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Heavy's What if the AFL didn't exist thread - Part XLVIII Wave 3: Albany ((Thread Complete))


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Ravens have a special meaning for Baltimore because of Edgar Allan Poe


That meaning is lost if you give the Ravens brand to Indy


You need something with a special meaning to Indy, like Racers or something

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If you read on the card you'll be cheating on your heart.

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And so the lawsuit was settled and Jim Irsay was ousted as owner... the new owner decided that Bombers was an eyesore considering the outcry and all... and so a new identity was needed, one made of steel, hot blood and fortitude of the midwest.

The Indy Bombers are now known as the....



Looking at the NFC.... a backbone of black and grey was absent and the Iron fills that niche.... no logo but that's because the stripe represents the I.

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  • heavybass changed the title to Heavy's What if the AFL didn't exist thread - Part XL Wave 2: The Indianapolis Iron

Time for Wave 3 and we're going to begin with a bang or rather a roar as in terms of expansion a 2nd team in Chicago was ready in the works... in fact plans were to revive the Chicago Tigers and play them in the AFC but the Chicago Bears or rather the letches that  destroyed Chicago aka the Halas clan objected massively to this and threatened a massive federal lawsuit that would of put an end to the third wave of expansions.

However an offer from Nevada changed their minds as the team decided to move westward to the bright lights...



Showing off what Black and Gold can REALLY do as a broad swipe to the Steelers and at the same time half adopting the stripes of the Bengals.... Tiger Gold and Vegas Silver compliment Black and White as the Tigers play in the multi billion dollar Tiger's Den stadium.

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  • heavybass changed the title to Heavy's What if the AFL didn't exist thread - Part XLI Wave 3: Las Vegas

Next up on the ole expansion wave of the third variety.... we're heading to Nashville!



"hears crickets"

Ok so hear me out.... I don't like the Titans current look because it's unfitting for a team that used to be called the Oilers... HOWEVER for an expansion team that is treated as an offshoot of the Nashville Predators whose ownership group includes Pekka Rine, you could say things are hella fine right now.

I imagine saying this whilst the room i'm sitting in is on fire.


"looks around"



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