd buy in a second.

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One another message board there is a running joke that we will name the next hockey team in Tallahassee the Seizure Bots. Epileptics would have to stand in the concourse during player introductions due to the light show.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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