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International concept challenge


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The board doesn't seemed to be cluttered with polls and other contest right now, so I figured it is a good time to introduce my Challenge. This works like Iron cross-over except it's concepts for countries. I will draw a country and a sport and you do a concept. So here are the rules,

1. 2 jersey minimum, 3 at the most. 1 home, 1 road and an optional 3rd.

2. All words must be in english, unless I say so.

3. All you need to do are uniforms, logos are optional.

4. Must use the countries colors. (the colors in the flag).

5. Voting will use the MVP style. In a seperate thread list your top 3 in order from best to 3rd best. All number 1 votes are worth 3 points, 2's worth 2, and 3's worth 1. The concept with the most votes wins the gold medal, second most: silver, and 3rd most: Bronze

Each contest will last aout a week and a half, 1 week to design, and 3 days for voting. I will try to keep this bi-weekly but it won't be on a regular schedule. Also, about every 5 contest i'll put all the winners in a poll for a World Championship (if it last that long.)

Finally this week challenge......


Concepts are due by 8/23/03 at 8 pm EDT

Edit: Post concepts here

Also, Tuvalu is a island nation in the pacific

Good Luck

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I must respectfully disagree with some of the rules.

1) The country's national flag is not always the country's traditional sports uniform colours. To wit:

a) Italy. The flag: green-white-red. The uniform colour: blue.

B) Netherlands. The flag: red-white-blue. The colour: orange.

c) Australia. The flag: blue-white-red. The colours: yellow, green, black.

d) New Zealand. The flag: sky blue-red-white-blue. The colours: black and white.

Also, Czech Republic and Slovakia have similar flag patterns (white-blue-red), but the Czechs traditionally prefer red and the Slovaks - blue. The same is true of Croats and Serbs, respectively.

The Germans almost always wear white and black with black-red-yellow trim in respect of their flag.

Canadian hockey and soccer teams add black to red and white flag colours.

Latvian hockey team adds black to marron and white of the flag.

Lithuania only uses yellow and green from their flag, generally leaving red out of their soccer and basketball uniforms.

I think that you must research traditional colour usage before giving each assignment. I can help.

As far as I know, Tuvalu has not traditional hockey colours, so this challenge is fine :)

2) The letters shouldn't be restricted to English only.

If someone out there can do the design with native language, more power to them!

Russia ("Rossija"), Finalnd ("Suomi") and China, to name a few, usually prefer to put native wording on their team unis.

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Half way through the competition and the race is close. 4 solid designs have been entered. Shark and Ninerfan have gone chosen to go with the diagonal lettering. Break-Wood put part of the flag as his crest, and Jkrdevil has used a simple T with stars around it. In fact stars are apart of everyone's concept, but that should be no surprise, since it's a major part of the Tuvalu flag.

Will one of these 4 take home the gold, or will someone else step up and win it. There is still a little over 3 days to submit your entry, so come on and go for gold.

Remember concepts are due by 8 pm edt, on Saturday August 23, 2003. Good luck to all

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Special kudos to Break-Wood and 49erfan for not falling into the trap of using red, which is not a Tuvaluan colour but a part of the Union Jack, which is included into the flags of all ex-British colonies.

Tuvaluan colours are sky blue and yellow.

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Special kudos to Break-Wood and 49erfan for not falling into the trap of using red, which is not a Tuvaluan colour but a part of the Union Jack, which is included into the flags of all ex-British colonies.

Tuvaluan colours are sky blue and yellow.

The US is a former British colony, I don't see the Union Jack in the US flag. So, it's not all ormer colonies.

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Allright, let's make it "recent British colonies".

I am surprised there are so few responses. I think this is a wonderful idea and, if I were any good at all at designing, I would jump all over it!

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Special kudos to Break-Wood and 49erfan for not falling into the trap of using red, which is not a Tuvaluan colour but a part of the Union Jack, which is included into the flags of all ex-British colonies.

Tuvaluan colours are sky blue and yellow.

Neither do you find the Union Flag (The British flag) on the flags of India, Pakistan, Canada, any carribean country, South Africa (have I made my point yet?)

*EDIT* In fact most former British colonies rushed to take the Union Flag of its flag!! (If it was ever on there) as a sign of there independence. However it is true that the exception to this is in Australasia and the Pacific, (Hence the Union flag on the state flag of Hawaii).


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I'll try to squeeze mine in under the wire.

Hey, Shark.  I know you have a Burkina Faso jersey.  I asked you to do it in July 2002.  It was cool.  I did one put it wasn't as good.  It was the second jersey set I ever made, I think.  Burkina Faso is my dad's favorite country because it's capital is Ouagadougou.

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