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Coaches keeping an eye on the jobs pages


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Which NFL coaches are feeling the pressure right now, do you reckon?

I am thinking right now Erickson may well be on his way out of the 49ers, Mike Martz may need to win 3 games on a run to survive now, and Haslett at the Saints might be in the same boat.


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Sadly, I think Martz's job is likely safe for another year. He can fall back on the spate of injuries, especially as of late, and even Orlano Pace's preseason holdout as reasons for the team's inexplicable inability to seize control of a division in which it has won every game.

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Martz absolutely should be fired. He should have been fired the minute he cut Warner and went with Bulger.

i dont understand why some rams fans are so down on Bulger and STILL think Warner is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

did you watch warner this year? he had a few good games, then went back to his fumbling, stumbling old self. and what are the Rams with Bulger as a starter....like 25-10 or something? Doesnt sound too bad to me.

But yes, i do agree that Martz is a horrible coach. Just remembering back to the 2OT playoff game last year and some of the stupid calls he made...

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Mike Martz is a great offensive coordinator, but without a head coach to overrule him, he's just insane. Warner was/is done and Bulger isn't that great either (record means nothing in the NFL, it's all about playoffs-see:Bono, Steve; Grbac, Elvis) I just have a question for you guys who are both Mizzou and Rams fans...do you want your teams to do well next year, or fold so you can get a new coach?

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Martz is a buffone but I hope the Rams keep him so the Dolphins dont make teh smae mistake and hire him themselves he is terrible and if I were a Rmas fan Id want him gone yesterday.



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"I dont understand why some Rams fans are so down on Bulger and STILL think Warner is the greatest thing since sliced bread."

What was the greatest thing before sliced bread?

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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I'm not a Mizzou fan (go Illini!) but as a Rams fan...

I'm still rooting for them. I can't not. Yet, at the beginning of the year I said I wouldn't (I realized that wasn't possible), and there is still a part of me that if not roots for them to lose, can enjoy part of what it symbolizes.

Warner played really well with a bad team. Give Warner this Rams offense (okay, admitedly, he'd still struggle with our O-line), and Warner would be behind only Manning. Oh, Warner also needs a reasonably well called game, something which Martz stopped giving him (not claiming that to be intentional).

Bulger is just poor, and the sadest thing is the Rams gave him superstar money when they didn't have to just to justify keeping him and cutting Warner.

As far as I'm concerned Warner did plenty to prove the Rams made the wrong choice. The justification given by Martz was he didn't know that Warner could still throw after injury...well...Warner proved he can. Maybe Bulger will learn to throw now that he's been injured.

Fire Martz, Trade Bulger, Sign Warner for '05!

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