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Painful ends...


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Here's a painful end. Steve Carlton. Five teams in his last two full seasons (Phil., Giants, White Sox, Indians & Twins). His last season was with the Twins, 4 games, 9 2/3 innings, 20 hits, 18 earned runs, 5 homers allowed and an ERA of 16.76.

Even the look on his face on this cards says "Get me out of here already."

A rather sad end for someone with 4136 life time K's.




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Here's a painful end. Steve Carlton. Five teams in his last two full seasons (Phil., Giants, White Sox, Indians & Twins). His last season was with the Twins, 4 games, 9 2/3 innings, 20 hits, 18 earned runs, 5 homers allowed and an ERA of 16.76.

Even the look on his face on this cards says "Get me out of here already."

A rather sad end for someone with 4136 life time K's.



Yeah, but he got a World Series ring while he was with the Twins.

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I thought this was about Hemmoroids and bleeding rectums

only if the thread was started by WIB

that Bar-B-Coon has some rather uncomfortable post-consumption side effects

thanks for warning me. I was wondering what to get when I visit your fine establishment later this year.

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