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Yeah, that would have required a sweep, and sweeps are hard to come by even against a struggling team. One game at a time.


New York Jets |3-3| First, AFC East

New York Mets |74-88| Fourth, NL East

New York Islanders|34-37-11| Fifth, Atlantic Division

New Orleans Hornets |21-45| Third, Southwest Division

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It looks like the Blue Jays may have a chance to flip flop into 2nd place in this weekend series vs the yankees the way things are going for the Bronx Juicers, I mean Bombers lately. :D:flagcanada:

Thanks for jinxing us now we aren't gonna win a world series for 80 years :cursing:

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It was frustrating after we win 2/3 from the best team in the majors AND drop a game in the division and wild card races.

But I think 2/3 from the ChiSox, 2/3 from the Yanks, and 3/4 from Detroit would put us in a great position. The A's will soon overtake the Angels, and I dont think its realistic to cathc Boston, but LA is.

Its a long shot but they can do it.

Proud owner of the Utah Pioneers of the Continnental Baseball League.



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If the Jays can just play consistantly and win their games, and hope for some luck with losses by other teams, we have a chance. It's gonna be exciting to acctually be in a chase when it comes to september, as long as we can keep pace.

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