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possible new cards uni's


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Between your love of Dallas' and Atlanta's alternate jerseys, it only cements my belief that you are ignorant to the subtleties of the sports design world and lack taste.

You should be stripped of your membership here and burned at the proverbial stake.


I happen to be WEARING an Atlanta Thrashers alternate jersey that I love very much. :mad:

Yuck... I expected better of you. :P

J/K... You know I love your design work, and if you were a hot woman, I'd totally do you, but that friggin' hockey jersey is currently the worst in the NHL (or what's left of it)...

I hate everything about it, from the color selection to the asymmetry to the vertical "ATLANTA" down the sleeve to the contrasted stitching. I appreciate that they tried to be experimental and creative and whatnot, but I think the results are terrible. I'm far from a traditionalist, but that imbalanced clusterfluff doesn't in anyway resemble a hockey jersey to me. It looks like the result if an old Charlotte Checkers jersey took a dump on a naked picture of Rosanne and set it on fire.

You're just bitter because I'm not a hot woman.


Yuck... I expected better of you. :P

J/K... You know I love your design work, and if you were a hot woman, I'd totally do you, but that friggin' hockey jersey is currently the worst in the NHL (or what's left of it)...

I hate everything about it, from the color selection to the asymmetry to the vertical "ATLANTA" down the sleeve to the contrasted stitching. I appreciate that they tried to be experimental and creative and whatnot, but I think the results are terrible. I'm far from a traditionalist, but that imbalanced clusterfluff doesn't in anyway resemble a hockey jersey to me. It looks like the result if an old Charlotte Checkers jersey took a dump on a naked picture of Rosanne and set it on fire.

You're just bitter because I'm not a hot woman.

No, it's because you're not a robot.....

I saw, I came, I left.


hey i just was on another site and a guy was talking about the color of the new bird's beak being the new color added into the color scheme now that sounds real louisville cardinals to me

You're just bitter because I'm not a hot woman.

I'm bitter that you're more talented than me. :P

And I'm bitter that Atlanta's third jerseys have seen the light of day... Hideous!


hey i now talk of this has cooled and we have a while to go before we they come out but does anybody think the uni's will be leaked like the logo was. i sure hope so because i don't know if i can wait until spring . this is probably the most anticipated uniform change since the bucs swithched over.

It looks like the result if an old Charlotte Checkers jersey took a dump on a naked picture of Rosanne and set it on fire.

thats gotta be the quote of the year so far. ^_^


pantone i saw your post over on the cards messageboard what's up you holding out on us? what was the color scheme red, black and yellow? so yellow is the new color introduced. is that right? pantone help man i gots to know!


well ya see, the cards have had yellow for a while. see the birds beak for example. since the 1960s, its been yellow. i would actually like to see more of it.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]


pantone is suggesting that it mat be yellow over on the cards board. and i was saying that would be cool if it was used in the same manner the seahawks use that bright green color which is one part of their uni i happen to like. i don't like the hawks all blue look and i don't like the cards all red look either. all white is cool as hell. white jerseys with dark pants is the best look. of course the dark top with white pants is alright and an alternate black top white bottoms would be the bomb for late season games but no all red . down with monochromes. i don't even mind what the eagles do with the black top and green bottoms or jax does with the blue tops and black bottoms or like tampa has the red top and pewter bottoms but the all one solid color sucks...seahawks bills jets and cards all black sucks ravens jags falcons and bengals.

that would be cool if it was used in the same manner the seahawks use that bright green color

that was exactly my thought.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]


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