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Woo Dude you are like a total joke


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But there was no period at the end when it was originally wrote.

I don't remember editing your quote... I never do that... strange coincidence that both John and I edited it the same way though.

Unless John can say honestly say he edited it that way then I guess I did it but forgot that I did.

That's wierd, oh well. I haven't edited the post since I had originally posted it and added the very last section. I was playing an online poker tournament during the time where you guys had replied and it took the better part of 2 and a half hours of that time and since I'm on dial-up and the poker program is a large javascript program to run, me using the internet while playing severly slows down the program.

Either way, the way it is now is the way it has always meant to be.


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This just keeps getting better...

As [Ricky] Williams contemplates a return, his representatives are considering having him file for bankruptcy in an attempt to void the remainder of his contract with the Dolphins and make him a free agent. -- Washington Post


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Surely a guy doesn't get paid to sign paper, he gets paid to play football.

Even if he got a signing bonus, it's really only paid under the understanding that he's going to get a large sum of money now, out of the total package he's going to get over the life of the contract.

If a player decides not to honour that contract, he should have to give back the percentage of the contract he didn't honour. Which in this case is all of it.

Oh, and I've got a site.

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Thast the only reason he wants to come back he does not want to give back the 8.6 Million so much for money not mattering to him.

For the record I want everyone who ripped me for ripping him to say one thing you were right oh gracious tank how can you ever forgive us :notworthy:^_^



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For the record I want everyone who ripped me for ripping him to say one thing you were right oh gracious tank how can you ever forgive us :notworthy:^_^

fluff yourself, you smug :censored:.

Hey watch the lanuage tank edit

oh, but i did, very carefully.

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For the record I want everyone who ripped me for ripping him to say one thing you were right oh gracious tank how can you ever forgive us

I don't know if that counts me. I defended him...I hope I didn't rip you in doing so. Ricky's making it hard on me to back him. Proving himself more of a me-generation thinker than an enlightened free spirit.

But I still stand behind all the points of my argument. In terms of what should or shouldn't be legal, what should or shouldn't matter to any of us at home cause its none of our business, and that a person can leave on the eve of the season and have it be the better, if not optimum choice.

Now, like I said.......Ricky is flaking out bigtime, but if that IS who he is...i.e. a flake, would you have preferred he actually be on the roster in that mental state? He might've sluffed off at best or ran the wrong way for fun at worst.

Nobody has the right, to tell a man/woman that they HAVE to keep the job they have....that still applies regardless of how fast Rickys stories change.

Know what burns me? Nobody takes the time to have a good ole-fashioned purposeful, prove a point, against their better judgment act anymore. I was all fired up for Ricky, even jealous, and then he caves two months later. Lame. I want to see a story on him still chillin 9 YEARS later. I was also ALL PUMPED about Shermans hardline stance with McKenzie...his "screw you"........"report and play or sit for four years for all I care" reply to McKenzies trade demands were awesome. And now he caves and we get TJRubley or something for him. Lame. Either plan to stick to your guns......for good or bad.....or dont make hardline statements. There is no harm in saying you may change your mind. But when you posture, you set yourself up to automatically be a liar....and look stupid.

In retrospect, had we acknowledged even the possibility of trading McKenzie way back in march, we may have gotten something better for him.


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