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Need assistance with color choice


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I created this logo for a friend, but he and his buddies are unable to decide on a color. I am biased towards one, but I thought I would ask around to see what others thought. Thank you.


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WOW That's tough. Perhaps you can tell us what this logo is for? Is it for a company, team.

Just from looking at them, I would take #1 because the bear stands out more and the shade of green fits the forest theme better than the rest.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Here is what I am thinking........

That is a solid logo, but that GREY is making it difficult to really blend with any of the colors........

I would say make a combination of 3 & 4, make the grey in the bear the RED with the Beige background, and then FLIP it, and see how that works....

But the more I look at it, the grey is very dull.

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I would agree with NY Seahawk that the grey bear doesnt quite work?? Maybe you could change it too a more complimentary color later on??

Anyway my feeling was an outdoorsy sort of color would go with the bear idea best, so I narrowed it down to the green and teal, and the teal just seemed a bit more original, and so got my vote!


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Thanks for the replys... I see what you mean by the gray, and I have taken it out. I started making the color adjustments with the Khaki and Maroon, but then it got out of hand, and it blew up into the mess below. I wanted to keep the bear a somewhat natural color (I know light orange is not a natural color for the bear, but it is better than green or blue). I added the white bear becasue I thought it stood out well against the backgrounds, but I'm not sure if it stands out too much. I appreciate your input on this. Thanks.

One more question - does it look like the bear is asleep? I don't want it to, but staring at it all day has made me believe that he is.


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I still like this color combination the best.....


I would stay away from the Orange as well....

I would say the 4 in the top row are the most solid.

WHITE? YEah definitely stay away from that, it looks like a coloring book that you havent finished coloring yet.

As far as the bear being asleep, that didnt jump out at me when I looked at it. Everything that you spend alot of time working on eventually starts to look a little weird or off, and you start to find things wrong with it....

It looks good to me, but if you want mess around with an eye or something to see.

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Again, thank you all for the help. I think I have to agree with most of you that NewYawkSeahawk picked the best one. However, I also liked the red bear on the blue. But I don't have to show the logo until early next week, so if anyone else has any ideas, please let me know.

This poll did me no good after I changed everything, so I guess next time I'll just avoid it.  Seems to be a sensitive topic around here lately anyway.

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