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Congrats to USC for winning the Orange Bowl


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and now I shall speak for ND nation with a resounding



i'm wondering whether OU was really prepared for this game. OU looked like the Vandy scout team out there.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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The title game should have been Auburn vs. USC? No way. It should have been Utah vs. USC.

And I don't understand the three dorks in the final AP poll who voted Auburn No. 1. They must not have seen the Orange Bowl.

More than likely the three who voted Auburn the Champs were hardcore, diehard, SEC-riding writers.

And, here's something to commemorate the game.




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It looks like there are no more good teams in the BCS.

USC=Evil Empire..I'd almost root for the Yankees before I'd root for the Trojans..almost. (which is odd..conisdering my High School is based on USC's ahtletics program)

Oklahoma=Agreeing with ThaFlame "OwnedU"

Auburn:I am a Tide fan..no further comment needed.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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USC/Auburn would've also made the Trojans the only team to win back to back Championships by double digit margins, just as Oklahoma did.

If a team with 5 very good WR's, Adrian Peterson, Jason White, and one of the best offensive lines in the Nation couldn't even have a decent offensive showing on USC's defense, how exactly could anybody expect Auburn to? And if the 2nd most talented team in the country couldn't even stick with USC with that much preparation, how do you think a team that played a relatively ugly game against VT would do?

I don't really see how USC is an evil empire though, Cyclopsis. Schools like Miami, OU, Texas, and others still have just as good of a chance of getting the top players as USC.


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It looks like there are no more good teams in the BCS.

USC=Evil Empire..I'd almost root for the Yankees before I'd root for the Trojans..almost. (which is odd..conisdering my High School is based on USC's ahtletics program)

Oklahoma=Agreeing with ThaFlame "OwnedU"

Auburn:I am a Tide fan..no further comment needed.

yeah im rolling for the tide too, and im a die hard Vols fan, but there is no doubt that Auburn is badass. unfortunately for you and I. So it dosent look like Alabama will win the Iron bowl anytime soon, and it also looks like Tennessee might loose a few more SEC championships to Auburn in the next few years. But what i say is.....



On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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It looks like there are no more good teams in the BCS.

USC=Evil Empire..I'd almost root for the Yankees before I'd root for the Trojans..almost. (which is odd..conisdering my High School is based on USC's ahtletics program)

Oklahoma=Agreeing with ThaFlame "OwnedU"

Auburn:I am a Tide fan..no further comment needed.





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