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Castleford Tigers Rebrand


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Yes! Rugby League.


Obviously an improvement as a logo compared to the illustration style of the current logo. It could hypothetically be something they adopt when they move to their new stadium perhaps.


I don't really see any actual issues. Maybe the head of the tiger is too wide compared to its height and the two lowest strands of hair on the "beard" part of the face don't match the others. Maybe that's being too picky though I don't know.


Any plans to do other teams? Super League or elsewhere.


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5 hours ago, Broncoboy7 said:

Now this is a very nice revamp! I'm not a big rugby fan, but I do see the logos here and there. Good idea also to add in the "RLFC" to the logo as well.


My thoughts exactly


Great update. The tiger looks modern and fierce, and the change in font was also great.



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Not a long time ago I gave a try at revamping this logo on my Superleague redesign, but your try is definitely far better than mine! good job!

      38665609364_bedb96967e_o.png                                                                                        spacer.pngMy Behance                                                                                                   

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On 6/21/2016 at 8:40 AM, marble21 said:

I don't really see any actual issues. Maybe the head of the tiger is too wide compared to its height and the two lowest strands of hair on the "beard" part of the face don't match the others. Maybe that's being too picky though I don't know.


I don't think that's being too picky. That stood out to me when looking at the logo. I initially thought that the hair/fur/beard was cut off some how but then realized that it was intentional on my 2nd look. Other than that, a very, very nice modernization.


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Thanks all for the feedback. Noted. I made some tweaks based on your suggestions.

  • Slightly taller overall head
  • Lower section of the beard cleaned up

I'm hung up on the intersection of where the upper jaw and the lower jaw are divided - I may make a subtle adjustment here.




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