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Carolina Hurricanes Concept


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I got this idea when I saw Dylan Nowak's Red Wings concept, which you'll see the similarities right away.  It circled my brain for a while and then I had the idea of the warning flags like the side tags on the Islanders' new alternate.  I liked this because you could actually put the squares they way they're supposed to be for an actual hurricane warning.  It's a simple set, but modern.  Thoughts?




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From the sleeves to the crest it looks great, but I'm not feeling that hem stripe design at all.  If you're to include the warning flag pattern, own it, and feature it prominently.  The hem design is the only thing I don't like but it can make or break a uniform.  I'm happy to see the old shoulder patches make a much needed comeback and the sleeve cuffs are a nice touch as well.

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Defently a solid concept, but I feel like it needs black breezers. That would balance out the colors. 

"And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalms 9:10

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I like the additonal amount of black. That's what's missing from the current Hurricanes primary home.


I agree with modifying the warning flag or at least placing it somewhere else. And maybe a few small modifications to the arm stripes.

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Thanks for the feedback.  So, a couple things for me personally with a Hurricanes concept: 1. I probably will always keep the red pants.  I feel they should remain with red dominant over black.  Any other team in the league that has red uniforms and black in their color scheme as well has black pants and red jerseys.  So that's something they can own as part of their identity. 


The other big thing i have issues/difficulties with is the warning flag pattern.  I personally don't like having it all over the place.  Love it on the old uniforms, but whenever i see or try to do something with it myself, i just don't like it.  It's hard to match when you're not putting it on the arm and hem, and i just don't like it when it is on both.  That is why i wanted to incorporate it in a subtle way, though being a more visible way than the hanger effect. 


i also know and understand that a lot of people don't like the lack of hem stripes in general.  i happen to like it on certain designs.  and it's not really anything "new" as SJ and PHI did it pre-edge.  I was prepared for that one. 

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