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Football>hockey crossover concepts


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While I never caught on to the Sabres, Mighty Ducks or Bobcats concept bandwagons, I thought I might try my hand at some football>hockey crossovers. I admit, there's nothing great here, but I am tackling (hah!) some different teams. Additionally, I'm approaching this like SHB did with his MLB>hockey concepts, adopting the same city jersey where applicable.

World Football League

Charlotte Hornets - home/white

Philadelphia Bell - home/white

Southern California Sun - home/white

United States Football League

Chicago Blitz - home/white

Oakland Invaders - home/white

Washington Federals - home/white

Will I do any other teams? Probably. Will I complete each league? No. To be honest with you, I think I could get very tired with this project. I'm just kind of doing this to keep my concept skillset going. :)

Comments, questions, complaints, etc. are always welcomed.

As always, template and resources are courtesy Roger Clemente, logos courtesy TheSLE.com (welcome back!) and Logo Server (wherever they got them from) and modified colors are courtesy SSUR.org.


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Nice jerseys! :)

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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9er likes! I'm a huge USFL/WFL/any other defunct league fan. I actually thought about doing this with the USFL at one time but scrapped the idea. If you continue with the WFL, there's a certain team called the Charlotte Hornets I'd love to see done..

Shh...don't look now, but the top of the back 4 on your Sun jersey is a wee bit messed up. :P

Great stuff!


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Aw, thanks guys!  I appreciate all of the feedback!

SyPhi -- I agree about the logos looking dated.  The So. Cal Sun logo just screams out 1970s, doesn't it?  The Bell logo certainly still has legs, after all these years.  BTW, I'm just starting to catch on to the stuff @ HomeStarRunner.com.  Particularly the Teen Girl Squad...

leafs4ever -- Oh, wow!  Well, thank you very much for the praise!  I am truly humbled!  IMO, there are so many great logo and jersey concept designers on this board, just being mentioned in the same breath as them is an honour.

9erfan -- I'll certainly attempt to do a Hornets crossover, provided I can find a good quality logo.  And if I can't find one of good quality, I'll still give it a try.  In fact, I know which NHL jersey I'll use for the concept.  It shouldn't be that hard to figure out!

And thank you for the heads-up on the Sun jersey!  I don't know when I'll get a chance to upload the corrected file, but I'll go get it changed on my computer ASAP.

Thanks again to everyone for the feedback!  It's much appreciated!


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Added a few more today...

First of all, I fixed the So Cal Sun jersey. All better now! :)

The three jerseys I added are the Charlotte Hornets (as per 9erfan's request), Oakland Invaders and Washington Federals.

Now, I know the Feds jersey doesn't have any silver in the logo, although I have seen a variation with it, but it just didn't work on this jersey. So, while the inconsistency with the sleeves and logo may be obvious, I didn't think it was too bad. As for the Invaders, I had to tweak the logo from TheSLE with the colors from Pantone's pdf file. Additionally, I made the bolt yellow, as it didn't stand out from the hand. I couldn't find any logos with the bolt already colored in (maybe I didn't look hard enough) but I could've sworn I've seen it that way somewhere.  And yes, I know I forgot to add the captain's C to the Invaders jersey.  I'll try to fix that later. :cool:



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I think the Hornets jersey is a little busy, but that's just because of the template. I think I'd eliminate one of the stripes at the bottom of the jersey.

Federals and Invaders look great! Cool stuff!


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I think the Hornets jersey is a little busy, but that's just because of the template. I think I'd eliminate one of the stripes at the bottom of the jersey.

Federals and Invaders look great! Cool stuff!

You're right, the jersey is busy and it is because of the template.  I was kind of uncertain about how to approach the waist stripes, as they didn't match up with the sleeve stripes.  But the Hurricanes jerseys are like that anyway! corkysm74.gif

Personally, I'd probably eliminate the top yellow stripe.  Either that or replace it with a black stripe.  Nah...  I think I'll just remove it.  IMO, I think the Hornets concept would work better with a third color, but hey, hornets are only black and yellow.  Can't change that! biggerGrin.gif

Thanks for the kind words re: the Feds and Ins!


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