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The NFL and College Football

Big Africa

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IIRC the college ball is also slightly larger...or is it slightly smaller? anyways, there's a slight size difference.


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IIRC the college ball is also slightly larger...or is it slightly smaller? anyways, there's a slight size difference.

College ball is slightly larger.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Actually there are several different footballs and brands of footballs used by the various NCAA-NIAA teams.

Many teams who get their uniforms from Nike also use a Nike fottball.

In the NFL there is one and only one football used and that is the official NFL football, which is made by Wilson.

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The Wilson 1001 ball you have pictured is the identical size and pattern of an NFL ball. It was created a few years ago when the NCAA outlawed having professional league logos on footballs. When I was going to college, the game ball was a Wilson NFL with the half-stripes painted on. Wilson also has a ball - the 1005 - that is approved for NCAA play. It has a smaller girth than the 1001 (and the NFL ball). Wilson also has the "GST" balls that are NCAA legal. They come in two girths - same as 1001 and same as 1005, and are notable for a more orange-brown color and black laces.

Nike schools tend to use the Nike 3005 ball. It appears to be the same size and shape as the NFL ball although I think it may also be available with a smaller girth.

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Thanks for the explaination guys. Do you know what the white stripes are for?

They originally started doing that for TV visability, no? At least that's what I've always heard.

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the stripes' purpose is indeed visibility, specifically for night games. the NFL used to use striped balls for night games, and during the 40s and early 50s they used white balls with brown stripes for the same purpose. In the end, the NFL dumped the striped balls while NCAA kept em.


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