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NAFA Project | DAL, ATL, CLT, NY tweaks added 6/1


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Next up, the Toronto Lakers, based in the Great Lakes Division of the North Conference.



The team is named for Toronto's position on the coast of lake ontario. There is also a CN tower in the top of the anchor to make it more Toronto-appropriate.

Made with Affinity Designer. C&C encouraged.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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 Introducing the Boston Mariners. Atlantic Division, North conference.



Honors Boston's history as an important port city, and the pilgrims who sailed into Massachusetts back in 1620.

Made in Affinity Designer. C&C encouraged.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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The St. Louis Legion. Central Division, South conference.



Named for St. Louis' nickname 'the Rome of the West', a legion is a group of 3-6 thousand Roman soldiers.

Made in Affinity Designer. C&C appreciated.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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Introducing the Charlotte Flyers. Appalachian Division, South conference.



Named for the Wright brother's historical flight, and for the racing history of Charlotte.

Made in Affinity Designer. C&C appreciated.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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Introducing the Buffalo Polar Bears. Northeast Division, North conference.



Named for the Polar Bear cubs in the Buffalo zoo, and for the snowy winters in the area.

Made in Affinity Designer. C&C appreciated.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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3 hours ago, Punchy_Gungus said:

Next, the Seattle Shockwaves. Northwest Division, North conference.



Made in Affinity Designer. C&C appreciated.

I feel for a team named Shockwaves there should be something jagged in the logo. 

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Oh boy. First time scrolling through concepts in awhile and I see this. My first criticism is how you give 1 sentence explanations for the names of the more obvious ones (like Boston and Toronto) yet for say Sacramento and Charlotte no explanation. Though I like to figure out reasons for names though. 


Sacramento Kraken: Oh boy. Sacramento, one of my favorite cities to see concepts for and Kraken, one of my favorite names. Together. Why? THeyre not near the Bay or any ocean. There is the Sacramento River, but then something like River Monsters could fit. But hey, this is football and we see weird names all the time. As for the concept its pretty good, though gives me Sparky Chewbacca vibes (probably why you choose Sacramento now that I think about it) curious to see their uniforms as the colors are an interesting pick. 


Toronto Lakers: Good logo, good team name. Not really much to say. Color scheme is good. 


Boston Mariners: Probably one of the more solid ones here. The purple and light blue have always been a favorite of mine. Wonder how you'll implement the logo on the helmet


Houston Voyagers: Literally nothing to say here, except, please let the helmet logo be the space ship. 


London Royals: I kinda was hoping for a more unique name, however if the NFL moved there I see no reason for them to not do a royal/monarchy theme. 


Winnipeg Blizzard: I'm assuming the token white-at-home team? Almost always a favorite. Though unsure how Winnipeg got a team if only 6 Canadian cities got a team. 


Seattle Shockwave: Uh, not sure why but the name bothers me. But MJWalker's point also stands. 


St Louis Legion: I have an idea for their helmet design but I won't mention it because its impractical. 


Charlotte Flyers: ... Carolina Flyers fits better than Charlotte as Washington DC is closer to Kitty Hawk then Charlotte. Though if the logo was designed based off of cars "flying through the track" it'd make more sense for it being Charlotte. Really the only one I have major problems with. Also 2 teams with primary purple seems odd, even if the shades and secondaries are different. 


LA Tides: Most underwhelming, it'd be fine if it was anything but LA. LA is either an already established brand or something extravagant not 2 tone blue. 


Baltimore Warriors: The B in the Baltimore flag shield looks off with the way the pattern is, slight adjustment would help. Like the logos.


Buffalo Polar Bears: Another 2 tone/mostly blue team? I just want to see the jerseys for them. I always liked the name Polar Bears or Polars but never really thought about it besides hockey in some capacity

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@CodeG, I appreciate the feedback and will try to answer your confusion. 

First off, I got lazy towards the end for my team name explanations as I was in a hurry to repost the thread. I will add explanations.


Sacramento Kraken: You got me. I was directly inspired by SparkyChewbarky's original Seattle Kraken concept, and wanted to change the location to make it more original, and Sacramento was a perfect location for the alignment of the divisions. 


Houston Voyagers: the helmet logo is the partial logo in the bottom left.


Winnipeg Blizzards: I made the concept with a need for a team in western Canada and before I realized that Calgary was more populated.


Seattle Shockwaves: The name kinda bothers me too, it's probably the most meaningless team name I have so far, but I liked the concept enough to keep it. I may touch it up soon.


Charlotte Flyers: I went with Charlotte due to the fact that South Carolina is not represented in the logo, and also that it does refer to Charlotte's racing history as well.


Baltimore Warriors: I'm not happy with the B logo either, I may get rid of it and make the crossed swords the secondary.


Buffalo Polar Bears: I can see your confusion with the name. They're named for the snowy winters and for the polar bear cubs at the Buffalo zoo. I do have 3 two-tone blue teams, but they are all unique in color scheme. (I'm not counting the Tides, that's supposed to be teal).


Also, I don't have uniforms for every team yet, so I may not post those for a while. I do have some on my Imgur (@PunchyGungus) if you want to check them out.


Thanks for the feedback!


Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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1 hour ago, texashockeyfan said:

San Antonio's team could be the Generals, and Dallas could be the Armadillos.  Or do you already have names for the teams. 


46 minutes ago, JMtexan09 said:

San Antonio Scorpions 

Dallas Bluebonnets?


I already have planned names for all but a few cities. The Dallas Armadillos and San Antonio Jackalopes are among them.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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