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Elephant Logo-Need Feedback


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Hey forum!


I'm working on an elephant logo, and I am stuck. I want to make it look more fierce, and also to make it slightly more detailed but still usable as a sports logo. Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated!




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I'd turn the tusks more towards the inside and thicken them rather than extend them up. I'd enlarge the eyes and rotate them down so that it looks like he's scowling at the person in front of him. 





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Okay, 5-minute Paint job:


  • First, if you want it to look more fierce, you could drop the pupils in the eyes and make the eyebrows slant inward a bit more.
  • Add more definition of the trunk further up the elephant's face.  Right now, his trunk just sort of joins the face in a really vague manner.  Put some vertical strokes there and define the trunk more.  You could add a few more of those wrinkles, too.
  • Finally, I added the tip of his trunk hanging out to one side.  His trunk currently looks REALLY short.  Yes, he could be holding it up under his mouth (like when an elephant eats) but it sort of just disappears altogether.  Chances are, you'd see a little tip of it sticking to one side or the other.  It also adds a little bit of asymmetry to your logo which is NOT a bad thing.


Overall, this is a great start! 





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