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Based on the leaks so far, I strongly dislike what I've seen from the Titans. It feels like too much of a shift and doesn't read as the Titans to me. The gray is pointless clutter and makes the set much more drab. The number font is hideous and overly designed. The underarm panels look like something out of 2002. Overall, the color balance is all over the place and there's generally no cohesion at all.


I always thought the Titans needed incremental tweaks, not a complete overhaul. The flaming thumbtack is outdated but I really like the circle with the stars from the state flag. The pants are fantastic, however the modern helmet stripes clash with the traditional pants. I like the shoulder stripes and the sword shaped stripes on the new set are a cool evolution of that feature, it's just a shame that they're now gray.


My set looks to streamline things a bit (consistent stripes, consistent number colors on the various jersey panels, updated word mark, logo, etc). I like the idea of a red Color Rush set. Navy pants are needless clutter given how fantastic their normal white and columbia blue pants are. I think I do prefer the Titans in white helmets, however, it makes too much sense to use columbia blue to distinguish themselves from all the other white helmet teams, and it still looks great. Of all the helmet choices, the rumored navy is the worst option.


I emphasized navy and columbia blue with red used as small touches (swooshes, nameplates, helmet stars, part of the word mark, etc).



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Not bad, but I disagree with navy pants being "needless clutter." I've always thought that the Titans' look worked the best when the color of the pants matched the color of the jersey yoke. I'd suggest scrapping the white pants instead and going with navy/powder, white/powder and powder/navy combos.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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